Thursday, November 14, 2013

Anatomy of a Betrayal

Once again the president has shown that he doesn't understand the limitations of his powers. He took to the podium and declared that private insurance companies would have to offer insurance plans that were in effect canceled 3 years ago. He has become so accustom to getting everything that he desires from Congress, the Left Stream Media, or through Executive Orders that he doesn't believe there are any limits on his power. But with the collapse of his approval ratings he is finding out that more members of Congress are getting a backbone and standing up to him. Many of his opponents now smell blood in the water and are attempting and take advantage of the situation.

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One of the problems with those who are now coming forward and attacking, is that they don’t realize that much of that blood is their own. Sen. McCain is now calling for Obamacare to be repealed. This from the man who nearly broke his neck in a rush to the Senate floor to do Harry Reid’s bidding and denounced Sen. Cruz for simply asking to defund or delay the ACA. McCain, McConnell and the rest of the GOP Progressive wing were quite happy to see Americans suffer under the individual mandate and the projected failure of this monstrosities train wreck of a law. Of course these members of the GOP how had no problem lying to their constituencies and betraying promises they made, to get themselves reelected, suddenly found that their hypocrisy had been exposed. Now they want to claim that they were all along for repealing the law while not just a month ago they were supporting it. The establishment betrayal of the Tea Party and their promises are no less than that of the Democrats in Congress and the President. I say a pox on both houses. The Progressives of both parties only wish to maintain power and control. They are not interested in what is best for the people or the nation.

Many Red State Democrat Senators are in a panic for a very good reason. They are looking for ways to salvage what remains of their political careers. Senators Landau and Hagan were totally on board with the, if there was ever one this is it, Oxymoron law known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind, that looks at what has been presented, that this law doesn't protect anyone and is not affordable by any measure. The dangers of Identity Theft are so great that anyone who signs up under the law should lay awake at night wondering when they will be cleaned out by some crooked Obamacare Navigator. With the now shrinking insurance pool the idea that anyone’s premiums are going down is a pipe dream. These Senators now want to deny that, not only did they vote for the ACA, but also voted against the bill that would have protected people’s current health insurance in 2010. They knew at that time that Obamacare is dependent upon moving everyone into the exchanges. Anything else will cause it to collapse due to an imbalance in the insurance pool.

The root of the problems lies in the Progressive assumption that bigger is better and that Technocrats can run something better than an industry with centuries of experience. They looked at numbers and thought that they were the smartest people in the world and could do better. It’s not the first time that this has happened but this is the largest failure of its type. Arrogance and stupidity are a very dangerous mixture. The whole idea seems plausible as long as you don’t get too deep into the details. I honestly believe that the technocrats in Washington really believed that they could take over the healthcare system and make it better for everyone. They should have realized from the beginning that it would fail when so many exemptions were required to get it passed. But they were so determined to succeed in a goal that had alluded Progressives for over 100 years, they were not going to accept defeat until they experimented on the entire country at once.

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The grand lie that is causing so much trouble, and it is a lie, was the ("If you like your plan/doctor, you can keep your plan/doctor. Period") lie. The America people, in general disagreement with what most Progressives say, are generous and forgiving people. We pull for the underdog. We want to help those who need help. The part they really underestimated was the part about self-preservation. They really believed that they could tell us that we could keep out plans/doctors and that we would overlook the lie once they delivered cheaper, better plans through the exchanges. But this is where the wheels came off. They really thought that the cult of personality and the "likeability" of President Obama could transfer to Obamacare and the majority would continue to support it until any small bugs were worked out. They were expecting the technology to work. They thought that the prices would not cause sticker shock. They expected the major parts of the plan to go without any problems.

