Governments have a lot of responsibilities. The citizens of any country depend on the leaders to do certain things. One is to enforce the laws that are on the books and are needed to ensure security and domestic tranquility. Our leaders swear to protect and defend the Constitution and defend us against enemies both inside and outside of the country. Our federalist system was originally designed to be small. Throughout history governments grow larger and ours is no different. Through the use of bureaucracies, control is maintained at local levels. But as government grow beyond their control, they lose the ability to govern effectively. When any government fails to fulfill it primary duties while acquiring more power, their actual powers tend to decrease. Since government ultimately rule through the general approval of the citizens, anytime a government loses that approval it is doomed to fail.
The US Federal Government has extended its power for many years. Just recently, with the passage of the National Healthcare takeover, the government has made the largest power grab in American history. But with all of the failures of the government, from Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and the SEC, it is clear to many that regulations are worthless without the will to regulate. There is becoming a view that the US has fallen into a greater state of lawlessness. The US Justice Department has refused to punish individuals who did not even defend themselves when found intimidating voters in Philadelphia.
Our leaders have openly criticized state laws, that mirror federal law, without bothering to read it. Various members of the government have openly encouraged riots, by lying about the Arizona law while at the same time refusing to enforce the federal immigration laws. Even though other states have similar laws on their books, Arizona has been singled out for political reasons. This is not good governance.
Beyond the failures is the fact that the only answers coming from Congress is the call for more regulations. What good is it to pass more regulations that will also be ignored. I oppose any new immigration laws due to the fact that the current proposed law in the end is no different from the Immigration law of 1986. The politicians are saying that "this time there will be enforcement." Well I just wonder if they think that we are that stupid. Without enforcement, laws are worthless.
There is a impotence of power in this country. The lack of ideas and courage is pushing local governments to take action to fulfill the fundamental responsibilities of the federal government. But it is not the job of the local governments to enforce the rules and regulations that are imposed upon industries outside of the state. Louisiana has no authority to regulate oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico. This is a situation in which the US Federal government not only has regulations but there are clear defined laws that govern the operation of these oil rigs. But just as with the other failures of government over the last 20 years, we find that those who were charged with protecting America once again have totally failed in their charges.
Too many in Washington think that they have all of the answers. You see it in the current crisis in the Gulf. Our leaders think that they know better than the professionals. This is a dangerous idea that can only lead to a much larger disaster that will drag out for many more months.
The current BP oil spill has its roots in the failure of government regulators to inspect and enforce safety regulations. Inspector did not do their job to make sure that something as dangerous as an offshore oil platform was being run properly. This is a function that only the federal government can preform, but was unable. But once again the government officials say that they can fix the problem. They say that the problems were with BP. They say that new regulations are needed to fix any problems. But with the current regulatory track record it would seem to me that they can not be trusted. The lack of accountability and responsibility of those who currently regulate the various industries makes me doubt if this government is capable of protecting this country or of enforcing any of the laws currently on the books.
So the government is in the process of taking over the national healthcare system. This will be such a vast undertaking with very few really understand the complexities. This power grab affects every citizen in this country. We have been told that the government is the only organization that can manage it. But with all of these failures in the recent past, it is easy to see that the current BP disaster may now be the largest in American history. It may just be the first in a long line of disasters that are going to happen now and in the near future as long as those who crave power continue to over reach their abilities. This impotence of power will kill innovation and force this country into another depression.
Why should we allow a government that has shown such a lack of ability to fulfill its basic duties, to control even more of our live. Vital resources have been wasted by the federal government while they ignore their primary role. Border security and national defense are ignored as they allow a foreign occupation of many of our cities. But yet they claim to have the answer for healthcare's problems. While two wars are being fought, the government contemplates extending citizenship to anyone who sneaks across the border. Now that we have millions of gallons of crude oil spills into the Gulf of Mexico, it is found out that the government failed to inspect the oil platform and even gave them a safety award.
Leadership comes from the top down. When our leaders overreach their grasp, become too arrogant, and ignore the citizens, it is time to consider alternative leadership. We have to remove the power hungry from power. Those who seek power only for power are not good leaders. We must return to a citizen's government, because we have had too many failures of power.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
The Failure of Power
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
2:16 AM
BP Oil Spill,
Government Regulation,
Healthcare reform,
Save the Gulf

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