When I was a young boy I was a member of the Cub Scouts and the WEBELOS. Before I was old enough for the Boy Scouts our troop disbanded. I was just a kid and I don't know if it was the parents that just lost interest or some other reason. I do remember that at the time the church that sponsored our troop was going through major upheaval, but I guess I will never know what happen. I do know that I missed the meetings, camping, and other activities that kept me occupied and taught me a lot of good lessons. The Scouts for 100 years has been an association that has taught youths worldwide important lessons on values and simple rules for survival.
When I was in my twenties a friend's sister was having a birthday party for her daughter. I was raised in a conservative middle class home and had a view of children's birthday parties that fit that mold. This party was a shock to my middle class view of raising children. The first shock was that we did not sing Happy Birthday. Instead the mother played "So It's Your Birthday" by the Beatles. From that point I was in a bit of shock. It just didn't seem to be a child's party. There were as many adults as children and there was way too much alcohol being consumed by the adults for any 4 year old child's party. The music that was played was not children music and there were no children games. No pin the tail on the donkey or other games that I had always seen at parties for young children. The values that were presented to me that day were very different from those that I were raised with, and I decided that associating with people, who were so different, was not of benefit to me.
I feel the same about our current President. He does not share the common values of the average American. His childhood in a foreign nation and his radical parents and their, and later his, radical friends alienated him from the things that have been mainstream values in this country for most of its existence. He and many of our current Progressive representatives in Washington demonstrates that their goals and values are out of sync with the America and the Middle Class. The Progressives do not respect the country and they see themselves as superior to the masses. It is obvious that they see our way of life as a threat to their plans of ultimate control. In their eyes the Scouts are old fashion with out of date ideas. They see any organization that have, teach, and demand standards, values, and principles as something that must be conquered and controlled, or destroyed. This elitist attitude is on display everyday.
The President of the United States once again demonstrated his disconnection from the average America by deciding to make a campaign stop at the ABC daytime show "The View" and snub the 100th Anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. He could have rescheduled his appearance on The View. You can not reschedule an important anniversary such as the one the 100th year of the Boy Scouts of America.
If there is any group that has been the standard bearer, for America's youth, greater this one for American values I don't know who it would be. This is the reason that they have been a constant target of the radical left in this country. The destruction of this organization has been a goal of the left as a part of their goal of destroying the country. This action by the President would show that he considers the scouts to be unimportant and something he can marginalized. He seems to be still running for President. I believe he should realize that actions attract more votes than campaigning. People expect a leader to show concern for their values and traditions. He does not seem to understand or respect either.
There are many that are saying that he chose to appear on The View to outreach to women. Well he is only reaching out to the women on the left. In the past attending the Boy Scout Jamboree would have been seen as an outreach to the mothers of America. But with the constant attacks on the BSA and the support in many communities waining it may be that his The View has more support by American mothers then the BSA. If that day has come then it is a sad day for America.
By the way, the mother who's party I attended, later lost custody of her children when she was arrested for shoplifting, skipped bail and disappeared. No one is sure where she went, but she has not been seen since. I sorry to say that I don't know who raised her children. We can only hope that the values of those who love their children and this country win out over those who wish to destroy it. But until we find leadership in this country that is willing to restore and defend our Constitution and who share a common value system with the people who make this country work, the question is in doubt. We must remember who is standing up for America and who is driving it down. We must return respect for the nation and its people to Washington, before they destroy them both.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
My BSA View
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
3:27 PM
American Values,
President Obama,
TEA Party

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
One of the largest political movements has been making ripples in the American landscape over the since the latter half of 2008. Many on the left claim that the so called TEA Party started after the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States. To be honest the unrest over the growth of the Federal government has been growing across the nation for years. What is referred to as the TEA Party is not a political party. It is the thing that most politician fear the most; a movement of concerned citizens. Movements can be dangerous to politicians who only seek power. They can be very useful when the energy is focused toward a common goal.