When they had to start hiding the true prices at the eleventh hour it caused major technical problems for those building They also put their faith into crony capitalism to select the company to build their web portal. This provided the first signs of what problems were to come. Then when the expected cancelation notices started hitting people’s mailboxes and there were not any cheaper alternatives. (The rules set forth for the policies are so broad that it is impossible to guarantee cheaper rates plus the promised web site is broken.) This has caused enough doubt that it has taken away the goodwill that many would have given the president. Even with his obvious lies. Their plan required everything to work out as planned, but never had any hope of working. The perfection that the Progressives seek does not allow for the human factor. The desire and overriding expectations of perfection of the architects all but guaranteed failure for the whole enterprise from its inception. Everything had to work on time without failure to keep the illusion alive in the eyes of the American people and to hide the underlying betrayal of trust that the system was built upon.

But after the great Obama lie, which caused most Americans to not question the law, the implementation didn't go as planned. The Obamacare's handlers were presented some cold hard facts. Many of their assumptions were proven wrong. Instead of listening to any criticism, they decided that they had all the answers. Now looking back, most of the predictions by the critics from 3 to 5 years ago have become facts. So this totally partisan law, being implemented in a totally partisan manner is taking a heavy toll on the partisans who passed it. It is also showing many Americans how corrupt both parties have become, by shining a lot of sun light on Washington politics.

Their assumption was that they could actually grow the failed and bloated single payer system (Medicare and Medicaid) to replace the current system by creating a controlled crash. They wanted this plan to fail, but they wanted the blame to go toward the industry, not the government. The overriding thought seemed to be that through force of will, people would overlook the flawed new system mainly because of their love for the president. That seems to be the turning point in this whole tragedy. The president told his lies. People believed him and went back to their daily lives of trying to survive. The law was pushed through with many of his true supporters not even knowing what it meant to them. Now suddenly they find that the promise was a lie. Too many have started to look at all the other things that have happened and were overlooked. They have to be wondering about other promises.

The president’s cornerstone accomplishment was sold with lies and deception. This laser like focus on Obamacare could be the death nail for his presidency. Already Congressmen are now looking at moving forward with impeachment of Eric Holder. Could they next be looking at overturning his executive orders? For a president who once seemed to have no boundaries or limits on the amount of power he could grab, things have changed quickly. His seemingly iron grip on power doesn't seem so secure. His rush to transform the nation may have caused him to overplay his hand. Likeability and charm only go so far. His constant campaigning may have kept his face in the minds of his truly loyal believers. His leadership skills have never been as good as his ability to transfix crowds at campaign rallies. Sooner or later he had to show something for all the promises. What he showed was that he was no different than any other politician. But he was much better when it came to telling lies to those who trusted him the most to protect them.

This is becoming a crisis of confidence in Mr. Obama. He has gone to the well too many times. It is one thing to promise something that is impossible, when most people realize it and give you credit for trying, it is another when your broken promise directly damages a large segment of the population. As I said before; we are a generous people and we want to help those who cannot help themselves, but most Americans are going only so far down that road. When government policies start to affect our mortality and long term health we awaken. One of the major goals of the Tea Party was to oppose the government takeover of our healthcare system. Many Americans didn't want Obamacare to fail; they knew that it would fail. The math and reality don’t match up. They chose to not just ignore, but attack and attempt to discredit anyone who disagreed with their plan. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. In this case we see that the ends are not matching up to what was promised or expected.

The idea that millions of Americans could and will be hurt by this plan is not something that I desire. But there have been too many lies told about the goals of it to believe anything good would ever come from its implementation. The denial of “Death Panel” that now is commonly known to exist under this law, which will select what treatments will be allowed and will all but condemning people to death through neglect, calls into question the true goals of anyone involve. It is time for a public apology to Sarah Palin for all the lies told about her as she pointed out the flaws is long overdue.

We find ourselves betrayed by too many people in our government. This was a total betrayal that cannot be easily forgiven. They put policy goals and politics ahead of caring for those they serve. Their goals took away one of the basic freedoms that most people see as sacred. They took away people’s right to decide their own fate. A free person has the right to decide how we live, what chances we take, and who decides our basic life and death decisions. Life is dangerous. We make life altering choices every day. I don’t think a cold and uncaring government, who will tell me any lie to get its way, is going to make the right choices for me. It is my life and there are too many things I can’t control, but I want to have some say in the decisions of how I spend my money and what chances I’m willing to take. It is not the job of Obama or the Progressives in Congress to decide for me.

