Just like in 2008 he reached out to those undecided, conservative Americans, and Reagan Democrats who supported him after they started to pay attention. They heard a man who spoke in broad terms that sounded very conservative. This overall act and the coverage by the Left Stream Media that did not cover his contradictions and deceitful record hide his true character. Many of his new supporters where filled with hope and a deep desire to see him succeed. I believe many wanted to show that the racism of the past would be put behind them as they pull the lever to vote a black man into the highest office in the nation. They really wanted to believe. Yes to believe in something. They wanted to believe that this man could actually provide the change in Washington to turn the nation around and return us to a form or government that reflects the majority.
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While blaming the past many of his policies mirror those of the Bush Administration. His health care plan that increases government control over every America was actually started with the passing of Medicare Part D. TARP may have been started under Bush, but Obama was happy to take it over and expand it. Obama stimulus was also attempted by Bush. He rails against the “Bush Era Tax Cuts” but when he had total control of Congress, he did nothing to overturn or raise those rates. Let’s face it when he talks about returning to the failed policies of the past, he is whistling past the graveyard. His “plan” is the same old “tax and spend” policies that have been exposed by Progressive politicians for over a century. The only thing new is the speed at which he has pushed the nation into socialism.
During his time in office he has constantly attacked any American individual or group that disagrees with his ideas. His attack on the citizens, their security, and the sovereignty of the states not only weakens our common binds but endangers our national identity. The Fast and Furious scandal, which could be considered as an act of war by our government, has been covered up with the use of Executive Privilege paints a dark cloud of suspicion over the entire executive branch. This act of arming drug gangs has been responsible for the death of Mexican and American citizens, including at least one DEA Agent, Brian Terry.
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While Mr. Obama was putting on the conservative act, it is hard to forget the acts of those who where cheering him on. While millions of Americans are un or under-employed, unknown numbers of people who have given up hope to find employment, and Billions of dollars have been wasted or sent overseas to support foreign business the Democrats focused their energies on social issues.
While their chosen leader put on a “moderate” and conservative face, they showed that their extreme and radical ideas were more important the health of the people of this nation. These narrowed minded radicals demonstrate such vial hate for the traditions and for the nation as a whole that it is impossible for them to hide it. They give lip service to helping the poor, while pushing government funded abortion, gay marriage, and caps on earnings. This convention was attended by people who are so divorced from the normal life of most Americans that they cannot understand how their image has been diminished in the eyes of God fearing and loyal Americans.
The parade of extremist that I say as I watched these gypsies, tramps, and thieves only shows how irrelevant this party has made itself. Their lies, lack of self-respect, and open contempt for the things that made this country great makes me feel sad. I pray that they will one day see that deception, lack of morals, and the avocation of theft will not help anyone. Well except the immoral, lying thieves that they have so much respect.
The Democrat Party has become a party of exclusion. They will not allow anyone in the party that is pro-life or belief in any moral value system. The President approved a platform that not only excluded God but supported the pro terrorist concepts of the enemies of one of our strongest allies. This last one showed a lack of respect for a law signed by Bill Clinton. The way in which they “fixed” this “error” showed that not only does a majority of the party support the platform as written, but that the leaders of the party don’t respect the rule of law or their party.
Their greatest weakness in that they believe that they are the majority. This is something that I was afraid was true. That was before the 2010 mid-term elections. This is not the time to ignore the record of our current President as the media has chosen to do in the past. It seems to me that this time around Chris Matthews should be feeling something going down his leg this year and it is not a thrill.
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