Friday, December 30, 2011

The 2012 Quest

Diogenes of Sinope is said to have walked the streets of ancient Greece, looking for an honest man. This journey was considered fruitless. He is also known as Diogenes the Cynic. His cynicism grew from his final belief that it was impossible to find an honest person. I’m not so sure if there is really a truly honest person in the world. It is hard not to be cynical. It is health to have some cynicism in your life. Too much trust can be a dangerous thing, but there are times when you have to trust people. The current leadership in our national government is playing upon this natural cynical nature of people. The use of class warfare to divide and conquer our nation must be the transparency that was was promised at the beginning of the Obama Administration. Considering that they decided to receive an award for transparency in secret, I can only believe it.

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Every four years the United States goes through an exercise to find an individual that is willing and able to lead the nation. We hope to find an honest person to fill the job. I was told once that: Anyone who has done everything required to become President of the United States, should never be given the job. There are times when I believe it. It is said that the road to the White House requires a person to make deals and sell their soul to obtain this job with so much power. Over the years there have been many presidents who were seen as corrupt. Many others are revered as great leaders. For the brief history of the nation, many have stepped forward for consideration for the job, but only a few have been selected. All who have accepted this job come out after their term looking much older than when they entered. It is a hard job and the process used to select the person to occupy it must be very thorough. A comprehensive search and vetting process must occur to protect our fragile republic. This process has been broken at certain times and requires those who protect our liberties to fix it. The lovers of liberty are the people who really understand the price of freedom are willing to pay the price.

Far too many of those who have acquired power today no longer respect their oath of office and are willing to protect the Constitution. The events that have occurred over the 20th century have eroded the system and put those in power who no longer respect the people of the country or our freedoms. They believe that the answers to all problems come from Washington. They see every problem as a way to increase their power and the political parties.

I see a new spirit rising in the nation. The excesses of power over the past few years have awoken many to the dangers we face from those who wish to impose a dictatorial tyrannical state upon us. The imposition of socialistic policies, the militaristic behavior, and the creation of enemy list by the President are the acts that are antithetical to the freedoms that this nation was founded upon. We have a political movement that is working hard to widen the rift in the nation to maintain their power. Next year is the year in which we must find out if we can restore our republic or will we watch the nation continue to slide into tyranny.

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As I wrote about in None of the Above in 2010, I believe that there is a new wind blowing through the nation. More and more people are beginning to trust the political parties and the political class. It is becoming clear that our elected representatives are no longer protecting the nation. They are only doing what will increase and prolong their power. We are getting tired of slick politicians.

In 2007 we were promised “hope and change” by then candidate Barack Obama. To many Americans he appeared to be an outsider. Unfortunately instead of hope we got inflation, rising unemployment, record wasteful government spending, class warfare, three dollar plus gas prices, attacks on individual freedoms, socialized medicine, and unprecedented growth of the federal government. The power shift from the individual to Washington has been breath taking over the last few years is frightening. This betrayal of the faith of the public must be corrected. I can only hope that we can continue the work that began in 2010. If enough people are left that love our freedoms and understand that the policies of Washington will enslave all of us then we can reverse our course and save the nation.

The choices in leadership, we make in 2012, will determine our destiny. I still feel that our two party system is broken. Both parties seem to have the same goals. The growth of the number of progressives in the government representing both parties is pushing us deeper into socialism. By not accepting more of the same from the political leadership we can once again restore our representative government. We must replace the politicians in Washington with citizen willing to defend the Constitution and protect the freedoms of this nation.

So far I am still undecided on whom I will support next year, but I can not and will not support the reelection of President Obama. His time in office has been bad for this nation. His lack of life experience and overall personality do not make him suited for the office he holds. I don’t trust him or his judgment. But with whom do we replace him with next year?

Our fate is in our hands and we must make sure we choose the right person to lead us out or the mess that has been created by the Progressives. Just as Diogenes was unable to find an honest man in ancient Greece, it is impossible to find a perfect candidate. After all no one is perfect, but we can find a qualified person who would be better than the current occupant of the executive suite. It is important that we don’t become too obsessed with finding someone who agrees with everything you want. We must find a person who is will to actually follow the laws of the land, stop the crony capitalism, and once again turn the nation to true prosperity. This is a quest that we must continue into 2012 and not falter until the republic has been fully restored. We owe this to those who come after us, just as our forefathers gave it to us.

