Sunday, February 19, 2012

Thoughts from Thursday 2-16-2012

ObamaCare So Far:
The passage of ObamaCare and the way it as passed heralded a new age of government control of the American people. There were many, including myself, who warned that this process was the death of the republic and the beginning of tyranny. Over the last week many became aware of the newest regulations that attacked religious freedom in this nation.

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This latest attack on our liberty is the most visible, but much of ObamaCare law consisting of unwritten regulations. Since the bill was passed into law the DHHS has been busy implementing total control of our health care. Thousands of pages of regulations have and are being created to allow the government to implement a system that is designed from the beginning to intrude on every aspect of our lives. The Democrats were certain that they could create a system that gave so much to their base that we would surrender our lives to total government control. It is still possible, but this week’s events show that that prediction may not occur.

We’ve lost control of our lives at the most basic level. It was not enough that the government created millions of people who are dependent on government hand-outs, but they’ve now made each of us wards of that state. As the Department of Health and Human Services continues to regulate our lives we may soon find out that our options will become even more limited. With these new controls there will come exploding cost, fewer doctors, and an overall poorer America.

The principals that drive the Progressive movement are at odds with my view of life. When you look at the life of our president you must consider that he was not born in poverty. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He never has really known the life of the people he proposes to help. He and his progressive allies refuse to realize that the policies that have been enacted over the last century have and are destined to fail.

Bigger is better is not a winning strategy. Throughout history as power is centralized into fewer hands with fewer people making life and death decision, the less successful are a people. As the government confiscated the earnings from those who have created the wealth to give to those who only take will end in the destruction of all prosperity. This will only end in poverty for all. If no one is allowed to prosper than we are doomed as a people. The tyranny of ObamaCare and single payer healthcare will create tragedy and despair.

As those in the massive bureaucracy take more actions that redefine the way in which we care for ourselves and our families our choices are going to be limited to what someone in Washington considers prudent and affordable.

In 1620 the Mayflower Pilgrims landed in North America as they fled religious persecution. Over the years religious liberty and the freedom from persecution have been one of the foundations upon which our nation has thrived. Basic morality, self-reliance, hard work, and faith in something greater than us are the foundation of this nation's success. We’ve built communities that reflect our individual values. Many of these communities still have an independent spirit. But today we find our communities under attack.

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The basic ideas of religious freedom that guided this nation for over 200 years are under attack even more than ever. For the last few decades the ACLU (Atheist Civil Liberties Union) has push an agenda that is a clear violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution. By attacking all public demonstrations of religion they continue to propagate the idea that there can be no display Christian religious imagery on public property. They also continue to attack any public officials who dare to display Christian faith. There seems to be no objections at the ACLU to the promotion of Islam, but then again the target only seems to be Christianity.

There are many pages of redefinitions written about the First Amendment, so I think it is important to repeat the contents as many times as possible.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

The most important part of this entire sentence is the first five words: Congress shall make no law. But today the ACLU and the courts have redefined this to mean that any display is a violation of this very clear statement. The part that is always left out is the prohibition of the free exercise of religion. Several resent court decisions have only emboldened these attacks. This includes the attacks on the Church that has worked to silence the free speech of those who wish to promote and practice their faith and beliefs.

The attacks from the Atheists continue to push for a day when only their religion will be allowed in the public square. This is not what was meant by the founders. By the courts not only allowing but supporting this religious persecution the goals of those who came to this land to breathe the air of freedom will be forever gone. This removal of faith from our society will be the end of the land of the free. This promotion of the Atheist religion must be halted and our Constitutional rights must be restored.

©2012 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Changing the Subject

If you have nothing to good to say then change the subject. That seems to be the current strategy of the President and his willing allies in the Left Stream Media. It started several weeks ago with during the GOP presidential debate when a question that seem to come out of nowhere about birth control. This was just the first attempt to move so called women health issues to the front of the American psyche. It really seemed strange and did attract some attention when it occurred. But now that it is clear that the last thing that President Obama wants to do is to actually run on his record. The only thing to do is energize his ultra-left base.

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When the details of the attack on faith first became public I, like many, thought that this was just a blunder on the Administrations part. But with further consideration I began to wonder how a political machine that has been so affective in the past could make such a blunder. I finally wondered if it really had been such a blunder. Although the actions that were part of his “final” accommodation did make him look weak in my eyes, it also made him look strong in the eyes of his followers. He has been playing upon the sympathies of many of his loyal supporters who think that somehow the party that was in the minority for the first 2 years of his reign. During over half of his time in office he should have been able to pass anything that he wished. The truth he did do a lot of what he wanted. It was just that some of his plans where too radical for many in his own party.

