Monday, May 31, 2010
In Remembrance
The last Monday in May is a day reserved for those who gave it all. The ones who gave up everything they were or would ever be in the service of their nation. On this day we remember these people. We must also make sure that the debt they paid is not forgotten. We see today too many enemies in and outside of our nation. The system of freedoms is not compatible with the current growth of our national government. There is creeping lose of liberties that continues daily. We find that we have a government that has become a government of men not laws. Laws are selectively enforced and those who try to defend our nation are attacked.
We must spread the word of our freedoms and how we can lose them if we forget or continue in apathy. The failure to stand up and speak is not the American way. We must be willing to give up everything to defend the future for those who come after us. We must not only remember those that gave it all for their country, but why they died. We must stand up and fight the fight to save our country before it is too late. Don't allow Memorial Day become a tool of those who would destroy us or a futile act.
God Bless America and all of those who serve and protect us.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
8:30 PM
Memorial Day,
National Defense,
Remember in November

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Drill Baby....Spill Baby
I've waited to discuss the BP oil spill disaster to gather as much information as I could. But as information trickles out I felt compelled to say something. This is such a huge disaster that it defies simple explanations or terms. Modern day life is built around the use of oil. So much of what we use everyday is based upon the use of oil that our society will collapse without a dependable supply. Alternative fuels so far have not presented the ability to replace all uses of petroleum. Promises don't fill the engine of growth. Only dependable supplies of oil will power the world economy for the foreseeable, until viable options can be found to replace every use that is currently being fulfilled by crude.
But that in its self now presents a massive problem. With the world environment, both political and natural, being in its current state we must secure adequate supplies of oil to support research into alternatives. We are past the tipping point on many issues. The national security of many of the world's nations are in jeopardy due to the location of resources. As a nation the US uses too much oil from unreliable or unfriendly sources. We must fin a way to safely recover as much of our own oil and still work towards the ultimate goal of weaning ourselves off of this dangerous addiction. The scariest part of this dilemma is that we must decide who we can trust. There are too many people who are willing to demonize a whole industry to achieve there goals. Where I have an issue with such ways of thinking is that there is a lot of talk but no real planning for real solutions. Wishing and hoping are not what I would call reliable plans for success. Wishing something away usually doesn't work.
So now with another environmental disaster currently occurring, it is time to take stock of ourselves and how this is going to affect the entire nation. We know that there were failure up and down the ladder. From the management of the oil rig to the government regulator, too many people were asleep at the wheel. It seems that human error, arrogance, and greed may have cost eleven people their lives and untold dollars. The full scope will not be known for a while. But it is shaping up to be the most costly oil spill in history.
In the following video Robert Dudley provides an update to the efforts of his company. One question dealt with the publics faith in off-shore drilling. After such a huge failure of government and industry, it is hard to trust anyone. The problem with such distrust is that it fails to take in the reality of our dependence. It is true that a repeat of a spill of this magnitude is totally unacceptable, but the alternatives to not having fuel supplies is also bleak. Without petroleum based fertilizer food production could plummet, transportation of resources could become prohibited, and the standard of living will decline. Hunger worldwide will cause even greater political instability. We are just too dependent on oil.
So what is the answer? I'm afraid it is not simple. We need leadership. We need a consensus builder who will bring people together. But I don't see any from the leaders in Washington. I see petty politics and leaders more interested in dividing the American people into small, more easily controllable groups. Our leaders seem to only care about this issue when they discovered that they could not use it against their opposition and that it put themselves in political danger.
The current energy policy seems to be built on more illusion then fact. To create any type of plan there must be something that is in short supply, trust. We must find a way to trust our leadership to do the right things. We must find people who will police the oil drilling rigs. We must find people who can create alternative fuels. We must allow those with the knowledge of the current system, run it as cleanly and as efficient as possible, without asking the impossible. These things must be done. But it may be too late. Without building this trust we could be dooming ourselves and future generations to disease, hunger, and global warfare.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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But that in its self now presents a massive problem. With the world environment, both political and natural, being in its current state we must secure adequate supplies of oil to support research into alternatives. We are past the tipping point on many issues. The national security of many of the world's nations are in jeopardy due to the location of resources. As a nation the US uses too much oil from unreliable or unfriendly sources. We must fin a way to safely recover as much of our own oil and still work towards the ultimate goal of weaning ourselves off of this dangerous addiction. The scariest part of this dilemma is that we must decide who we can trust. There are too many people who are willing to demonize a whole industry to achieve there goals. Where I have an issue with such ways of thinking is that there is a lot of talk but no real planning for real solutions. Wishing and hoping are not what I would call reliable plans for success. Wishing something away usually doesn't work.