They have overstepped their authority and endangered people’s lives to implement a half-baked plan created by amateurs who thought they could take a complex system and improve it by making it more complex and designed by people who didn't understand how the system worked before they tore it down. They thought they could save a system from going bankrupt by bankrupting the entire healthcare system. They underestimate the American people and how we would react to a betrayal that goes to the heart of what it means to be alive. This betrayal is one that I hope will at last wake up enough Americans to what we have lost and who is stealing it from us. The ultimate betrayal is that those who are sent to serve us in Washington have taken it upon themselves to decide that they can run our lives by lying to us.

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Anatomy of a Betrayal by Pedro Sykes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

If You Like Your Nation…

Well we are now into 5 years of the fundamental transformation promised to you by President Obama. One of the first promises of the newly elected president was his promise to fundamentally transform the nation. This is unlike his other promises to the public don’t seem to be as much a priority in his mind. My overriding question at the moment would be: How’s that transformation going for you? As more and more Americans lose their preferred healthcare insurance and/or their doctors we’re seeing what that transformation will lead to in the future. The elites in Washington and the Progressive planners have shown that their vision of a country run for the elites and their cronies may not be the vision of many Americans. It is not what I was to believe was the American Dream. It is more of a nightmare than a dream.

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For years the Federal Government has meddled in the healthcare systems of the states. It started with the imposition of Medicare and then Medicaid payments based upon government formulas, not the reality of delivering necessary lifesaving medical procedures. Through the growth of medical knowledge things that only a few years ago that were thought to be impossible are now relatively common. The idea that just because something can be done makes it something that the masses of people need forgets a major factor. Although medical procedures are possible, it requires highly talented and knowledgeable PEOPLE to do these things. If there is a shortage of these types of people you can not just go out and create them out of whole cloth. It requires more that training, it requires a high intelligence and skills not possessed by everyone.

But the government thinks that they can go into the market place and require certain things and that by fiat their orders will be carried out. It is easy when you are detached from reality to think that laws that are passed with little or no debate will actually change human behavior. It is easy to mandate change, but much harder to actually have mandates that are impractical or impossible to be implemented. It is easy to spend other people’s money or to tell other people how to live if you are not under the same constraints. Why else would Congress exempt themselves and their staff from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare? They are within the top wage earners in the nation, but they decided that they could not afford it. Sure they say that the poorest among us will get subsidies or will be put on Medicaid. The only problem with that plan is that they are still spending other people’s money with no thought as to how it will be paid for in the end.

It is very easy for a millionaire to sit in Washington and decide what you must, not can, afford for your healthcare premium. They have taken it upon themselves to determine you budget. They’ve decided what type of care or lack of care you deserve. They’ve ignored warnings about doctor shortages. They are willing to endanger the safety and wellbeing of the nation as a whole to push a 100 year old Progressive agenda. They have an agenda that says that they can build a perfect world by enslaving everyone to their demented ideas. They believe that although it may take time, that they can force everyone to comply and fall into step behind them and march into a bright future. This would be a grand idea to make a better world but in the past it has always ended it tragedy.

The forced sterilizations of the first half of the 20th century are now looked upon as a mistake, but have been replaced by other eugenic programs with similar goals. The mass abortion push that has occurred since the Roe v. Wade decision of the US Supreme Court has been sold throughout the nation as a woman’s right to choose. But it is still eugenics pushed by an organization known as Planned Parenthood and is a still, no matter how much it is denied, a major component of the misnamed Obamacare. The Progressives idea of building a perfect society can only be obtained through population control and genetics.

The so-called “war on women” used by the Democrats in 2012 was a war on our children. They have played upon the greed and envy of many Americans. Their overspending to buy votes through government programs and welfare are master strokes that play upon the selfishness of the average Democrat voter. They are spending the future of our children and condemning them to a life of debt to pay for our generation desire to live above our means. While the politicians make their political supporters rich.