With the published unemployment rate over 8.3%, the unofficial rate topping out at well over twelve percent and gas prices headed toward $5 a gallon the President is desperate to take your mind off the economy. It is amazing that the numbers seem to all be heading the President’s way. Of course with the government saying that there is no inflation how can you believe anything the government says? The truth seems to matter little to many people. As long as they are being told what they want to hear, they will believe anything. This is a recipe for disaster. As long as we have so many of the citizens in this country unwilling to look at the truth and accept it, there is no way that the country can chart a successful path.

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I really wonder how many people really are still that mesmerized by his speech patterns? Anyone who really listens to his speeches, not just hear but listen to what he says, can not honestly say that he is full of lies and deceptions. He constantly says one thing and then says the exact opposite. It helps if you read his speeches and not listen to his voice. He is a master of changing the subject and diverting attention.

This week I’ve heard a change in the conversation on all the media outlets. Everyone is talking about “women health issues” and little else. I don’t know how long this will last but it seems to me that the President and his willing army of mindless zombies will continue to try and change the subject. If they can maintain this narrative that diverts attention away from his failure as a leader. I fear that none of the current candidates running to replace him are able to return the conversation to this total failure of Mr. Obama.

©2012 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Memos From Monday 2-13-2012

Obama’s Accommodation: The most high, might, and holy Emperor Barack Obama once again has commanded from his throne a new accommodation to replace his compromise. In his wisdom and a show of his ultimate power he announced that the matter of the proclamation to the Catholic Church is settled.

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Somewhere along the way this man seems to think that he has ultimate power. Even though he has been very successful in his efforts to shred the Constitution, those days may becoming to an end. The Democrat Party and their success in cramming the unconstitutional ObamaCare down the throats of the American people. They really believed that they could create a new right, by ignoring the fact that humans are not capable of create new rights. The idea that the government can run something as complex as the health care system in this nation is laughable. The idea that the leader of that party feels that he has unlimited power is frightening. It is time to stand up to this self imposed dictator and overturn his edicts.

So this is were we are as a nation. The President continues to grab power not assigned to him in our governing documents. The Congress ignores the will of the electorate. The courts are creating laws. It seems that no one is interested, but that would be wrong. The Left Stream Media may be complaisant with the Progressive agenda, but the winds of change are blowing. there are enough people becoming aware of the way our freedoms are being betrayed. Now is not the time to lose faith in our neighbors and family. It is easy to think that their is no way to fight those in power, but we still have the ability to take back those freedoms lost.

If the American people of faith don’t unite to overturn this illegal power grab by the current representatives in Washington we will soon be unable to stop the erosion of liberty. Too many people have already lost sight of what has been and is being taken. This attack on the First Amendment and those continuing on the Second Amendment must be stopped. Those who are moving quickly to enslave us must be sent packing. As I see the number of government officials that are choosing to retire leaves me with hope, but we must make sure that those who replace them are willing to put a stop to the status quo.

The Obama accommodation is not within his power to make. It seems that he really believes that he can order independent companies to give away any product or service at his will. He really thinks that his power has no limits. His order violates everything that this nation was based upon. November is the time to show the Obama Administration and Washington the true meaning of limited government and the real meaning of the US Constitution.

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Obama’s Truth: The President once again shows his Chicago roots. His campaign is organizing troops to take to the streets. Could it be that these street troops are going to engage in intimidation? Will we see more tactics that were seen in past Obama campaigns? It is time for a new Attorney General that will actually protect the system and not the people within the system. The idea that once again the President and his allies once again is attempting to control free speech. Never in this country have neighbor turned against neighbor. We can not allow a corrupt President, who only cares about his personal power to corrupt the entire system. The lies that he tells that are then ignored by the Left Stream Media are bad enough, we can not allow him to determine what is the truth or a lie. I will continue to point out the errors of this President and Congress as long as I’m allowed.

$3.8 Trillion Budget: The Idea that $3.8 Trillion and budget are in the same sentence is a crying shame. The fact that anyone could stand up and tell anyone could say that they were going to cut spending while spending over $1.3 Trillion of borrowed money is contemptible. Too many people have lost touch with reality if the majority really believes the tripe that the President put out today. There is no way that we can continue spending money like there is no tomorrow. The fact that any politician could present something called a budget that continues the failed policies of the past.

