Sunday, July 26, 2009

The President, Healthcare, and Snake Oil II

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Red vs. Blue Pills

Like many 50+ Americans, I know a little about medicine and healthcare. In this week’s press conference Mr. Obama started talking about different medicines and gave the analogy of the red pill vs. blue pill. He made the choice of medication sound simple. He also a little more than intimated that all doctors are driven by greed.

Mr. President. If the choice of medication should be determined by a bureaucrat in Washington; then will you next be determining food supplements? Peanuts are a great source of protein. Why doesn’t the FDA mandate that all foods have peanuts added to make sure that all foods are higher in protein? Oh, there is that little thing about some people being allergic to peanuts. Yes our diets would have more protein, but some people would DIE. The same will be true if you put our health care in the hand of a faceless, heartless, and self-serving “healthcare board.” Medical decisions must be made by the doctors and patients. There is no reason to destroy 100% of the American healthcare system with the stated goal of providing it for less than 10% of the population.

Last year my insurance company denied paying for one of my medication. They determined that I could take an over the counter medication. Since the medication I used was not available, and I tried the OTC medicine (that did not work), I appealed their decision. After a couple of months, I won the appeal. I have to ask: Will you be able to appeal to use the blue pill if you are required to take the red pill by the government? Will the blue pill even be available if the government does not allow it to be prescribed? If the government decides that people can only take the red pill then, will any companies be allowed to make the blue one? How many people will the red pill kill?

So I personally don’t care which pill you take. Just make sure that we have the pills that work.

©2009 Pedro Sykes

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The President, Healthcare, and Snake Oil

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Well last night President Obama presented his latest dog and pony show to try and tell the American people that he must take control of the healthcare system. The biggest problem with last night’s speech was its lack of details. He is pushing us to accept his word that this is now insurance reform. But that is not what the bill in Congress says. As more and more information comes out about what the bill really contains those of us who care can see the lies that we have been spoon fed.

The pattern that is easy to see is that the rush to pass bill through Congress is nothing more than those in power forcing upon us something that few of us would accept if we knew the contents. Just one of his repeated lies would be: The bill in the House will outlaw private insurance. But Obama keeps saying that if you are happy with your current plan you will be able to keep it.

So why the hurry to “fix” healthcare? Well consider the fact that all of the other government healthcare programs are currently out of money. Medicare and Medicaid are in trouble. Those in power seem to thing that the problems with these programs can only be fixed by making them bigger. They need to force more people into the government programs so that there will be more funds to pay off the bills. Kind of like a Ponzie scheme. But this Ponzie scheme will make Madoff look honest when it runs out of money.
So where did we go wrong? Price controls were proven to be a total failure in the Nixon Administration. The government can not set prices in a free market without a major ripple throughout the system. For years Medicare and Medicaid has set prices. Just because the government sets a payment rate does not mean that it actually covers the cost. The large private insurance companies followed suit by using the power of their massive subscriber base to negotiate prices. The government mandates that no one can be denied care. The cost of that care is covered by the Federal and local governments. This system has caused the ridicules and unbelievable situation where the uninsured are forced to pay inflated rates.

So as I sat and watched a press conference that was nothing more than a snake oil sales pitch, I felt like I was watching a work of fiction. There were no facts in his presentation. I’m still waiting for an answer to the question of if our “leaders” will be put under the same system. As I was watching his speech I was thinking of a Clint Eastwood movie; “The Outlaw Josie Wells.” In it there was a character selling his miracle medicine. He asked the Chief to try it. His response was; “You drink it.” So Mr. Obama and members of Congress are you willing to drink your own medicine?

I didn’t think so.

©2009 Pedro Sykes

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Welcome to Pedro's Podium

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The current political climate is so volatile and divisive that most people are shouting and few are listening. Too many people see the world in simplistic terms. The world is too complex to simple put everyone into two groups. Our "leaders" seem to have one goal and that is to divide and conquer. Our enemies from within and without would have us destroy ourselves by exploiting our petty grievances. For too many years the average American has been so busy with their lives that they had to trust our leaders to do the best for the country. Now is the time for the average citizen to consider what the changes that are being rammed through by Congress will mean for the long term. I fear that in the hurry to do something, our leaders will do the wrong thing. Haste makes waste is something that should be considered, not ignored.

©2009 Pedro Sykes
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