So now with another environmental disaster currently occurring, it is time to take stock of ourselves and how this is going to affect the entire nation. We know that there were failure up and down the ladder. From the management of the oil rig to the government regulator, too many people were asleep at the wheel. It seems that human error, arrogance, and greed may have cost eleven people their lives and untold dollars. The full scope will not be known for a while. But it is shaping up to be the most costly oil spill in history.
In the following video Robert Dudley provides an update to the efforts of his company. One question dealt with the publics faith in off-shore drilling. After such a huge failure of government and industry, it is hard to trust anyone. The problem with such distrust is that it fails to take in the reality of our dependence. It is true that a repeat of a spill of this magnitude is totally unacceptable, but the alternatives to not having fuel supplies is also bleak. Without petroleum based fertilizer food production could plummet, transportation of resources could become prohibited, and the standard of living will decline. Hunger worldwide will cause even greater political instability. We are just too dependent on oil.
So what is the answer? I'm afraid it is not simple. We need leadership. We need a consensus builder who will bring people together. But I don't see any from the leaders in Washington. I see petty politics and leaders more interested in dividing the American people into small, more easily controllable groups. Our leaders seem to only care about this issue when they discovered that they could not use it against their opposition and that it put themselves in political danger.
The current energy policy seems to be built on more illusion then fact. To create any type of plan there must be something that is in short supply, trust. We must find a way to trust our leadership to do the right things. We must find people who will police the oil drilling rigs. We must find people who can create alternative fuels. We must allow those with the knowledge of the current system, run it as cleanly and as efficient as possible, without asking the impossible. These things must be done. But it may be too late. Without building this trust we could be dooming ourselves and future generations to disease, hunger, and global warfare.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Friday, May 21, 2010
George Will's Keynote Address at the 2010 Milton Friedman Prize Dinner
The Cato Institute provided the keynote address at the 2010 Milton Friedman Prize Dinner by George Will in their May 18th Podcast.
Friday, May 14, 2010
AG Holder Acting Stupidly
It became clear this week that the chief law enforcement officer of the United States has a problem with the law. The man sworn in as the 82nd Attorney General of this country, who's job is suppose to be the enforcement of the laws, seems to not care about the law. For years illegal aliens have systematically been invading our country. This is not his fault. Administrations have failed to secure our borders for many years. He as have other Attorney Generals, inherited the problem. But this is no excuse for him or his predecessor. American citizens have repeatedly been promised that this problem would be fixed.
With the Federal government unwilling or unable to act the state of Arizona passed a law that ordered its law enforcement agents to enforce the law. Just to make sure that there was no issues with some of the language in the law it was amended. Apparently this was a novel idea for many in the Federal government. Members of Congress, the President, and his administration, including the AG proceed to make speeches and toured the talk show circuit and spout distortions of the AZ law. to many, including myself, it seems that they were trying to insight violence. This coming from a person who is suppose to keep the peace. But much of what they've said was inaccurate, misleading, or just plain lies. These blatant attacks and open campaign to discredit the law enforcement officers and the government of Arizona is a disgrace and should never have been carried out by someone in the US government.
Now after all of the attacks which can be seen to feed the fire of the riots across the nation, it is now known that AG Holder has not read the AZ law. Around 2:45 in the linked video Attorney General Holder makes this admission. He says that section 287g is constitutional and basically the Arizona law is just an extension of that program. If you watch the entire video, you will hear many things that are just not true. The AZ law is not taken affect and any claims that it is being enforced must be backed up.
He said that this is a national issue, but I feel that this is a national disgrace. The Attorney General's job is to prosecute not persecute. But he has repeatedly made claims that he could not back up with facts. He also said that he had not been briefed. Since this is true, then why was he speaking out against something that he was completely ignorant of its contents. He said that he has made no conclusions, but he has spoken out against it. His boss, the President, has made inflammatory remarks that are factually incorrect.
