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With the continuing efforts from the Left Stream Media, the Socialist, Anarchist, and many of our "leader" working hard to ignore and/or discredit the TEA Party movement, I thought it was time to directly address my thoughts.
As a freedom loving American I try to avoid following any one person. I like many are unsure and can be distrustful of movements. But I see something different in this loosely aligned group that is very compelling. Unlike the smears spread by those who fear this group the most, I see a strong grassroots effort to return the government to its foundation.
The opposition is made up of various groups. The far right wing Anarchist believes we would all be better off with no government and they are willing to bring down the current government by any means. Another foe is the far left liberals who want total government. Other foes are those who are uninformed and distrustful, they are happy with the status quo. Others are those who disbelieve that there is a problem and distrust any group that protest.
As I talk to my neighbors and co-workers I find a lot of people support the goals of the TEA Party, but they will not go to rallies or openly support the movement. I hear the same thing almost every time I talk about the rallies. They are afraid of the violence from the opposition. Many have seen the violence at the G8 meetings and other events that occur around the world. Most believe that the opposition are small in number, are well financed, and are willing to go to any length to obtain their goals. This intimidation may keep them from marching in the street, but I don't think it will keep at home come election day. This seems to be something that the opposition is very worried about, demonstrated by the open call to discredit the party. But it may not work out as they plan or at least if we are going to win the TEA Party must continue to recruit and find ways to bring more into the movement.
I see a healthy country with open debate. Those who oppose debate demonstrate the weakness of their argument. We can no longer ignore the consistent violation of our rights and the bankrupting of the country for a perverted sense of "fairness." We must retake the rights taken from us and remove those from power that would destroy this country and the things that made it great. We must think the unthinkable and not ignore what the people that are leading us have said. We can not allow ourselves to believe lies.
The TEA Party is and must be an agent for good. We must stand and be counted. Might does not make right and we must remember that if our ideas are worth the effort, then we must not back down. It is time for good Americans to stand up and demand to be heard. We can not allow threats and intimidation to tear us apart. We must remember that right does make might and we must stick to our founding documents.
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