They know that they can play upon the emotions of their base to tell them what they want to hear and give them whatever they want to get them to blindly follow. Their belief that the ends justify the means allows for corruption beyond anything seen before on a national level. This has not only changed the nature of the nation, it has redefined civility. Now a civil tone is when you are either lying about your opponent or making threats and attempting to intimidate anyone opposed to looting the treasury.

It is amazing how one party has embraced voter fraud to such an extent that they no longer fear not only being caught, but that there will ever be any backlash. As long as the corruption is so deep within a political party the dangers of uncontrolled corruption may have already grown too far to be turned back. With the wiling compliance of the media the possibility of true reform becomes remote. There are attempts to reinstate voter IDs in many states, even though the corruption is well within the Department of Justice and courts to the point that these actions may be declared illegal. If voter ID laws are overturned by the Democrat operatives within the government then there is no hope for the United States. Our republic dies once there is no longer even the resemblance of an opposition party. Don’t get me wrong, in many ways there is no longer an opposition party. The Republican leadership by far is more concerned with befriending and compromising with the Democrats, including supporting every Progressive policy put forth, than acting in opposition to this corruption of the system.

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I hope that all is not lost. The American people have begun to awaken to the threat from Washington. But I fear it maybe too little too late. There are so many who look to the government for too much. Too many have sold their souls to servitude to the state. It is hard to convince people that they should turn down “free” stuff when they no longer have the desire to make a change. The Progressives have had such a large head start and are so entrenched in the government that it is a huge task to dislodge them and shutdown so many leaches on our society. Too many people now believe that only the government can provide the solutions to our problems. That is where the rollout of the ACA could be a stepping stone to a real solution.

The failure of is a golden opportunity to point out the glaring incompetence of the Progressive system. With the overreach of the Democrats to try and take on such a massive task as the takeover of the healthcare system there is an opportunity to beat them at their own game. It is important that people understand that the root of the cause of the problem is the government. They are the ones who attack the free market to begin with and did not allow the normal ebb and flow of the market to correct and adjust. The government’s court system, the bar system, and lawyers allowed and sometimes encouraged lawsuits that crippled and corrupted the medical system. There has been for a long time too much interference in the practice of medicine where it should have not been. On the other side there has been little or no government oversight of the abortion industry which has been supported by the Progressives as if it had nothing to do with the practice of the medical arts. The change will have to come from within and without the government. It may not be too late, but time is running out at a fast pace.

So no Mr. Obama did say: If you like your nation, you can keep your nation. For that would have been as a big a lie as the one about keeping your current doctor and healthcare. He most definitely has no plans to allow you to keep your doctor, healthcare, or your nation. When he said that he was going to fundamentally transform the nation, he meant it. Healthcare was just the beginning. If he is allowed a third term or Hillary Clinton is elected in 2016 then by 2020 there will be no United States of America as we know it. There will be a one party dictatorship run by crony billionaires who will be so far above the law that the rest of us will no longer matter. Even if Obama or Clinton loses and a Progressive Republican is elected the process will only slow slightly. By 2020 or 2024 the ending will still be the same. But by 2016 we may already be too far gone to pull back any of the damage done by this current regime on both sides of the aisle.

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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Watching Train Wrecks

The phrase you should never forget in politics is: Always watch the other hand. Yes while everyone is occupied with all the problems with too many are not looking at what else is happening in DC. It is true that the so-called disaster of the web site looks bad; it appears that this is nothing but a smokescreen to cover their next major intuitive that #POTUS announce. His next push was for immigration reform with amnesty. Yes. He and his willing allies in both parties are getting ready to push through another surprise bill in the dead of the night to fulfill his promise. With Obamacare holding everyone’s attention it should be easy to sail it through the House with not much more than a whimper.

Sure the traitor Marco Rubio has come out and condemned his own bill, but he is only trying to regain his support in the Tea Party. It doesn’t matter what he says, the bill has been passed by the Senate. It only takes a few procedural maneuvers by supporters in the House and suddenly the Democrats will have millions of new voters. If they can buy the votes of all those new citizens, it doesn’t matter about Obamacare failures or the so-called plan by the establishment GOP, there will be no repeal or for that matter no Obamacare. We will all be transitioned to Medicare or Medicaid. Of course the elites in Congress and their rich supporters will still have their private healthcare plans, but the rest of us will be stuck with doctor shortages, cut rate care, and death panels.

