Sunday, April 22, 2012

Bless the GSA

There are just times when you have to thank people for doing what comes naturally. It has become fashionable these days for people on in the Left Stream Media to praise and preach the value of government control. Washington constantly declares that bigger is better, of course that only counts when they are talking about government agencies and their big donors. This is true when talking about everything from healthcare to taxes as those in government believe that they can solve any problem with a huge program spending billions of dollars. The sad part is that many Americans seem to believe this illogical concept.

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No one seems to believe this more than the current spender-in-chief, Barack Hussein Obama. His only plan to get anything done is to spend more money. He, and his willing accomplices in Congress, has spent so much money that they have outpaced every President. The reckless pace at which the government has grown endangers the nation as a whole. Bureaucracies are self feeding mechanisms and the federal system has been made even worst by the phenomenon of baseline budgeting which provides ever growing amounts of dollars to them. Since real budget cuts never really occur, then the various agencies and administrative organizations must find ways to spend all of that money.

One of the ways that much of that money is spent is through “empire building” among midlevel managers. They find ways to justify additional projects or expenditures to increase their head count and budgets. I’ve seen this in large companies and government agencies. In many cases the only way that a manager can further their career is by growing their department or program. With baseline budgeting they are not only fighting for an ever growing pool of money but many are finding creative ways to attract and spend those funds. This is the reason that bloated businesses and governments fail in the long run.

Logic and economics—not Keynesian economics—would point to economic activity creates wealth. No matter what the Socialist today say; Free Market Economics created freedom, liberty, and prosperity. Big government programs only create temporary activities but create obligations that can overwhelm the private sector due to the inefficiencies. Because bigger is not better for everything. Bigger is just naturally inefficient and not cost effective.

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So with all of that said it is no wonder that the General Services Administration (GSA) would see no problem with extravagant outings at major resorts. The idea that somehow these public servants saw no reason to think that they were wasting tax payer money is not surprising when you consider the resent attitude shown by other government workers. It is true that only one district—has so far—been found to be abusing the trust of the American people.

I believe in The US Constitution and the rights that are enumerated in it. I believe that everyone who is a citizen is protected from governmental abuse and persecution. Even Mr. Jeffrey Neely’s invocation of his Fifth Amendment rights should not be misconstrued but could point to some deep concerns about the possibility that more abuses will come to light. The abuses that have been made public should be a warning to all Americans.

As we move forward in this election year I have to say that this whole episode is a blessing. I can only hope that more Americans take the correct lesson that big government does not work. The Democrats and Obama Administration thinks that the only answer to any problem is bigger government. Look at their track record so far. The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 is estimated to be valued at $831,000,000,000.00 which went to many failed projects and directed money to pet projects of the President. The President and his talking heads would want us to believe that without this massive spending the economy would be worst, but the full price of this mismanagement of funds is not full understood by most of us.

The nationalization of the health care system slowly moves forward and may be accelerated if the Supreme Court declares ObamaCare unconstitutional. The lies that told to get its passage was bad enough, but the biggest was the cost estimates that ignored reality. The Progressives believe that by creating a huge price controlling government entity will actually control the free market. So how they overlook the spending of over $1,000,000,000,000.00 to implement this grand scheme will save money. Joe Biden said at the beginning of the Barack Obama’s term that they could spend their way out of debt. This is not only verging on insanity, but shows a total disregard for reality and common sense.

As the government continues to nationalize more industries through regulations and other means there will be more and more wasting of taxpayer’s money. There must be a total rejection of this statist attitude and a return to our constitutional limited government. It is time to run the Socialist, Progressives, and Communist out of government. This will be a slow process which has started, but we can not lose sight of what we have lost. The abusive attitudes of those who have been charged with the duty of protecting our nation must not be forgotten. So I have to be thankful for our blessings and realize that one of the biggest is that those who do abuse the system are not immune to the scrutiny of the people. Now we must real in the abuses of the rest of this out of control government. So I bless the GSA for showing use the true nature of our government. I can not forgive them for their abuses, but I’m thankful that they were arrogant enough to believe that what they were above the law and would not be scrutinized.

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