©2011 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thoughts for Thursday 12-22-11

Sending up the white flag…again. Dear Speaker; I’m very sad on how this whole “payroll tax vote” affair played out. You don’t seem to understand the game that the President and the Democrats are playing. You can not trust them. They’re play a no holds barred game. To me it seems as if they played you like a cheap violin. It’s beginning to make me wonder if you are qualified for the job that must be done. The future of this country and our liberties are on the line. The low ratings of Congress should not be read as the public is mad because you are not giving us enough. We are made because you are taking too much. Congress is not operating with the health of the nation in mind.

Seed Newsvine
The rise of the TEA Party was to rein in the out of control government. We want you to communicate the values of this nation. You need to act smarter. The President and his gang of thugs are not going to play fair, so you can not trust them. You must stop playing their game and look ahead and understand the traps they are setting for you and the American people. The American people will support you if you continue to appear weak. We want strength and you are making the president look strong than you.

You must know by now that the Left Stream Media is your enemy. They hate you just because you are a Republican. They only support the goals of the Democrat party and the goals of the Progressive Socialist. Unless you support the goals of the Progressives then you need to take a stand for what you believe. If you love this country then you must stop playing and begin to represent the conservative views that put the Republicans in the House as the majority. Do you wish to continue to alienate voters are do you want to bring those who feel the system has turned against them?

It is time for true Constitutional Conservative leadership that supports the values of our founders. The status quo is no longer acceptable to many Americans. The promise of hope and change swept President Obama into office, but it was not the hope or change that was expected. The change that he has represented is a even faster move to socialism and tyranny. That is not the values that made this country great. Next year will be another year of transition. It will either spell the end of the country or the beginning of its rebirth. We need leaders that will defend the American way and defeat the enemies of our country, not work with them.

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Stealing Votes: With the conviction of 2 Troy, N.Y. city officials and two Democratic political operatives it is clear that the voter fraud that we have been told does not exist is occurring. With Democrats standing in the way of every effort to verify the integrity of the electoral system, it is becoming clear why. Efforts by, mostly Republican officials, to create a system of fair and free elections have been blocked at every turn by Democrat officials. These Democrats continue to create a system that disenfranchises voters. I can only believe that those who wish to disenfranchise voters and overturn the will of the people should never be given power. These are people who no longer support our republic and only wish to maintain their power. If allowed to continue there will be no hope for our freedoms.

One of those convicted in this case, defended his acts by saying; “everyone does it.” This type of defense shows a total lack of respect for our system of justice. This person is so blind to his own corruption that he assumes that everyone is corrupt. There is no excuse for this type of activity by anyone. With the same allegations that caused the investigation into the primary in 2008 there is now a shadow over the Presidential election.

The constant refrain from the left is that any attempt to make our electoral system honest is “voter suppression.” But now that more and more Democratic Party voter fraud becomes public, it is clear that the left can not win on their ideas. They feel that they must usurp power and impose their will. This political corruption must come to an end. The idea that one group feels that they must maintain their power no matter the means can no longer be accepted. Anyone that really believes that protected the integrity of our elections is somehow unfair should be run out of the political system. They are imposing tyranny upon us all.

Greatest Presidents of all times?
Once again the President shows that his ego is much larger than the man. As he marches the country deeper into bankruptcy he compares believes that he is the fourth greatest president in history. Of course you have to consider who he thinks is the top three. His choice of FDR and LBJ says as much about his core beliefs as it does about anything else. FDR took this country the closest to dictatorship than any president in our history. His rule by executive order, front loading the SCOTUS, and socialistic programs prolonged “The Great Depression” and damaged the republic. LBJ and his devastating war in Vietnam and “Great Society” programs continued and accelerated the march toward national slavery. I know that Lincoln is looked upon by many as a great leader, but his emergency orders that lead to the death of thousands of Americans is not something to look up to, well unless you envy the power that he took in a time of national emergency.

