Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Scientific Research vs. Lies

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In an earlier time, man was ruled through superstition. When little was understood about the natural world the belief in the supernatural or the mystic realm allowed people to be easily manipulated. Over the years science has evolved to help explain the mysteries that have enslaved mankind for centuries. There are no absolutes in science, only theories. True scientific inquiry is governed by skepticism. The ultimate goals of science are the pursuit of true and to doubt all conclusions.

Scientific research must be based upon the basic tenet of disbelief. An individual has a theory. This idea is tested to prove and disprove the underlying concepts. It can not be rushed. On March 23, 1989 Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons announced a major breakthrough on cold fusion. They provided all of their data and detailed descriptions of the process. This news was met with much enthusiasm and fanfare. This process could provide almost unlimited energy.

Through peer-review others attempted to repeat the results claimed by Fleischmann and Pons. There was also a large amount on skepticism. Skepticism is good. After much experimentation the excitement died down and eventually the process and the scientist behind it were generally discredited. Even though they had been totally open and were generally low key in their reporting of the results. The US news media on the other hand lead most news shows with the reported discovery. But even though many in the scientific community consider the matter closed, there are still individuals experimenting with cold fusion. In fact there have been some reports recently that breakthroughs have been made that could vindicate Fleischmann and Pons original observations.

The scientific open system of inquiry was designed to prevent scams and provide for the protection of the scientific process. But with the release of the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) emails the evidence that there has been a very successful, I hate to use it but I can think of any other word, conspiracy. There have been a lot of scientists that have questioned the “scientific methods” used by the climatologist to justify the claims of Second Ice Age, Global Cooling, the Green House Effect, Global Warming, and now Climate Change. The first sign of a scam is when you have to keep renaming your “settled science.” Instead of examining all data, it is admitted by these “scientist” (not all are “climatologist”) that they had covered up data that did not fit their thesis. Beyond that they admitted that the original data had to be destroyed. So we have no way of knowing how much they “cooked the books.” This does not sound like settled science to me.

There are many who have questioned the results that have been presented by this cabal. Each has been attacked and had their reputation besmirched. Many of us who have watched realized that this was a scam of epic proportions. The fact that it has been supported by so many for so long can only be seen as a sign that this was not a scientific project, but evolved into a religion. Anyone who questioned the orthodoxy was declared a heretic. So many people wanted to believe that it was the truth that they are unable to even recognize that they have been fooled. “Faith based science” is not true science.

This conspiracy, and it is most definitely is one, has reached very far. From the “climate reporters” who never questioned the story and who prayed at the feet of the “Climate Change Guru” Al Gore and his political allies to the American Motion Picture leftist who promoted the lies.  Their tentacles have spread far. They are the ones who gave Mr. Gore an Oscar for his “documentary” that is full of half truths and outright lies.

There are those who stopped reading when they got to the word conspiracy.  For those who continue to read, I must say that I am not a so called "conspiracy theorist" since any conspiracy will eventually fall apart as this one is continuing to do fall apart as we watch.  Too many people have openly questioned the inconsistencies in the data and the methodology.

The “peer-review” journals allowed their names to be used and were bullied into not publishing contrary research as admitted in the leaked emails. This makes them just as culpable for this scam. Even as I write this the major old media outlets are ignoring this story and still publishing stories based upon data that is now known to be faked and manipulated.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not anti-environment or pro-pollution. I have to live on this planet, just like you. I just wish that the money, that we know now was wasted on falsified research results, could have better spent on real research. Maybe it could have even been put into alternative fuel research. Not spent on a bunch of zealot researchers who apparently were only concerned with maintaining their research grants.

OK, so there is also another possibility, and maybe just maybe their original motives were good. Maybe they really believed or thought that by lying, they could convince the world to abandon carbon fuels for alternatives that would be created as part of a worldwide research effort. But anything built upon a lie usually does not end well. Sooner or later the truth will come out and the ends do not justify the means. I am not a follower of the teachings of Saul Alinsky. I believe in the freedoms that we are promised in the American Constitution and for a people to be free they must know the truths that are provided through an open and honest scientific process.

The damage done by this scam is still not finished. As the President flies to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen he is more than likely agree to carbon emission reductions that are based upon a pile of lies and altered data. Beyond the current damage could be the enviable lost in trust of the scientific community and major suffering for millions of people. So good research could be ignored by more and more people who feel betrayed and we could find ourselves ruled by superstition again. The world must learn from this experience and not allow such zealotry to highjack research in the future.

The idea that one person's ideas would be put forward as fact and any data that contradicts the assumptions puts the lie to the whole "man-made" global warming scam. Through honest scientific research the human race has a much greater chance at success. But since the original data collect by the CRU has been destroyed, the possibility for any redemption or progress in the understanding of the true nature of the climatic conditions have been usurped by the lies.

©2009 Pedro Sykes

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