I challenge Rep. Judy Chu to present evidence of her charges of Arizona violating the rights of anyone in the enforcement of a bill that has not become law. The types of remarks that she has made is yet another attack on law enforcement officers. How can our so called leaders expect to rule when they openly attack those who have been given the responsibility of maintaining order. These continued attacks are foolish and should end. This failure of the administration to defend the sovereignty of the country and the lives of those that they are sworn to protect undermines our system of law.
This episode has tainted the AG by politicizes the Department of Justice. He and our leaders have failed their primary duty to this country. We must return to the rule of law. We must defend our country and expect our law enforcement agencies to work together and honor their commitments. It seems obvious that by taking his stand and fueling the lawless rhetoric he is unwilling to carry out his duties. The government's stand on this foreign occupation, shows that our leaders have no desire to protect us. If the current AG is unable to fulfill his duties then he should be replaced with someone who will protect our country.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Additional video footage is available here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
With the Federal government unwilling or unable to act the state of Arizona passed a law that ordered its law enforcement agents to enforce the law. Just to make sure that there was no issues with some of the language in the law it was amended. Apparently this was a novel idea for many in the Federal government. Members of Congress, the President, and his administration, including the AG proceed to make speeches and toured the talk show circuit and spout distortions of the AZ law. to many, including myself, it seems that they were trying to insight violence. This coming from a person who is suppose to keep the peace. But much of what they've said was inaccurate, misleading, or just plain lies. These blatant attacks and open campaign to discredit the law enforcement officers and the government of Arizona is a disgrace and should never have been carried out by someone in the US government.
Now after all of the attacks which can be seen to feed the fire of the riots across the nation, it is now known that AG Holder has not read the AZ law. Around 2:45 in the linked video Attorney General Holder makes this admission. He says that section 287g is constitutional and basically the Arizona law is just an extension of that program. If you watch the entire video, you will hear many things that are just not true. The AZ law is not taken affect and any claims that it is being enforced must be backed up.
He said that this is a national issue, but I feel that this is a national disgrace. The Attorney General's job is to prosecute not persecute. But he has repeatedly made claims that he could not back up with facts. He also said that he had not been briefed. Since this is true, then why was he speaking out against something that he was completely ignorant of its contents. He said that he has made no conclusions, but he has spoken out against it. His boss, the President, has made inflammatory remarks that are factually incorrect.
I challenge Rep. Judy Chu to present evidence of her charges of Arizona violating the rights of anyone in the enforcement of a bill that has not become law. The types of remarks that she has made is yet another attack on law enforcement officers. How can our so called leaders expect to rule when they openly attack those who have been given the responsibility of maintaining order. These continued attacks are foolish and should end. This failure of the administration to defend the sovereignty of the country and the lives of those that they are sworn to protect undermines our system of law.
This episode has tainted the AG by politicizes the Department of Justice. He and our leaders have failed their primary duty to this country. We must return to the rule of law. We must defend our country and expect our law enforcement agencies to work together and honor their commitments. It seems obvious that by taking his stand and fueling the lawless rhetoric he is unwilling to carry out his duties. The government's stand on this foreign occupation, shows that our leaders have no desire to protect us. If the current AG is unable to fulfill his duties then he should be replaced with someone who will protect our country.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Additional video footage is available here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
5:09 PM
Attorney General,
Immigration Reform,
Law and Order,
Remember in November

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Scientific Research vs. Lies Part IV
Part 4 of the series. Here is part 1, part 2, and part 3
I care about the environment. But I also care about the human race. We must find a happy balance with the environment to survive. A main issue I have, is with the constant doom and gloom I hear from certain people and their hypocrisy. The actions of many involved in the whole second ice age/global warming/climate change debate do not inspire confidence. Much of what I see is not the actions of mature individuals, but remind more of children demanding attention. I ask for honest skeptical scientific research, not religious zealotry. In a free country the major decisions need public support. The actions of a few "scientist" can thrown the question of the acts of all scientific honesty into question. The attacks on those who ask questions cause even more distrust and doubt.
Please Support us by visiting our sponsorsJust like the man standing on the corner wearing a sandwich board that says: "THE WORLD WILL END TOMORROW," sooner or later more and more people will begin to question the claim. With Al Gore's recent purchase of ocean front property, it would appear that one of the high priests of the movement is not setting a very good example. Maybe he knows something or has lost his faith. It seems to me that this is another example of the sheer arrogance of the leadership of the whole cabal.
