It became clear this week that the chief law enforcement officer of the United States has a problem with the law. The man sworn in as the 82nd Attorney General of this country, who's job is suppose to be the enforcement of the laws, seems to not care about the law. For years illegal aliens have systematically been invading our country. This is not his fault. Administrations have failed to secure our borders for many years. He as have other Attorney Generals, inherited the problem. But this is no excuse for him or his predecessor. American citizens have repeatedly been promised that this problem would be fixed.
With the Federal government unwilling or unable to act the state of Arizona passed a law that ordered its law enforcement agents to enforce the law. Just to make sure that there was no issues with some of the language in the law it was amended. Apparently this was a novel idea for many in the Federal government. Members of Congress, the President, and his administration, including the AG proceed to make speeches and toured the talk show circuit and spout distortions of the AZ law. to many, including myself, it seems that they were trying to insight violence. This coming from a person who is suppose to keep the peace. But much of what they've said was inaccurate, misleading, or just plain lies. These blatant attacks and open campaign to discredit the law enforcement officers and the government of Arizona is a disgrace and should never have been carried out by someone in the US government.
Now after all of the attacks which can be seen to feed the fire of the riots across the nation, it is now known that AG Holder has not read the AZ law. Around 2:45 in the linked video Attorney General Holder makes this admission. He says that section 287g is constitutional and basically the Arizona law is just an extension of that program. If you watch the entire video, you will hear many things that are just not true. The AZ law is not taken affect and any claims that it is being enforced must be backed up.
He said that this is a national issue, but I feel that this is a national disgrace. The Attorney General's job is to prosecute not persecute. But he has repeatedly made claims that he could not back up with facts. He also said that he had not been briefed. Since this is true, then why was he speaking out against something that he was completely ignorant of its contents. He said that he has made no conclusions, but he has spoken out against it. His boss, the President, has made inflammatory remarks that are factually incorrect.
I challenge Rep. Judy Chu to present evidence of her charges of Arizona violating the rights of anyone in the enforcement of a bill that has not become law. The types of remarks that she has made is yet another attack on law enforcement officers. How can our so called leaders expect to rule when they openly attack those who have been given the responsibility of maintaining order. These continued attacks are foolish and should end. This failure of the administration to defend the sovereignty of the country and the lives of those that they are sworn to protect undermines our system of law.
This episode has tainted the AG by politicizes the Department of Justice. He and our leaders have failed their primary duty to this country. We must return to the rule of law. We must defend our country and expect our law enforcement agencies to work together and honor their commitments. It seems obvious that by taking his stand and fueling the lawless rhetoric he is unwilling to carry out his duties. The government's stand on this foreign occupation, shows that our leaders have no desire to protect us. If the current AG is unable to fulfill his duties then he should be replaced with someone who will protect our country.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Additional video footage is available here.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Friday, May 14, 2010
AG Holder Acting Stupidly
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
5:09 PM
Attorney General,
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