Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Our Trillion Dollar Pony

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President Obama began his dog and pony show last week. This time he is telling us all of the brides that are being payed to us. You know the great things that are going to be "given" to us because the government took over the Healthcare Industry. I'm sure he will never tell us the truth of what the real costs will be until it is too late. Tyrants never tell you the real cost of their power grabbing policies. But he is sure that he can buy us off. I've seen a lot of cheering crowds but the polls don't seem to be moving up in approval. One of the reasons for the cheers would be that the president's speeches are all staged events. He is preaching to the choir. When you are talking to a friendly crowd it gives the appearance that everyone agrees with what is being said. For a dose of reality it would be nice to see him stand in front of a neutral audience and see the reaction. But he would never do this, since it might show the chinks in his armor.

The American people are being given a trillion dollar pony. Most children would be thrilled at the thought of given a pony. Well until reality hits. Once you get the pony, it must be fed and walked and ridden and then brushed. All the fun turns into a lot of responsibilities. As an adult you know this and understand that nothing comes for free. We understand the long term consequences of making such a commitment. Will we be spoiled kids or rational adults? Will we be bribed with our own money? We have had a pony forced upon us all with the promise that it will make our lives better. In the past it was an option, but through a process that many of us are ashamed of, the Congress made the decision for us.

America is being promised a lot of things with this government take over of Healthcare. We are told that the government take over will improve the system and make healthcare available to all. They've promised that we will be able to keep our current insurance and see a doctor anytime we need. But for most Americans they are not giving us anything. From the way it looks we are loosing a lot of things. One of them is our freedom to choose. We are also under a government mandate to purchase a product for no other reason then being alive.

The American people find themselves at a crossroad. We must decide which path we are going to take. Are we going to turn back from socialism and reclaim our freedoms or allow our leaders to bribe us. The current government is tempting the citizens with goodies. The question remains to be answered is: How many of us really believe that there is no price for the bribes we are being offered.

We must as a people realize that the glowing stories and promises are just that. If this tyranny is allowed to stand we will all not only be poorer, but less free. Our children will be paying for the boondoggle and will never know the freedoms that we once knew. Will we doom future generations to a never ending debt or certain enslavement to a totalitarian state.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Community Organizers Then and Now

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©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What Can We Do About the Health Care Reform Act?

NE Nullification Flyer 32910 PDF

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©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Monday, March 29, 2010

Dealing with Progressives and Children

One of my favorite sayings is: "Growing old is mandatory. Growing up is optional." In our "Peter Pane" society many of those who have aged over the years, show little sign of maturity. I see immature argument constantly being given serious weight or no rebuttal. The fact that I see "adults" saying saying things that sound like a 8 year old child makes me understand why our society may be doomed.

Some of the signs that I see of immaturity from the Progressives:

Everyone else has universal healthcare: During the debate on "Healthcare Reform" one statement seem to always fall onto a common statement. "We are the only industrialized nation in the world without government/universal/state healthcare." Many parroted that statement without considering the deeper meaning. they never discussed the controls that come with it and the freedoms lost. No one ever asked this talking heads the simple question: Just because everyone else is doing it, does that make it better or even right? But no they made this statement without challenge and many Americans were lead to believe that the rest of the world was better than the US.

Threats are OK as long as from the left, since they are "correct." The arrogance of youth is dangerous. When you are young you usually are not dealing with all the facts. You also are easily swayed by others. This type of behavior is showing up across the nation in the Main Stream Media. They ignore the threats made to Republicans and Democrats when they opposed a left wing agenda item. When there are harsh words directed toward the left, they become victims and cry foul. In their minds since they are correct in their thinking and all opposed are evil, then they can do anything. This is the ultimate end to "the ends justifying the means."

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Required Reconciliation

At some point in most unions there comes a point of misunderstanding, distrust, and division. It can be caused by many things.We are seeing a lot of these things in The United States. The current leadership seem to be determined to divide and conquer the country. The leaders in Congress and the President must stop the attacks on the American people. They must explain why they have attacked entire groups of Americans. The Democrats and Republicans must reconcile with the American people. The news media must stop the blind allegiance to the Progressives and also stop the lies and constant attacks on people just exercising their first amendment right to free speech. The type of division seen today is dangerous for everyone. Revolution grow from this type of disconnect. We have already seen that the violence is on the left side of the spectrum. We must avoid violence and find a way to resolve the divisions that have been created by President Obama and the leaders of the Democrat Party.

