What does it mean to be a leader? Better yet what does leadership mean? To be a leader you must have leadership abilities, which means that people must trust and follow you. History is littered with leaders who inspired people to follow and failed a key requirement of leadership. To be a good leader a person must make good decisions. Making bad decisions or not making any decision can be fatal to a society. When any society fails to follow good leaders risk losing its cohesion and can collapse.
Now don’t get me wrong I have been in leadership positions for most of my life. I’ve run other people’s branch offices and franchised stores, Plus two different businesses that I owned. I’ve made good decisions and bad. I learned many years ago that if you don’t make mistakes then you are not doing anything. So life is a series of good and bad choices. No one can be correct all the time. The key is making more good than bad. The more good the better and as I’ve grown older I find that experience make it easier and sometimes almost automatic. But the odds of making a bad decision is always there, but not making one can be just as bad as making a bad one.
I must also say that I don’t think that I could ever do the things that a President has to do. It has to be the hardest job on Earth. I consider the job of President of the United States the same as trying to herd cats. This nation is made of every nationality on the planet and every political view that exists. The idea of this country is tolerance and domestic tranquility, with individuals who are fanatically independent. This volatile mixture has made a country that prides itself on the highest standard of living in the history of humankind.
Trying to run such a country is not a job that I’ve ever considered. So I have a tendency to be a little more understanding of Presidents, as long as their basic ideas are in line with the overall principles that have made the country great. I feel that President Obama does not have the values of the average citizen. His Socialistic beliefs run in opposition to what has created such a prosperous and reasonably stable society. It is not perfect, but no one or system can claim such a thing. But this President’s ideas show complete ignorance, a blatant desire to ignore the past, or (as some are saying) a desire to create civil unrest and the destruction of the nation.
No one person can run a country as diverse as this one. It takes advisors and secretaries to help and keep the nation on an even keel. The final decisions should come from the holder of the highest administration office. This is where I see a major breakdown in Washington. The people that the President has surrounded himself are not people who inspire confidence. The public statements of his closest advisors, such as one openly self proclaimed Communist to showing admiration of Chairman Mao to the current dictator of Venezuela, worry many Americans including myself. Beyond those advisors we also have the past history of his dealings with questionable union leaders and various left wing groups including the New Black Panther Party.
The Administrations continues to support for those that have openly crossed the freedom of speech line when they not only preached hate for one race, but openly call for not only infanticide but genocide. They were then caught in the act of intimidating voters. As long as the sitting government is willing to openly support such people I must assume that they agree with this group’s goals. Is our President really the enemy of the citizens? But of course the Left Stream Media (LSM) is by default supporting these goals by ignoring the story.
I’m not afraid of a small band of radical racist calling for the extermination of all white people, as long as we have a government that is willing to protect the citizens. I do fear when so many are willing to overlook this episode and by doing so they condone and support such groups. How far will this support go? The Administration and the LSM are more willing to persecute the state of Arizona for enforcing the law then protecting the country. This is not the way to promote and preserve a prosperous society. It is the road to anarchy.
The lack of true leadership coming from majority party in Washington is bad enough, but their failure to enforce the law makes for a nation that can not continue in the civil manner envisioned by many. The unconstitutional power grabs and willingness to violate the trust of the governed by people who no longer see themselves as public servants is creating a situation that can not last. If the next elections are not considered to be open and fair there could be civil unrest as this nation has never seen. It is imperative that every citizen stand up for their rights. We must insist that laws are enforced. We must watch our own polls and make sure that thugs do not intimidate or manipulate the will of the American people. We must identify those who are willing to use any means to win and make sure that they no long have a place in our government. We must trust those who are in the capital and are willing to return some of the power that has been taken illegally.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
11:26 PM
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