So when you’re wondering about how such a disastrous web site could ever be launched that has attracted so much negative publicity and the administration really doesn’t seem that upset about it. Just remember that it doesn’t matter. It is all part of the plan to obtain yet another victory for the president and the Democrats. They are playing for keeps. They see a path to single party rule and they are doing everything that they can do to turn our nation into a Progressive Dictatorship. With the collaboration of the Progressive Republicans they are ready to take total control in very short order.

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Can we stop them? That is hard to say. The establishment leadership of the GOP is in bed with the Democrats. They no longer represent the country. They represent the wishes of the power brokers in Washington DC. We stand at the edge of the cliff. We as loyal Americans may have ignored the actions of our elected representatives for so long and not kept our eyes on their actions that we will lose our republic and the last of our freedoms within the year. Too many have called out the warnings for too many years and we’ve either laughed at or ignored them. The time to ignore passed a long time ago. But the rise of the Tea Party may have come too late. The traitors and collaborators were already in place, just waiting for the right moment to come.

If there is an immigration bill passed in the same manner as Obamacare, with no debate that includes blanket amnesty, then the nation will have received a fatal blow that will require radical surgery to repair, but there is no way of knowing if even that will save the nation. Time is running out fast. Those who we thought would protect us and the Constitution are ready to betray us. We must act now to try and head off this new train wreck before it is too late.

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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Chess, Checkers, or Poker

For many of the people in politics they spend their lives playing games. They’re constantly jockeying for positions and positioning themselves for power. The games they play can and do have different degrees of effect on the population as a whole. Some good and some bad, but sometimes the most benign policies can have the most devastating effects. These plays for power can be even more dangerous when the goals of those playing the game are hidden or obscured by lies and political trickery. It is not surprising to me that during the height of the so called government shutdown the Congress declared that week National Chess Week. Most people did not understand the message that they were sending. They were telling the political class that they were beginning to play a game with the nation.

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After the last election the Democrat party made no secret to the fact that their goal was to destroy the Republican Party. They seem to be doing a good job of it. This would create by default a single party system. There is another name for single party rule. It is called a DICTATORSHIP. One of the first acts of a dictatorship is to eliminate all opposition and outlaw other political parties. Dictators do not negotiate. Dictators do not compromise. Dictators rule through force of will, executive orders, and thug tactics. They suppress any opposition through any means available. They play both chess and poker by both planning their moves far in advance and then executing them or if that fails they bluff their opponent into caving.

The greatest danger of a person who is an egomaniac and has sociopathic tendencies is that you don’t know how far they will go to obtain their goal of total power. It is very possible that they will take a scorched Earth tactic that says: if I can’t have it, no one will. This was the danger warned about with the latest debt ceiling debate. There was a justifiable fear that Mr. Obama would violate the Fourth Amendment and refuse to meet the physical and financial obligations of the nation in order to through the world into chaos. Only an anarchist or dictator would be willing to punish those who he was elected and serve in such a manner.

But let’s also consider that the leadership of the Democrat Party is not as egotistical or sociopathic as it seems. True they had no problem shutting down the government and doing unnecessary things to elevate the pain of the American people. From closing the White House tours due to the Sequester to Barrycading national monuments to closing private businesses and evicting people from private homes due to the so-called government shutdown. They wasted a lot of money to punish people to place the blame on the Tea Party. The Democrat Party leadership went as far as closing overlooks on state highways just to inconvenience vacationers and the random traveler. It was enough to convince a lot of people that with the threats of default being used by not only the president but by the leaders in both parties it could have happened. Yes there were Republicans repeating the threat and not pointing out that it would be a violation of the Constitution for the government to not pay its obligations or that Social Security is self-funded from the SSI trust fund and by law, payments must be made. But that didn’t stop the threats or the fear that this government would ignore the law and The Constitution. It’s not like anyone in any of the leadership positions seem to show any concern for their oath of office.

