President Obama stated that the world could no longer depend on the US for world leadership and they took him at his word. They decided to lead and that left the US in an unusual position. For the first time in decades the major economic powers were willing to chart a new course. This course is to reduce national deficits by 2013 and to raise taxes. They are looking for a way to reverse the dangerous situation that has been building for years. These leaders can see the riots that are occurring due to the agitation from the left, but they move to the right for solutions. It is clear that many see that the socialist policies that the western world has romanticized for so many years are not working.
It is obvious to me that once again President Obama showed his total lack of leadership. To be a good leader you must inspire confidence and be able to project not only your vision but an air of success. This President does not seem to be able to do these things. His ability to campaign was amazing, but when it comes to actually deliver he falls short. Some of this can be explained away due to his lack of experience before taking office, but his ideology driven vision can not be ignored. He is a true believer. True believers are dangerous due to their commitment they often overlook facts that do not fit their worldview. This is a character flaw that could imperial the entire world at times like these. There are too many enemies that are gaining strength who are willing to take advantage of any sign of weakness.
The European insistence on reducing spending is a great start to bring our financially troubled economies to health. It will bring stability that is necessary to encourage private investment and small business growth that can start to fill the tax rolls and treasuries of the free economy countries. I do fear that the agreement to raise taxes will rob will undo all of the promises of reduces deficits The middle class of the USA can depend on an increase in their tax rates, thereby breaking a major campaign promise of Mr. Obama. As the world governments cut spending and raise taxes there will be even more unrest. Will the major economic powers be able to maintain domestic tranquility?
Over the next 2 years there will be a lot of continuation pain around the world as the leaders try to put their financial houses back into order. This could be the first step into the return to free markets or it could be the beginning of the end to many of the freedoms and prosperity that many have enjoyed for many years. We can hope that the path taken will be followed and the destination will be one in which the world will move forward. But there are many that see freedom as the problem. We must not allow our liberty to be lost in the hope of a progressive utopia.
Pedro's Podium International: Europe Takes a Different Path
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