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Do you really trust politicians and government bureaucrats to make the right decisions on your health care? The problem is that since the details are hidden, we don’t know the truth. Where is the President's promise of openness? Will follow through on his other promises? Well so far he is zero for zero on the transparency promises. I don't think I believe his promises on the health care bill.
Many believe that there are illegal/unconstitutional provisions in this bill. One thing for sure is that we will all lose freedoms when the Federal government takes control of every ones medical care. But as we can see with the illegal alien issue, right and wrong, the law, and the Constitution does not matter to our “leaders.” They prefer to work in darkness and away from the public view. Like thieves in the night they are stilling our liberties. With the so called “Health Care Reform Bill” they are now putting themselves in the position of affecting all of our lives.
So now the American people must constantly fear the new knock in the dark of the night. With the backroom dealing, political pay offs, and late night votes that has occurred; how can we trust that the final law? Too many lies have been told. Too much money has been wasted. Is it not time to reconsider the direction of our nation?
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Now that they are spending TRILLIONS of dollars what comes next? The politicians must be honest to the American people. Tell us what they are really doing. Stop the stealing in the middle of the night. Not only are they stealing our money, but they are stealing our freedoms. Once they take the right of choice away from us, what else will they take? Could they next be requiring us to buy cars from Obama Motors? Will they next be ordering us to buy government newspapers? Will they then require us to purchase only government approved products?
With these new mandates the government will now be able to pick the winners and the losers. The only way you can be a winner is to make sure you support the people in power. So we now must fear that knock at the door. We must now fear that we can go to jail for not buying the correct heath care insurance. The politician and the insurance company win. We the American people lose.
©2009 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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