It appears that the leadership of the Republican Party is happy to help the president and Democrats with that goal by destroying the support for the party among its base in the general population. Without popular support and a loyal party base there is no way they can win. The establishment GOP has not only abandoned their base. They have alienated some of their strongest supporters.

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The leadership of the GOP is either extremely stupid or they are in league with the Democrats. There is no doubt that the Republican Party has no love for the Tea Party. They see them as interlopers who are interfering with the finely tooled machinery of Washington. How many times have you heard John McCain or another leader within the GOP talk about how this is not the way we do things in Washington? Yes GOP attempted to take over one of the largest Tea Party support organization, Freedom Works. They’ve worked hard to discredit and discourage members of other organizations because they consider them a threat, not to the nation, but to the power structure of the GOP.

So it seems to some people that the Democrats are playing Chess while the GOP has been playing Checkers. Well I really don’t know if it is that simple. Yes the Democrats want to destroy the Republicans but that would be too dangerous for them until they can take complete control of the nation as a whole. As long as they need an antagonist they want to keep the GOP alive but very sickly. They need an adversary to blame all the bad things that occur. The Democrats still must worry about the state governments. Although they have a strangle hold on Washington, with a very accommodating opposition party, there are state governments that are not falling in line. For your average tyrannical government this is not a problem, but time may not be on their side as long as there is a strong grass roots effort opposing their goals.

It now seems that the kabuki theater in the District of Columbia over the budget battle and the debt ceiling has been won by the Democrats and a major lose for the Tea Party. It seems that way because the media and the political leaders of both parties are busy blaming them for all the trouble over the government budget issues. But is it possible that both parties have overplayed their hands? Could it be that they were only bluffing themselves? Could it be that too many of these so called leaders have spent too much time in government and lost touch with the populace? It is too early to tell, but the idea that we are still back in the 90s when the major networks had a total monopoly on the information given to the public is a bit naive. There are forces at work that make the political games very important to all Americans. Will the GOP and Democrats win their games? Well I don’t know, but it is not a game when you are talking about the lives of millions of people.

The ideas that made this nation the greatest in the world were freedom to succeed or fail by controlling our own destinies. There are people awake to the destruction of our way of life and they want it stopped. We are tired of the corruption in Washington. We want leaders who will protect our rights, not look for ways to circumvent them. We want respect for our views, not condescension from a self-appointed ruling class that uses their power and influence to become millionaires and then use it to solidify their power. We need to remove this every growing government that thinks they know how to run our lives while they run their own. It is time to stop playing games with the middle class, buying off the poor with empty promises that only keep them poor and enrich the rich.

No matter the game being played by the politicians in our capitals, they win and we lose. It is time for a change. We need to realize that the system is not a two party system. It is a one party system playing all of us for fools. It is time to put an end to their games. It is time to look for new leadership that will return us to the original intent of those who created this nation and made it great. It is time for free people to once again be free. It is time for We The People to end the games that are being played by the politicians, no matter if it's Chess, Checkers, of Poker.

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Monday, September 9, 2013

Stumbling Across the World Stage

So Mr. Obama has been "bailed out" by Russia? It seems to me that he still has a lot of egg on his face. He spent so much time keeping score on the golf course, he lost track of keeping score on the world stage. It would be nice to think that he learned a lesson. A good one would be: that it takes more than a good sounding speech to accomplish anything of meaning. He should also be able to understand that he is not always the smartest person in the room. It is fairly plain that this is a man who doesn't understand the job he holds.

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Now before I make the next statement I will say that I'm not now or have never been a birther. There is no doubt that Mr. Obama was born to an American citizen (his mother) no matter where she was located at the time of his birth. His father may or may not have been a citizen, but that really doesn't play into the argument. If one parent is a citizen and the other is not, then he may have dual citizenship and one of the is citizen of the United States. Anyone who subscribes to the birther theory is buying into the racist tactics of the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008.