There are many leaders and many independent groups that have collectively gathered into this movement. The common theme is an opposition to the continued growth of the Federal government. The ideas of the movement represent the convergence of a number of people not groups. The leaders of the Democrat party are still stuck on the idea that the TEA party is “Astroturf” that can be discredited and will die out as soon very soon. Their arrogant convictions that they’re answers are not only correct, but things that they are doing are supported by the vast majority of Americans. They are sure that their last electoral victory not only gave them unlimited power, but made all of their policies the only answers.
The TEA party is not perfect as there is nothing perfect. But there has been a collective movement by Democrats and general opposition groups to not only misrepresent the group but to discredit it. It seems that representatives of the Democrat party have been actively crash the TEA party and use any method they can imagine to cast a bad light on all aspects of the movement. The efforts to attack this movement went as far as the leaders of the Democrat party trying to spark racial incidences on the steps of the Nations Capital. The leadership has only made halfhearted attempts to make any outreach and try to understand the concerns of this group of American citizens.
The roots of the NAACP lay within the civil rights movement. People of color came together to fight the injustice of various governments within the USA. The fight against organized efforts to control members of a single racial group is not the brightest part of American history. The idea that the use of threats and intimidation were so prevalent in this country violates the basic principles of our founders and the ideas that founded our country. Although slavery was allowed under the original government, it was never meant to be a founding principle. The enslavement of one race should have never occurred and those who died to end the practice are not given enough credit for their sacrifice.
The NAACP for years has been nothing more than an arm of the Democrat party for many years. In many ways I see this organization as a means to control a major segment of the population and deliver a solid voting block. The thought that one organization representing one political party based upon the race of the members is an idea that stands against all logic. To think that there are many who consider that all persons of color think the same and have the same goals in life are laughable. It is true that this group looks to influence the policies of the party, but in the end the NAACP seems to only follow the party. But in many ways they now fulfill the function that was once preformed by the segregationist. They proclaim to speak for all people of color. I will not believe that the majority of those of African decent are of one mind.
There are many leaders and many independent groups that have collectively gathered into this movement. The common theme is an opposition to the continued growth of the Federal government. The ideas of the movement represent the convergence of a number of people not groups. The leaders of the Democrat party are still stuck on the idea that the TEA party is “Astroturf” that can be discredited and will die out as soon very soon. Their arrogant convictions that they’re answers are not only correct, but things that they are doing are supported by the vast majority of Americans. They are sure that their last electoral victory not only gave them unlimited power, but made all of their policies the only answers.
The TEA party is not perfect as there is nothing perfect. But there has been a collective movement by Democrats and general opposition groups to not only misrepresent the group but to discredit it. It seems that representatives of the Democrat party have been actively crash the TEA party and use any method they can imagine to cast a bad light on all aspects of the movement. The efforts to attack this movement went as far as the leaders of the Democrat party trying to spark racial incidences on the steps of the Nations Capital. The leadership has only made halfhearted attempts to make any outreach and try to understand the concerns of this group of American citizens.
The roots of the NAACP lay within the civil rights movement. People of color came together to fight the injustice of various governments within the USA. The fight against organized efforts to control members of a single racial group is not the brightest part of American history. The idea that the use of threats and intimidation were so prevalent in this country violates the basic principles of our founders and the ideas that founded our country. Although slavery was allowed under the original government, it was never meant to be a founding principle. The enslavement of one race should have never occurred and those who died to end the practice are not given enough credit for their sacrifice.