It is clear that the whole thing is nothing more than political maneuvering. As Harry Reid has refused to consider a budget for over 3 years now, the Democrats continue to blame the Republicans. The President’s Chief of Staff told the nation one of the biggest lies of the last week by saying that it required a super majority to pass a budget. That is a bold face lie. It the Democrats wanted to pass a budget they could have done it when they had a super majority or at anytime during the last 3 years. The calculation has been that they could continue to spend money at an uncontrolled rate. The way that the law has been written, the projects that were in the last budget that was passed must be funded. It also means that any new projects can be presented and funded through a number of ways. So the idea that anyone in the Democrat Party leadership has any desire to control the run away spending. They only wish to blame everything on the opposition so they can maintain their position and power.

It is time for a serious budget and some serious leadership that is willing to protect the nation and the rule of law.

©2012 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thoughts from Thursday 2-9-2012

Obama Goes PAC-ing:
Well once again the President decided to take the path with the most cash. With all the talk of him being able to raise $1 billion for his reelection war chest, there seems that that is not enough. Could it be that he is not raising the large amount of money that they were bragging about? Could it be that all of the rich Democrats that he was sure would back him, no matter what, are not coughing up the donations? Could it be that his campaign chest is not filling up as quickly as he and the machine backing him thought? It seems that the DNC Convention is running into some issues when it comes to funding.

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Could it be that he is see the damage that the GOP Super PACs are doing in the primaries and now beginning to understand how they will be going after him? He has lived a very charmed political life. His opponents have fallen before his campaign and their dirty Chicago style tricks and thuggery. So now it seems that the man who promised to limit his 2008 fundraising, and his opponent did, to the government level of matching funds has once again decided to take the low road. He will do exactly what I expected and is now getting ready to release his Super PAC.

Once again Mr. Obama says one thing and does the exact opposite. If a person really believes in something they will not compromise their principals. Unless of course a person has no core principals of honesty. Over the last few years, since Mr. Obama has come to national prominence, I’ve come to doubt the integrity of the current President. He is willing to do anything, is seems, to win. I can not believe that such a person has the best interest of the American people as his first objective. I would seem that he only wants to win. That winning will not help the nation as a whole. His winning will only continue the pain that he has inflected on those who work hard, follow the rules, and believe that the American dream has not died. His idea of the it will turn it into a nightmare. His Super PAC may or may not succeed, but if he wins due to attacks that it makes on the American system, it will be a lose for all of us.

I can only hope that come November the Obama's will not be PAC-ing but are packing.


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The Obama Compromise:
If you don’t have faith in anything then you can not understand a person who does believe in something greater than themselves. The one thing that I find that those of the Progressive mind set have the least amount of faith in, is the American people. The only thing that they seem to believe in, is themselves. This is really troubling for the country now that progressives have such a strangle hold on the nation.

This last week’s compromise involving religion and forced financing of birth control shows how the President believes that his ability to persuade people is greater than the faith of thousands of years. The attack on the core beliefs of so many people is the height of arrogance by the Administration. I’ve noticed that one characteristic of the President is a total lack of understanding of faith and the heart of the American people. The idea that Americans are willing to toss out centuries of human experience and knowledge for the orders of a government overreaching the authority given to it.

The President does have a strange idea of what the word compromise actually means. His lack of experience shines through when you look at how he handled the whole situation. He seems to think that he could sit down and talk with a couple of leaders in the Catholic Church and convince them that they should deny their faith and accept the will of the government. This is the type of stories that were common in Europe, where Churches and the state shared power by enforcing the will of the rulers. He thinks that a compromise is when he gets everything that he wants. That is not a compromise

The separation of Church and State that the liberals love to misrepresented as a total separation of the Church controlling the State is really the principal of the State not controlling the Church. That is the real meaning of the First Amendment. The idea that the government can suddenly take control of the religious life in this country is at total conflict with the ideas of our founders. The First Amendment and the foundations of our government are more important than the ambitions, plotting, scheming, and power hunger of a few individuals. It is time to demand the repeal of ObamaCare and all of the regulations created so far. This 100 year old plan of the Progressives to take control of the nation and its health care system flies in the face of our God given freedoms and the faith. No matter what we each believe. Today all people of faith must unite to defend and preserve this nation.

So to accept the Obama Compromise is to compromise your principals and turn your back on the freedoms and history of our nation. I'll say no to his ideas and his totalitarian rule.

©2012 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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