Being a citizen alone is not enough to qualify anyone to be President of the United States. There is no doubt that he was, no matter where he was born, raised outside of the nation. He went to Muslim schools. His lessons were not on American History. He didn't play football or Pledge of Allegiance to the United States. In the famous picture of him on stage and not saluting the flag should come as a surprise to no one. He may have not known that that was the appropriate thing to do, but it didn't hurt him with his base, since they didn't see it for what it was and didn't understand its importance to the nation.

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So now our culturally ignorant president, raised in a foreign nation, being propped up by an sycophant and accomplice media and political party has failed a very important test on the world stage. He has shown not only a complete incompetency but his normal disengagement. But when you threaten acts of war it should never be taken lightly. An unfortunately the president has shown from the beginning an air of aloofness and arrogance that doesn't win friends or convince allies to support you.

So it appears that Mr. Obama will walk away with something he could declare as a victory, but it has sent a message to our allies and enemies. That message is of weakness and incompetency. Let's hope the next crisis comes after he leaves office and his replacement has better leadership skill. Or at least someone who understand more about the nation, its history, and the legacy left by those who laid down their lives to defend it.

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Saturday, July 20, 2013


If you’ve ever been, known someone, or lived with anyone in the military then you should have heard of RHIP or Rank Has Its Privileges. This comes some cold hard truths. The higher your rank the more important you are to the success of the whole. Officers can do things that enlisted personal cannot. At each level up the more privilege an officer will be able to access. This is also true in civil and political life.

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But with privilege comes another something else. RHIR or Rank Has Its Responsibilities. One of my favorite movie scenes is from Ben-Hur. It is were Judah Ben-Hur stands before Pontius Pilate and is meet at the bottom of the steps to his throne. He comes to him as a friend and warns him that if he will only go back to Rome he will not punish him. But once he climbs the steps, he is no longer his friend but the representative of the Roman Empire. We select people every 2, 4, or 6 years to represent not only us, but to protect the nation and the laws that guarantee the safety and security over the long term.

Our elected officials are just citizen servants charged with the assume responsibility. They should not only be looking at the needs of the present, but also considering the future. Today too many of the people serving in Washington seem to be looking more to the next election or next year then the ramification of their decisions made today. This short sightedness can lead to disaster. Not only their legislation but their words are very important.

The President holds a very special position in this nation. He helps to set the example for the nation and by his words alone can make dramatic changes to the culture. President Obama was elected as much of an unknown to many of those who voted for him. Mr. Obama like any president is responsible for holding the nation’s people together, to comfort them in times of trouble, and console them in times of need, hardship, or disaster. But he has failed at every attempt to do so.

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We are a nation of minorities but the president seems to favor one minority of all the others. At every opportunity that he has had to calm the nation he has instead seemed to gladly divide us. This is such an epic failure. But many of those he choices to pander to are more than willing to not only accept it, but seem to love the division created. Since his election he is quite willing to play down to the lowest common denominator in our society. It is easy to understand why those who are protesting the death of a person by looting and rioting are not interested in the law or equal justice. They only see an opportunity to commit crimes with the blessing of those in power.

Those whose jobs requires the protection of the innocent citizens must make sure that those willing to ignore the rules of a civil society are not encouraged by their actions. No matter if you agree with what you are doing or not the needs of the many do outweigh the wants of the few. The President has and continues to fail every time he makes inflammatory statements to incite violence.

We must find leaders who are willing to not only protect the nation from enemies from without but from within. When leaders no longer are willing to make the hard choice and serve only their narrow minded objectives, then we as a people will not be a nation for much longer. The violence in the streets being promoted and applauded by many who claim leadership roles are not what is best for our nation. Before this cold race war becomes a hot race war, those who are pushing it should really look at will could be gained and lost. It is not always the leaders of the revolution who wind up in power. Minority armies even with the support of the government may find that they are just pawns in a bigger game.

It is time for those in Washington and around the nation to step up, take responsibility, and do their jobs. Or we as a people must band together to restore law and order to our nation before it collapses under its own weight.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dear Senator Marco Rubio

I'm sorry Senator Rubio but I don't trust the people you have been keeping company with recently. Why should I believe that passing a new law is going to make a difference and fix our broken immigration system? The government has not been enforcing the current laws so I don't believe it when you or anyone else in the government says that "this new law" will fix the problem.