The NAACP for years has been nothing more than an arm of the Democrat party for many years. In many ways I see this organization as a means to control a major segment of the population and deliver a solid voting block. The thought that one organization representing one political party based upon the race of the members is an idea that stands against all logic. To think that there are many who consider that all persons of color think the same and have the same goals in life are laughable. It is true that this group looks to influence the policies of the party, but in the end the NAACP seems to only follow the party. But in many ways they now fulfill the function that was once preformed by the segregationist. They proclaim to speak for all people of color. I will not believe that the majority of those of African decent are of one mind.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
What does it mean to be a leader? Better yet what does leadership mean? To be a leader you must have leadership abilities, which means that people must trust and follow you. History is littered with leaders who inspired people to follow and failed a key requirement of leadership. To be a good leader a person must make good decisions. Making bad decisions or not making any decision can be fatal to a society. When any society fails to follow good leaders risk losing its cohesion and can collapse.
Now don’t get me wrong I have been in leadership positions for most of my life. I’ve run other people’s branch offices and franchised stores, Plus two different businesses that I owned. I’ve made good decisions and bad. I learned many years ago that if you don’t make mistakes then you are not doing anything. So life is a series of good and bad choices. No one can be correct all the time. The key is making more good than bad. The more good the better and as I’ve grown older I find that experience make it easier and sometimes almost automatic. But the odds of making a bad decision is always there, but not making one can be just as bad as making a bad one.
I must also say that I don’t think that I could ever do the things that a President has to do. It has to be the hardest job on Earth. I consider the job of President of the United States the same as trying to herd cats. This nation is made of every nationality on the planet and every political view that exists. The idea of this country is tolerance and domestic tranquility, with individuals who are fanatically independent. This volatile mixture has made a country that prides itself on the highest standard of living in the history of humankind.
Trying to run such a country is not a job that I’ve ever considered. So I have a tendency to be a little more understanding of Presidents, as long as their basic ideas are in line with the overall principles that have made the country great. I feel that President Obama does not have the values of the average citizen. His Socialistic beliefs run in opposition to what has created such a prosperous and reasonably stable society. It is not perfect, but no one or system can claim such a thing. But this President’s ideas show complete ignorance, a blatant desire to ignore the past, or (as some are saying) a desire to create civil unrest and the destruction of the nation.
Now don’t get me wrong I have been in leadership positions for most of my life. I’ve run other people’s branch offices and franchised stores, Plus two different businesses that I owned. I’ve made good decisions and bad. I learned many years ago that if you don’t make mistakes then you are not doing anything. So life is a series of good and bad choices. No one can be correct all the time. The key is making more good than bad. The more good the better and as I’ve grown older I find that experience make it easier and sometimes almost automatic. But the odds of making a bad decision is always there, but not making one can be just as bad as making a bad one.
I must also say that I don’t think that I could ever do the things that a President has to do. It has to be the hardest job on Earth. I consider the job of President of the United States the same as trying to herd cats. This nation is made of every nationality on the planet and every political view that exists. The idea of this country is tolerance and domestic tranquility, with individuals who are fanatically independent. This volatile mixture has made a country that prides itself on the highest standard of living in the history of humankind.
Trying to run such a country is not a job that I’ve ever considered. So I have a tendency to be a little more understanding of Presidents, as long as their basic ideas are in line with the overall principles that have made the country great. I feel that President Obama does not have the values of the average citizen. His Socialistic beliefs run in opposition to what has created such a prosperous and reasonably stable society. It is not perfect, but no one or system can claim such a thing. But this President’s ideas show complete ignorance, a blatant desire to ignore the past, or (as some are saying) a desire to create civil unrest and the destruction of the nation.
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
11:26 PM
Democrat Party,
Foreign Invasion,
Halt the Invasion,
Healthcare reform,
National Defense,
President Obama

Sunday, July 4, 2010
End-Dependence Day
The fourth day of July marks the day that brave men came together to start a brave experiment. They put their liberty on the line in an effort to cut the ties to a government that they found that they could no longer support. Their efforts continued for many years until they came together to form a union that was able to prosper and grow into a force as the world had never seen. This union has lived for many years and in many lives on till today.
