Well now there are accusations that either the labor unions or supervisors at the New York City Sanitation Department ordered a slowdown to delay the snow clean up after the Christmas day storms. If this is true then it is a major betrayal of the trust of the people. In a time when the American people are losing faith in the institution of government and our faith is being constantly attacked such acts are unacceptable.
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It is still a vital service not only to the health and well being of the citizens of the city at that time, but it affects the economics health of the city. If the city workers purposely did not do their jobs, then they also robbed the city of tax revenues, by affecting the business community. These lose tax revenue not only hurts the city, but could cause more budget cuts. So such a slowdown is not a good for anyone.
Let me say that I am not totally against labor unions. I know that in some industries unions not only saved lives, but in some cases protected workers from indentured servitude. My concern with unions has to do with very large labor unions and the unionization of public employees. The idea that public employees have split loyalties does not give me comfort. This is not the first time that public employee unions have been brought into question. It seems that it maybe time to review the wisdom of these unions and what affect they have on society.
From the abuses seen in Bell, California to the crisis of public pension plans elected officials and other civil servants seem to no longer have any allegiance to the country or the communities that they are suppose to be serving. But of course the labor unions could be the scapegoat in this tale. It could be the managers of the Sanitation Department that were behind any slowdown or they may have not been any intentional slowdown. I will be interested to see the results of the investigation.
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The idea that a person who lies for a living would become involved in a political discussion is not surprising but sad. Mr. Steward happily admits that they make up their stories and calls it a “fake news” program. Of course this did not stop him from attacking Republicans for “Obstructionism.” His support for all Progressive agenda items is well known. He also supports anything and everything from the Democrat party. This includes the blind spending that has no controls, limits, or end. I don’t know if he supported the bill only because of the name or he really understood the content of it, but if either is true he only shows his lack of concern for this country. He has a platform that gives him a lot of power, but power with no concern for the consequences is an act of stupidity. This is a person who should be shunned by the American People, but too many of us are willing to listen to lies and believe that they are true. Living by lying and living believing that what you know is lies only serves those who wish to destroy society.
Ezra Kline, of the Washington Post seems to have some problem with reading comprehension. He says that he is confused by the Constitution. Mr. Kline said this week on the Marxist Socialist National Broadcasting Commune (MSNBC) that the Constitution was not relevant today. He only showed his astounding ignorance. This continued attack on our Constitutional government must be answered. If those who claim to represent the standards of journalistic integrity are as misinformed and traitorous as Mr. Kline, then we must stand against this attempt to destroy not only our freedoms but our nation.
There are those who claim that the Constitution is a living breathing document, but this is a lie. They only wish to change the meaning of plan text to their desired interpretation and ignore the foundation of our government. Congress has done this so many times that they verge on being a totally illegal organization. By ignoring their oath of office and imposing their will upon the nation they spit in the face of and betray the American People. Once again MSNBC defines themselves as our enemy. With their declining ratings it seems that loyal Americans are beginning to see this for themselves. Please spread the word that the Constitution is the foundation of this country and if our leaders continue to ignore it we will no longer be free.
A few years ago the “journalist” in this country stopped using the legally defined term of illegal aliens. They decided that the legal term was too cruel and starting using the oxymoronic term of “illegal immigrate” instead. Since immigration is a legal process and by entering the country illegally is not immigration, then there can not be such a thing as an “illegal immigrate.”
The Diversity Committee of the Society of Professional Journalists has said that the term “illegal immigrate” is offensive to Latinos. Well I find this statement to be offensive. They seem to be saying either that all illegal aliens are Latino or that all Latinos are illegal. This shows the bigotry of this so called “diversity” committee. They seem to think that they speak for all Latinos. There are many Latinos who are not only legal citizens but have actually been in this country for many generations. Also, even though the percentage of Latino/Hispanic illegal aliens is high, that does not mean that all are of Latino descent.
The new term that is being “recommended” is “undocumented workers.” I find this term offensive. I find that these self-serving Politically Correct “journalist” are offensive. I find also find the sugar coating of a serous issue in this country to be very offensive. This is not journalism, it is Progressive activism.
While our government pays people to not work, they and the Left Stream Media encourage the exploitation of people who have entered the country in violation of the law. They also attack anyone who attempts to find any solution other then blanket amnesty. I stopped reading the printed media last year and now I know that this was not a mistake. These “journalist” are not interested in the news. But they seem to not understand why they are losing money. I guess they can use any term they wish since fewer and fewer people are interested in what they write. So the only advice I can offer to any paper that regularly link to my blog, is to consider telling the truth and forget about political correctness. Well that is if you wish to maintain readers.
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