There have been too many lies for many Americans to trust that the perpetually reelected Senators McCain, Chuck Schumer, and the other members of the gang of eight are really interested in fixing the problem. Too many lies have poisoned the well. I understand why you want to fix the nation's immigration problem by working with other Senators, but many of the people who put you there don't want to see your reputation soiled by the people who have betrayed us for so long.

To enter into an honest negotiation you must be able to trust everyone on both sides of the table. Sir I believe you have fallen in with a pack of thieves, liars, and cutthroats. Please don't think that you can expect support from me or any other conservative by falling into a trap that will only weaken the nation. It does no good to say that a new law will close the border when the current law requires the same thing. There is no will on Capital Hill or at the White House to fix the problem. Selling out in hopes that somehow this time it will work is a pipe dream. We need honest brokers in government who will stand up for the law.

I feel that you have been used to so that your name will sway the vote, due to the support you received from the Tea Party. That support for you could disappear and the hopes of many patriotic American will be damaged.

Please sir don't betray our trust in you. Be an honest broker of our trust and don't allow your name to be used to support another bill that will give the government cover. We must control our borders and protect our nation, But until we are able to find more honorable people who will actually protect the nation this is an issue that will not be settled.

I know that you feel that you can make it where the law will be carried out as intended. But if history tells us anything, it tells us that those who enforce the law will only go as far I they are required. In the case to the current administration, I have no doubt that they will ignore in the same manner as the past administrations. Don't make a rookie mistake that will cost you and the nation more than we can afford. So sir please reconsider your support of the "immigration reform" legislation.

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Don’t be a victim of Sandy Hook

January 19, 2013 was Gun Appreciation Day. It was in response to the outcry from the Left Stream Media, Sen. Feinstein, Barack Obama, and the normal cast of gun grabbers. After the shootings at Sandy Hook the media has pushed and the government has worked to disarm the American people. Now I know that the overall answer to this is: “No one is talking about gun confiscation.” But that is a lie. There are way too many people in power who have talked about it. This is a standard Progressive dodge and lie. I’ve seen this type of thing happen over and over again. I’ve seen people talk about something, get called on it, and then deny that they were talking about what they just said. There are many tricks that these misguided and uninformed people use to push their agenda. But they are pushing very hard to obtain, what is without a doubt, a major infringement on the Constitution and the rights enshrined within.

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This is such a shameful example of overreach that it must not go unanswered. The direct attack on one of the oldest and largest civil rights organizations in the nation is slanderous and dangerous. The NRA has been maligned and misrepresented to the point that far too many people believe the lies over the truth. Too many people are unwilling to do their own research and choose to believe lies about an organization that promotes gun safety and education. But education is not something that the media and gun grabbers want. They prefer that the average citizen is ignorant. It is harder to manipulate and control people if they only listen to one source of information. They only believe lies and distrust who they are told to distrust. This puts not only our freedoms but our live in jeopardy as people turn their lives and safety to people only want to manipulate and control them.

It is plan that too many in the media and government are not only willing to bath in the blood of the innocent victims of Sandy Hook, but are willing to dance on their graves. They are willing to use the emotions of the moment to convince people to accept policies that have nothing to do with protecting children, but push their misguided agenda in the name of protection. But we must not let those failed policies and mistakes of the past to be repeated. We cannot allow them to “fix” problems that do not exist and ignore the rights of all Americans. We must not allow them to make us all victims of the madman who murder innocent people. For if we allow the gun grabbers repeat the mistakes made in Chicago, Detroit, and New York we will all become defenseless and victims of anyone wishing to harm our families. We cannot allow the elites who surround themselves with armed guards take away one of our basic freedoms. They are talking confiscation in places we are not hearing. They are putting policies in place that will make that easier. They are trying to convince a majority of American that if you respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment then there is something wrong with you.

Don’t let them laugh you into submission. Don’t turn your back on a fundamental right of We The People. Don’t become another victim of Sandy Hook.

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