So Mr. Obama has been "bailed out" by Russia? It seems to me that he still has a lot of egg on his face. He spent so much time keeping score on the golf course, he lost track of keeping score on the world stage. It would be nice to think that he learned a lesson. A good one would be: that it takes more than a good sounding speech to accomplish anything of meaning. He should also be able to understand that he is not always the smartest person in the room. It is fairly plain that this is a man who doesn't understand the job he holds.
Now before I make the next statement I will say that I'm not now or have never been a birther. There is no doubt that Mr. Obama was born to an American citizen (his mother) no matter where she was located at the time of his birth. His father may or may not have been a citizen, but that really doesn't play into the argument. If one parent is a citizen and the other is not, then he may have dual citizenship and one of the is citizen of the United States. Anyone who subscribes to the birther theory is buying into the racist tactics of the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008.
Being a citizen alone is not enough to qualify anyone to be President of the United States. There is no doubt that he was, no matter where he was born, raised outside of the nation. He went to Muslim schools. His lessons were not on American History. He didn't play football or Pledge of Allegiance to the United States. In the famous picture of him on stage and not saluting the flag should come as a surprise to no one. He may have not known that that was the appropriate thing to do, but it didn't hurt him with his base, since they didn't see it for what it was and didn't understand its importance to the nation.
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So now our culturally ignorant president, raised in a foreign nation, being propped up by an sycophant and accomplice media and political party has failed a very important test on the world stage. He has shown not only a complete incompetency but his normal disengagement. But when you threaten acts of war it should never be taken lightly. An unfortunately the president has shown from the beginning an air of aloofness and arrogance that doesn't win friends or convince allies to support you.
So it appears that Mr. Obama will walk away with something he could declare as a victory, but it has sent a message to our allies and enemies. That message is of weakness and incompetency. Let's hope the next crisis comes after he leaves office and his replacement has better leadership skill. Or at least someone who understand more about the nation, its history, and the legacy left by those who laid down their lives to defend it.
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