January 19, 2013 was Gun Appreciation Day. It was in response to the outcry from the Left Stream Media, Sen. Feinstein, Barack Obama, and the normal cast of gun grabbers. After the shootings at Sandy Hook the media has pushed and the government has worked to disarm the American people. Now I know that the overall answer to this is: “No one is talking about gun confiscation.” But that is a lie. There are way too many people in power who have talked about it. This is a standard Progressive dodge and lie. I’ve seen this type of thing happen over and over again. I’ve seen people talk about something, get called on it, and then deny that they were talking about what they just said. There are many tricks that these misguided and uninformed people use to push their agenda. But they are pushing very hard to obtain, what is without a doubt, a major infringement on the Constitution and the rights enshrined within.
This is such a shameful example of overreach that it must not go unanswered. The direct attack on one of the oldest and largest civil rights organizations in the nation is slanderous and dangerous. The NRA has been maligned and misrepresented to the point that far too many people believe the lies over the truth. Too many people are unwilling to do their own research and choose to believe lies about an organization that promotes gun safety and education. But education is not something that the media and gun grabbers want. They prefer that the average citizen is ignorant. It is harder to manipulate and control people if they only listen to one source of information. They only believe lies and distrust who they are told to distrust. This puts not only our freedoms but our live in jeopardy as people turn their lives and safety to people only want to manipulate and control them.
It is plan that too many in the media and government are not only willing to bath in the blood of the innocent victims of Sandy Hook, but are willing to dance on their graves. They are willing to use the emotions of the moment to convince people to accept policies that have nothing to do with protecting children, but push their misguided agenda in the name of protection. But we must not let those failed policies and mistakes of the past to be repeated. We cannot allow them to “fix” problems that do not exist and ignore the rights of all Americans. We must not allow them to make us all victims of the madman who murder innocent people. For if we allow the gun grabbers repeat the mistakes made in Chicago, Detroit, and New York we will all become defenseless and victims of anyone wishing to harm our families. We cannot allow the elites who surround themselves with armed guards take away one of our basic freedoms. They are talking confiscation in places we are not hearing. They are putting policies in place that will make that easier. They are trying to convince a majority of American that if you respect the Constitution and the Second Amendment then there is something wrong with you.
Don’t let them laugh you into submission. Don’t turn your back on a fundamental right of We The People. Don’t become another victim of Sandy Hook.
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