After an absence I’m attempting to return to a normal post schedule. Last year I had some serious health issues that interfered with my ability to provide regular post. The second half of 2010 was not a good time in my life since I was recovering from complications of surgery. Much of this time required pain medication. I realized that the use of this medication affected my writing ability and I reduced my opinionated posting. So far this year my “day job” has occupied much of my time. My job supports my blogging efforts. I’ve never been under the illusion that any of my blogs would ever show a profit, the balance between the two means that the effort that financially supports my blog and pays the bills must come first. I expect to continue my thoughts from Thursday and additional week posts, but at times my “real job” may call me away. I pray that my health does not cause any more issues for awhile.
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The Left Stream Media wagged war on the Bush Administration for 8 years. One target of hate was Donald Rumsfeld. So many lies were told about this man that many that hate him don’t even know the truth or care. I don’t personally know him and know that I will never meet him, but I don’t see him as a saint or a devil. He is a person who served the country with no outwardly signs of corruption. I look forward to reading his new book. I know that those who hate him will not read it. The hate on the left is so irrational that they no longer care about truth. They only care about keeping their hate alive.
The end of the NFL season:
Before this year’s Super Bowl the singing of the National Anthem caused a bit of a controversy. I must say something about this episode: Never try to make the National Anthem your own. After all it is the United States National Anthem. Anyone who is asked to sing this song should not only be honored, but they should take it very seriously. Don’t do anything fancy, just sing it to the best of your ability. I really don’t believe that there was an attempt to be disrespectful or that Christina Aguilera was only attempting to do her best. So there is no reason to say anything more.
Planned Parenthood and under-aged abortions:
After years of the left demanding that parents lose their rights to be informed and involved in their reproductive decisions why would anyone be surprised that employees of Planned Parenthood would not see any problems with under aged abuse of girls. The left has used Planned Parenthood for too many years to promote irresponsibility. With a total lack of respect for human life, it only seems normal that anyone who actively promotes abortion would have no respect for morality.
You can justify almost anything in your mind when you lack basic ethics. So I was not surprised with the tapes of workers at Planned Parenthood were willing to help with the enslavement of under aged girls. As a society we have allowed left wing radicals to redefine ethics and morality. As we run headlong into an amoral society is it time to stop and rethink our direction? Not only is it unthinkable that young girls could be alienated from their parents when it comes to making such life changing decisions concerning sexual relations and birth control, but that a government supported agency’s employee would take away parental rights. While millions of innocent babies have been killed in the name of a judicially declared “right to privacy” those who support this lost of life lose more and more of their humanity. The tragedy affects more than the victims of this sad affair. The victims also include those who counsel women to abort their health babies.
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Well last week the DLC announced that they were disbanding. This group that claimed to be the moderate wing of the Democrat Party seems to have lost all support in the party. The only thing that it seems to say to me is that Bill Clinton is ready to retire from politics. The DLC was a creation of President Clinton? I had never heard of it before he needed to convince the American people that he was a centrist.
So with the recent lose to the Republicans and the conservative Tea Party candidates the Democrats believe that the only way to win is to move all the way to the left. The DLC and its claim at Conservative values just don’t fit into the Progressive Democrat Party.
Considering that this week it was announced that the next Democrat Convention has been named “The People’s Convention” they no longer even pretend that they are not a far left political party. It is easier to understand their desire to “spread the wealth” when you consider this choice of names. Just like the People’s Republic of China, and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea I think it is easy to see which path they wish to follow.
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