The ruling party in Washington has expand their power far beyond those granted to it under the Constitution. They are following a path that many don't understand. They seem to think that this massive power grab is good for the country. It would only seem to be good for those who wish to destroy the country. With the passage of a so called healthcare reform bill, that was totally partisan, we see a disconnect between the national government and the people. The ruling party is confident that they have all the answers and don't need to consult those that they rule. Do they feel that they have a lock on power and no matter what they do they will always maintain their dictatorship? For what we saw this week was not the operation of a republic but the actions of a totalitarian state. Nancy Pelosi's march around the Capital building was a blatant show of corrupting power. The visual of her carrying a giant gavel seem to indicate her defiance of the will of the American people and her seizure of ultimate power.

The National Socialist Democrats take a lap around the capital to demonstrate their new unlimited powers. Ms. Pelosi's gavel must only be seen as a threat to all of us.

In this picture I see the threat of the new powers that the government is taking from the American people and laughing in the face of those who are there to defend their freedoms. This is a walk of imperialists who are telling the American people to "eat cake."

The current talk in Washington is about reconciliation. But is there another type of reconciliation needed or will they even try to regain any connection with the governed. Does the ruling party plan to continue to grab more power or at some point do they try to reconcile with the American people. But how do they do that when they have been so disrespectful? I for one have lost any feelings of loyalty. I will work to make my state a better place, but I will not even identify myself as an American. I don't know how I can reconcile with this totalitarian state.

The ideals of America died on March 21, 2010. With the death of the American dream, will the death of The United States of America shortly follow? Well if the National government continue to govern in this dictatorial fashion there is no hope. A return to Federal government could save us, but it may be to late. The only other hope lays with the states, who must save themselves and reaffirm their sovereignty or commit suicide with the USA. I hope that we can reconcile with each other since it is required for our survival, but I have no faith in our current leadership to even see the need.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

My Government or Enemy?

As I lay awake last night I had one thought; that I am now a man without a country. What happened on Sunday was not a legal process, but an act of a dictator. The United States was built on the premise of a Federal government. That government overstepped its bounds this week. With the death of our republic freedom has died on this world. Is there no place for freedom? It appears that we as a people will soon have to live under the oppressive boot of a government built to preserve rights. But with this lose of freedom that is ObamaCare our lives will slowly be controlled by an Administration filled with people who praise mass murderers.

Is a government that acts against the law an illegal government? For the last few days I feel no longer bound by any pledges to this country. The National government is no longer a Constitutional organization. It has no right to rule. Now we must only be loyal to those who will restore our liberties. We must resist this tyranny. I feel that we are no longer a free people.

Not only are our basic rights being undermined, but we now see the end of American prosperity. Those that come after us will not know a better life. Our government is prepared to bleed us to death through incremental tax increases. Not only will the multitude of tax increases, needed to fund this government takeover of the health care system, consume our disposable income but the coming passage of cap and trade will rise prices and impoverish the middle class. The Amnesty for illegals aliens will destroy our sovereignty and card check will take away our productivity as a nation.

This is not America. The country that I once loved no longer exists. I will work to restore our freedoms, but I see little hope. This is not the change the country needed. I now only see this new dictatorship as an enemy of the people in this country. I will not even call us American right now.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Monday, March 22, 2010

Stupak and How He Mislead Us

It appears to me that Stupak fooled us into believing that he was opposing the Healthcare Deformation bill as a way to make sure that it passed. This seems to be a very skillful way to allow the party to twist the arms of many of the hold outs on the Dem side. By him holding out, many of use thought that the bill would never pass. But video proves that all along he planned to vote for the bill even if the abortion language was in it.

He changed his vote at the last minute which pushed the total well over the amount needed. He planned to use the Executive Order to cover his tracks. But as I've said before, all of the American people are not as stupid at they thought.

But as this video proves, Executive Orders can not change the law. So this was all a lie to push the bill over the line at the last minute. They must of thought that no one would be watching on Palm Sunday. But it does not matter. He did not care. He got what he wanted.