July 4th of 2010 marked the 236th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule. In all of those years we as a nation have faced many trials and tribulations. The nation has seen total war with devastating destruction. It has seen years of plenty and years of scarcity. But the thing that has held it together is a spirit unlike any other in the world. The thing that separates the US from the rest of the world has been a independence that lives deep in the soul.
But that independence has been replaced by dependence in many citizens in this nation. It is easy to understand if you consider that people who live in large cities have, over the years; they have had to look to the local government for many services. When the local government failed to meet the promises made, they turned to the Federal government. This is a sad condition in this country. Too many look to the Federal government to be something it was not suppose to be. This dependence led to the Feds ignoring the wishes of the majority and passing a government takeover of the healthcare system. To this day many of those who pushed it through think that the opposition will go away once. They think that they did something good for the people. They've forgotten or never understood the true independent nature of many Americans.
July 4th of 2010 marked the 236th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence from British colonial rule. In all of those years we as a nation have faced many trials and tribulations. The nation has seen total war with devastating destruction. It has seen years of plenty and years of scarcity. But the thing that has held it together is a spirit unlike any other in the world. The thing that separates the US from the rest of the world has been a independence that lives deep in the soul.
But that independence has been replaced by dependence in many citizens in this nation. It is easy to understand if you consider that people who live in large cities have, over the years; they have had to look to the local government for many services. When the local government failed to meet the promises made, they turned to the Federal government. This is a sad condition in this country. Too many look to the Federal government to be something it was not suppose to be. This dependence led to the Feds ignoring the wishes of the majority and passing a government takeover of the healthcare system. To this day many of those who pushed it through think that the opposition will go away once. They think that they did something good for the people. They've forgotten or never understood the true independent nature of many Americans.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Comprehensive Immigration Reform and The President
Today I witnessed the results of electing a President that was educated outside of the US. Well that is the only good reason I can think of for the creative American history that he tried to write. I guess rewrite would be more appropriate. This has the be the reason that Mr. Obama understanding of the history of the Statue of Liberty is so wrong. His lame attempt to connect immigration to the illegal aliens was very transparent. But I fear that a lot of Americans will believe him since they don’t know the true history of our country.
I don’t know if the mistake was his or his speech writer, but someone did not do a fact check. What did they use to research the information on the Statue of Liberty? Or did they just wing it? Almost everything that he said was wrong. He did even get the inscription correct.
Once again the President of the United States talks in circles to try and confuse the issues concerning a foreign invasion of this country. By continuing to refuse to use the legal term of illegal alien he attempts to equate legal immigration with illegal actions. There is a huge difference between those who have gone through the proper channels and those who overstayed their visas or slipped across the borders.
But in a lot of ways this is not the real problem. The problem is a lack of trust in our leadership. The American people understand that the agenda of those in power has nothing to do with the laws of this nation or immigration. It is about power. We don’t have as much of an immigration problem as a leadership problem. There is a contradiction of what we are told and their actions. The President said that it is impossible to enforce the law. Would it not be more correct to say that he is not capable to enforce the law? He may just be unwilling.
I don’t know if the mistake was his or his speech writer, but someone did not do a fact check. What did they use to research the information on the Statue of Liberty? Or did they just wing it? Almost everything that he said was wrong. He did even get the inscription correct.
Once again the President of the United States talks in circles to try and confuse the issues concerning a foreign invasion of this country. By continuing to refuse to use the legal term of illegal alien he attempts to equate legal immigration with illegal actions. There is a huge difference between those who have gone through the proper channels and those who overstayed their visas or slipped across the borders.
But in a lot of ways this is not the real problem. The problem is a lack of trust in our leadership. The American people understand that the agenda of those in power has nothing to do with the laws of this nation or immigration. It is about power. We don’t have as much of an immigration problem as a leadership problem. There is a contradiction of what we are told and their actions. The President said that it is impossible to enforce the law. Would it not be more correct to say that he is not capable to enforce the law? He may just be unwilling.
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
11:50 PM
Foreign Invasion,
Immigration Reform,
President Obama

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