©2011 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Memos from Monday 12-19-11

Do Nothing Democrats:
For 4 years the Democrat Party had total control of the Congress with 2 of those years they controlled the White House and Congress with a super majority. But it has been over 900 days since Congress passed a budget. The President and his party continue to claim that the Republicans are standing in the way.

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Harry Reid has the job of standing in the way of everything that the Republican controlled House passes. The biggest problem that I see in the Left Stream Media is that they do not report this simple fact. I’m not surprised that this is happening, but because of this lack of accurate reporting there are many people who pay no attention who will be easily manipulated. Instead of seeing that the Democrats have played politics with the nation’s health, they will blame those who are actually trying to do the people’s business.

It seems to me that there is more going on here than is being reported. The House passed a one year extension of the FICA tax cut. The Senate passed a 2 month extension. It may be that the President wants to see how much traction his message of “do nothing Congress” plays with the American people. He attacked the Republicans today without saying that the deadlock is actually in the Senate which is controlled by his party. It is very clear that he and his advisors think that the only way he can win next year is to blame everything on someone else. It is definitely true that the Democrats in Congress are in full “reelect Obama” mode. With no bill before Christmas, the topic of 24 hour news cycle will be; how the Republicans took away a tax cut from the Americans. This will make it a major topic of discussion as people gather for the holidays.

For a minute let’s look at what has been purposed. Two months would make the Congress revisit this issue in February. This would allow the Democrats to crow again about the “deadlock” in Congress. This would hit the media just as the Republican Primaries are beginning to heat up. The Presidents hit squad would be working the Left Stream Media and the Sunday morning shows hard to deflect blame from the President. The “news” programs will lead every hour with stories of how many are being harmed by the Republicans failure to compromise with the President and holding up progress. I see two months of whining by various partisan political types who will tell us how the evil conservatives want to destroy the President, economy, pollute the water, starve the poor, and cause a black man to look bad.

A one year extension will put the next renewal vote after the election. At that time a lot of the political motives will be gone. The Congress will be in lame duck mode with many of the members of Congress will (I can only hope) be on their way out the door. This will change the thought process of those who are leaving and may actually cause them to put the country before party.

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There is no doubt, in my mind, that this entire vote was timed to create a crisis for the President at the end of the year. They hope to take advantage of the emotions of people who are willing to believe the worst. I only hope that enough people are actually paying attention to understand what type of political games are being played and see how transparent the whole episode is when looked at it with open eyes. It is important to remember how President Obama thinks about the American people. He is the one who defined anyone who disagrees with him as the enemy.

Uncle Joe Opens His Mouth, Inserts Foot…Again:
The hardest part of any war is enemy identification. Many “friendly fire” incidences occur when people become confused. It is far too common on the battlefield, but you expect a person a single heartbeat from the presidency to be aware of those who wish to kill Americans and destroy the nation. But it appears that our VP is unaware of the support the Taliban gave to el Qaida and how many of our sons in arms have been killed by them and their proxies.

The Taliban are not only our enemy but are the enemy of all free people and those who crave freedom. The spin from the left is saying that his statement was taken out of context; but how could that be? The Obama Administration has been reaching out to our enemies ever since they took office. They seem to think that they can make peace with people who believe that the only way to obtain peace is by destroying any who disagree with them. This President has telegraphed every move to our enemies and put our brave soldiers at risk.

Maybe it is time to but Ole’ Joe out to pasture. His gaffes are not only an embarrassment to the country, but a danger to the future of the nation. He is like that crazy uncle you see in the movies that should be in a home, but no one have the heart to lock him away. Just think if something were to happen to the president then we would hear the two most frightening words that I could ever imagine: President Biden.

AG shows his cards:
When the going gets tough, some people look for excuses. AG Holder has proven to be an unreliable guardian of the nation’s constitution. His tenure at the Justice Department has been marked with lawsuits again multiple states for obeying federal law, failure to enforce voter intimidation laws, and apparently looking the other way while a program allow thousands of guns to be sent across the border to the south.