The proof. Well here at least part of the payoff he received. We have no idea what was agreed to in those closed door meetings:

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

My special thinks to The Lone Conservative.

The Knock in the Dark of the Night II

I awoke to a brave new world this morning. I now live in a different country. Liberty died last night. With the passage of this so called Healthcare Reform bill we find that an entire industry has been ceased by the Federal government. Through constant attacks an American President and his party has ignored the US Constitution and grabbed power over life and death of every citizen. The knock in the dark of the night came while many of us slept. Now we find that there was not a change of party rule in 2009 but a coup d'état.

Once again near midnight Congress voted in the middle of the night to rob us of our freedoms.  On March 21, 2010 American liberty died while the Democrat Party celebrated. Now with the passage of this bill American's are responsible to pay just to live. The old rule was that no one could avoid death or taxes. Now it is death, taxes, and insurance. What will be next? When the next power-mad Party ceases control. "No man's life, liberty, or property is safe while the legislature is in session." - Mark Twain

So I awoke to a country that now finds that it must now fear the knock in the dark. The IRS's powers have expanded and are an Extra-Constitutional organization that works beyond the limitation of the law. Our lives are now under the total control of a power hungry Federal government. If not this administration then the next or the next will again expand these powers. Putting this much power into the hands of politicians means that none of us are safe to sleep at night. None of us can depend on any of the liberties that we have allowed to be stolen by one party in the middle of the night. What else have they and will they steal?

©2009 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Healthcare Promises, Promises

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I keep hearing Democrats saying that once the bill is passed the American people will love it. Former President Clinton is promising the members of Congress that they will be trouble if they don't pass Healthcare Deformation. We have been promised that this intrusion into every American's lives is somehow a gift.

There is a bank commercial that shows two little girls and one is asked if she would like a pony. She is handed a toy. Then the other girl is asked the same question and is given a real pony. To a child it would seem that the second girl was the lucky one. But as an adult I realize that the cost of taking care of a pony is more than a lot of people can afford. For a child this is not important, since they don't understand the value of money.

It seems that our elected officials also don't know the value of money. Unlike the children in the ad in the real world the Democrats are promising us a pony. As adults we realize that we can not afford it. In fact the cost of their pony will be paid by our children and grandchildren. This gift is no gift at all. It is a nightmare. We can not afford to pay the cost of the current entitlements. We can not afford another huge government bureaucracy who knows how many divisions and expansion of the current system.

So all of these promise from our current leaders are not something I can trust. Our leaders are out of control and are only concerned about passing a 100 year old agenda item. If they have been waiting 100 years to create universal healthcare, then I can only assume that they are responsible for the current problem. Considering that the President's Chief of Staff has said: "That you can not let a crisis go to waste," I have to assume that the government created this crisis so that they could take advantage of the American people. So do you trust their promises?

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

True Evil

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One of the most enduring arguments in the history of our existence is the question of true evil. In the Judeo-Christian tradition the devil plays the role of ultimate evil and the keeper of eternal torment. But not everyone believes that evil, true evil that is, really exist. There are those that believe that all evil resides within the acts of people. Some believe that certain groups are evil. One of the most enduring figures used as a reference of evil is Adolf Hitler. His acts are seen as the foundation of what makes a man evil. He united a people and led them into a war of conquest. He was responsible for the death of millions of innocent humans through barbaric means. His ideas of racial purity ended with one of the greatest crimes of the 20th century, known as The Holocaust in which people were killed for no other reason than being members of a demonized ethical group. His evil was great but he is not the only person in history to use division to unite a people. Hitler united his people first around the idea that all of their troubles were caused by the Jews. He later extended that to "International Judaism" that he claimed was responsible for the troubles of the German nation. He was able to focus the German people's fear and distrust toward one easy to blame group. This created a nation that allowed itself to be totally dominated.