Scientific research is a time honored process of gathering facts, analyzing them, and developing a conclusion. Then allowing others to examine your methods, repeat any experiments, and develop conclusions. All information must be shared. Science is the relentless pursuit of the TRUTH. But after watching this whole affair of over 30 years, it is obvious to me that the initial step was to prove a theory. An honest scientific program would start with a simple statement, such as: What affect does human activity have on the ecosystem. But from my first exposure to climate research the question has been: What affect does carbon have on the ecosystem? These are two totally different questions. The former asks an open question, the latter starts with a conclusion. That being, that carbon is the target of the research which makes it easy to overlook and/or exclude any possible other final conclusion. Once you head down that path it is hard to be objective and all science goes out the window.
The litter bins of history are filled with false predictions and lies. There are a rash of new videos on the Internet that have been sanitized in an effort to restore faith in the Climate Change theories. We must have honest debate and research if we expect to identify and fix problems. Jumping to conclusions and solutions usually waste time, effort, and does real damage. I want our energies spent on finding solutions and by following blind paths we may overlook the real problems. But manipulating and destroying "bad" data because it does not fit your predetermined conclusion is criminal and endangers the faith that people have in those who are suppose to be smart enough to solve the world's problems.
I care about the environment. But I also care about the human race. We must find a happy balance with the environment to survive. A main issue I have, is with the constant doom and gloom I hear from certain people and their hypocrisy. The actions of many involved in the whole second ice age/global warming/climate change debate do not inspire confidence. Much of what I see is not the actions of mature individuals, but remind more of children demanding attention. I ask for honest skeptical scientific research, not religious zealotry. In a free country the major decisions need public support. The actions of a few "scientist" can thrown the question of the acts of all scientific honesty into question. The attacks on those who ask questions cause even more distrust and doubt.
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Scientific research is a time honored process of gathering facts, analyzing them, and developing a conclusion. Then allowing others to examine your methods, repeat any experiments, and develop conclusions. All information must be shared. Science is the relentless pursuit of the TRUTH. But after watching this whole affair of over 30 years, it is obvious to me that the initial step was to prove a theory. An honest scientific program would start with a simple statement, such as: What affect does human activity have on the ecosystem. But from my first exposure to climate research the question has been: What affect does carbon have on the ecosystem? These are two totally different questions. The former asks an open question, the latter starts with a conclusion. That being, that carbon is the target of the research which makes it easy to overlook and/or exclude any possible other final conclusion. Once you head down that path it is hard to be objective and all science goes out the window.
The litter bins of history are filled with false predictions and lies. There are a rash of new videos on the Internet that have been sanitized in an effort to restore faith in the Climate Change theories. We must have honest debate and research if we expect to identify and fix problems. Jumping to conclusions and solutions usually waste time, effort, and does real damage. I want our energies spent on finding solutions and by following blind paths we may overlook the real problems. But manipulating and destroying "bad" data because it does not fit your predetermined conclusion is criminal and endangers the faith that people have in those who are suppose to be smart enough to solve the world's problems.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
L.A. Teacher Calls for Mexican Revolt in the U.S.
A revolt is brewing and it is not from the TEA Party. It is coming from those who have invaded our country. Watch this video and see what a school teacher in Los Angles is saying. If you love the US then please act. We have Agents from foreign governments stirring up revolt in our country. Our leaders are sitting on their hands and refuse to enforce the law while demonizing anyone who ask for law and order. Not only do they refuse to enforce the law they are working to give people who have are disrespectful of our country. We must stand up for our rights to live in a free country and take control of our destiny. It is time to root out those who calling for violent revolution. It is time to demand that the laws be enforced. We were once a nation of laws. But now our leaders create exclusions for themselves and have created special protected groups. This must end. We must unite to save our liberties. This has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with the rule of law.
Ron Gochez is NOT a professor at UCLA. Gochez is currently a HISTORY teacher (yikes) at Santee H.S. in Los Angeles.
Please flood their mail systems, faxes, phonelines, and emails. Please be respectful as we of the Tea Party are a peaceful bunch.
Here is his H.S.:
Phone: (213) 763-1000
Los Angeles Unified School District
Tel: 213-241-7000
Los Angeles Board of Education:
Tel: 213-241-6389
Fax (213) 742-9883
Myspace page:
If you don't have an fax machine, enclosed is some links where you can fax for free
Also I would recommend that you email the message also , thank you my Patriot Friends.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
7:18 AM
Halt the Invasion,
Immigration Reform,
President Obama

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