It is important to remember that he was a player in the Mark Rich pardon. I not only have and will continue to question his judgment and honesty, but now I have to question his sanity. In the New York Times he made the assertion that he was being attacked because of his race. It seems that he may be beginning to believe the notion put forth in the press; that anyone who disagrees with a “black” man is only doing because of his race. This playing of the race card is ridicules. It seems that he must really think that he must be right, due to nothing more than his race. This from the man who said: Americans were cowards when it came to talking about race. It seems that he thinks that he can deflect all criticism by claiming racism. Well that charge doe not change my mind about this man. I still believe that he is not qualified for the job. That has nothing to do with his race, but everything to do with his performance at the Justice Department. The truth must be known about his involvement in Fast and Furious plus the voter intimidation case.

This has nothing to do about the race of a man and everything to make sure that all American citizens are treated fairly, based upon the laws and the Constitution. This man seems to not care about either. Once again I call for him to step aside and let someone of higher morals and character to protect all Americans, not just the ones he believes to be more deserving.

©2011 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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Monday, December 12, 2011

Memos from Monday 12-12-11

To Kill a Mockingcain:
In 1960 Harper Lee’s American Classic novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” was published. Two years later it was released in movie form, starring Gregory Peck, Brook Peters, and Robert Duvall. For anyone who has never heard the story (and there should be few) the major theme is the trial of Tom Robertson, a black man falsely accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman in the deep south of the United States. In this Pulitzer Prize winning novel the racism and injustice of depression era south is examined. Even though it was determined that Mayella had lied about the rape Tom is found guilty.

Seed Newsvine
The novel was based in the year 1936 during the Great Depression the events of the last few weeks reminded me of “To Kill a Mockingbird” and is occurring during the Great Recession. Just like Tom Robertson, Mr. Herman Cain has been tried and convicted but Mr. Cain trial occurred in the media. I can’t and very few people really know if the accusations are true. It just seems odd the way that all of this became public. The Left Stream Media is happy to cover up charges made against Democrat such as Bill Clinton and John Edwards. In Sen. Edwards case there was much more current evidence then the claims against Mr. Cain.

If you are not aware of the history of President Obama’s political career, then you need to look at the “scandals” and bad luck that has befallen his past opponents. With help of a news media that is more than willing to destroy anyone for any reason, Mr. Cain never stood a chance once he became the target. Mr. Cain was a victim of the willing allies of the DNC the Left Stream Media and their attempt to control the Republican primary by determining the GOP’s candidate. The media repeated the allegations over and over again until it did not matter whether they were true or not. The damage was done.

I must say that I felt that Mr. Cain was a viable candidate for President of the United States, but I had some problems with his 9-9-9 plan. But I don’t believe that there is anything known as a perfect person. The last thing we need is another slick politician in the oval office. We also don’t need a bunch of slick bureaucrats surrounding our President.

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So I really would like to know if there is anyway that a man can get a fair trail in the press. I know the answer but the idea that a black man was found guilty for allegations of sexual misconduct with nothing but allegations may prove that we have not as fair as we claim and that like Tom in “To Kill a Mockingbird” it is still possible to play upon the racial prejudices. Mr. Cain may or may not be guilty, but he had no way of defending himself against the onslaught of the press. Atticus Finch may be able to prove him innocent, but the real trial is over and the results are no different today then in 1936. The Democrat party should be ashamed of such tactics.

Fast and Furious with the Truth:
Following the general rules set down by Rohm Emmanuel it was reveled last week that Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearm used the crisis to push for more firearms sales restrictions. Those in charge of the ATF have no shame and once again prove that they are a corrupt organization. This organization has once again shown that it is willing to do almost anything to violate the Constitution. I’ve not forgotten the disaster caused by the overreach of ATF at Ruby Ridge and Waco. In both of those shameful incidences the ATF in the former used entrapment and the latter recklessness that violated the rights of American citizens.

Those involved with this current disaster of an operation should be looking at criminal prosecutions. Beyond that there are definite signs that the entire organization seems to verge on being criminal. There mission is not to overturn the Second Amendment. Of course I believe that their mission should really be reviewed and their connection to the IRS and treasury be examined very closely. Something stinks about this whole Fast and Furious operation. The truth must be revealed and heads must roll this time. It is time for the ATF to face the music. It is no wonder why gun sales are increasing. With the government overreach and repeated abuse of power, more and more are beginning to fear the motives of those in positions of power.

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