Throughout history leaders have used fear to unite. Some used external threats, sometimes real other time created to convince people to pull together. Some leaders, like Herr Hitler, use internal divisions to unite the people, by providing a convenient group to attack and demonize. It seems to be easy to convince people that certain groups are evil. But in most large groups there are only a few people who form the core and the rest are just followers. Not all German people who were members of the Nazi were evil or even knew what was occurring at the higher levels. Many joined because they were compelled to do so just to avoid condemnation or so they could keep their jobs and earn a living in a dangerous environment. That did not make them totally responsible for the actions of the ones who did wrong, only in part.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Government Spending

So it is said that Bush spent a lot of money, but look at these projections. How can this be justified?
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Cartoon from 1934 Chicago Tribune

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Healthcare's Hard Questions II

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With the current trends in the finances of the United States we are heading for a major crisis. The current members of the government don't seem to have any long term answers. For years there has been a lot of temporary patches, but no matter what, patches don't last forever. Eventually you are going to have to fix the problem or replace whatever is broken. We are at a point with Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that the patches are falling off. All of these government programs are out of money. They are paying out or close to exceeding the money that they are collecting.

It has been obvious to many of us for years that the government (meaning us) will one day be unable to pay for the promises of our parents and grandparents. We are responsible for a debt that has grown far beyond what the original government officials ever thought. But here we are with a large segment of society becoming more and more dependent on checks from Uncle Sam. But Uncle Sam has maxed out the credit card and the pay checks are getting smaller, not larger. With the economy in a downturn it would seem foolhardy to think that raising tax rates would do nothing more then push the economy lower. It would also seem to me that borrowing more money to be dangerous for the long term health of the nation. The addition of more entitlement programs would be suicidal. But it seems that the current administration is determined to do. They are doing all of the above.

With the nation staring down so many critical issues we must eventually face up to the facts that these problems will not just go away on their own. There comes a time when we must face some facts and ask some even tougher questions.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Healthcare's Hard Questions

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There are times in your life when you must ask yourself some tough questions. You must face some facts that will not go away. It may be about yourself, your spouse, child or other family member. These are times when you need to get advice and then you and hopefully with the help of others you make a decision. When it comes to matters of health it is not easy to make some choices. When it comes to the ones that you love cost are the last thing that most consider.

The debate about Healthcare Reform has been mostly centered around costs. That is the only thing that the government can really talk about. The Congress can not create doctors or nurses. They can do things to encourage or discourage people to/from choose the profession. They are selling that having healthcare insurance is some sort of magic pill. That somehow forcing everyone to purchase4 healthcare insurance all of our health problems will be solved. As I've said before, there is a lot of talk about cost but very little about quality. Quantity over quality is a very old argument. Do you think that by increasing quantity we can increase quality. There is not a good track record for this scheme. But the national government is determined to force this corrupted system on the American people.

We as Americans must ask ourselves some tough questions:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Blind Faith?

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Unlike Punxsutawney Phil who looked out this year and saw that Winter would continue, Mr. Gore looked out and saw more global warming.  I can only assume that the sunlight that has beamed into the hall of the IPCC and the CRU at The University of East Anglia was so bright that it blinded him.  I don't know why, but I felt that with so much invested, financially and intellectually, that it would be hard for an honest reevaluation from Mr. Gore.

He seems to think that those who question him are tools of some grand conspiracy. To the exact opposite of his paranoia he need to learn that it is good to question science. It is also required for honest scientific inquiry. When ever any group refuses to allow examination of the relevant data they must be distrusted. When these "warmers" start bulling anyone who made honest inquiries into the conclusions I began to distrust the message. They attacked and ridiculed anyone who simply questioned their claims. This is not the way that you conduct research it is the way to push an agenda.

I have no agenda other then the ultimate success of the human race. I want the lives of people to progress. I want our resources to be utilized in the best way for humankind and not wasted. An important resource is time and money. Both seem to have been wasted. Like sand slipping through your hand many of the predictions made are now being shown to be false or exaggerated. Data has been destroyed and altered. Pure speculation has been presented as fact. This is not the way to work for the betterment of society and the future of our children. 

There is an old Polish proverb: "A spoonful of wine in a barrel of sewage is sewage. A spoonful of sewage in a barrel of wine is sewage." If Mr. Gore and the climate scientists want to prove that there is man-made global warming then they will have to convince the world that the work that they have produced is not contaminated by all of the lies (sewage) that have been used up to this point. Don't just fall back on the same old song and dance again. We do not have your blind faith or belief in your so called "settled science."

Op-Ed Contributor - We Can’t Wish Away Climate Change -

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
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