Wednesday, January 19, 2011

From Tragedy to Tyranny?

My original plans for last weekend were to post my retrospect of 2010, but after the events of Saturday January 8th 2011 I changed my mind. That post was to be followed by a look into the New Year. Both of those posts were put aside and may never be finished. When I saw the news of the terrible events in Tucson Arizona I lost all interest in those ideas. But as I saw the inhuman and totally uncalled for response from the jackals in the Progressive media and various members of Congress I grew sad for the state of our nation and leaders. As they crawled into the gutter and rolled in the blood of the dead they demonstrated a total lack of human decency. Out of respect I decided to try and regain some composure before I made any comments on these tragic events.

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I don’t think I need to recount all of the events of January 8th 2011. An individual with unknown reasons attacked and killed innocent people. It is apparent that he is, or has worked very hard to convince many that he is mentally disturbed. It appears that he and he alone is responsible for this national tragedy, but with the response from those on the left I keep wondering if the attacks afterwards were a little too well planned out. This was an evil person. The political attacks afterwards was even more evil.

I’m beginning to wonder who is more mentally disturbed, the shooter or certain members of Congress or members of the Left Stream Media. For the last 2 years certain members of the media have talked constantly about hate and provided no evidence that there were any threats of violence on the right. The only threats, that I know of, are from the left. It is one thing to disagree with a person and to point out the reasons why you disagree, but something completely different to accuse someone you disagree of acts when there is no proof of such claims.

Paul Krugman was the first in the Progressive Media to climb into the gutter and wallow in the fresh blood of the innocent victims that were killed and wounded. There is no excuse for the hate that he demonstrated and continues to be repeated. People like Chris Matthew, Ed Schultz, and Keith OlberFührer are happy to use the death of innocents in an attempt to silence anyone who has different beliefs. They have happily attempted to smear that blood in an attempt to silence the American people who are demanding a return to the rule of law. It is ridiculous for anyone to say that people who are on the side of Constitutional government and are demanding enforcement of the law would have anything to do with someone advocating violence. But the radicals who now occupy the media are willing to go to any means to push through an agenda that is contrary to the sensibility of many. They are the ones who have been using inflammatory language and in many cases outright lies.

There is a major difference between hate and truth. It is a fact that many people will like you when you say what they want to hear and will not like you when say what they don’t. The real hate from the left is being fueled by those who are presenting facts that they don’t want most Americans to hear. This is the reason why some in Congress are attempting to silence truth tellers. By exposing lies and deceptions of those on the left those on the right are interfering with the attempt to impose tyranny upon the nation. They continue to put forth perverted attempts to remove civil rights and take away the rights that the Constitution was written to protect. But instead of examining the facts, these merchants of hate created an atmosphere designed to encourage even more distrust and hate. Many of the unstable on the left are still repeating tales that have been proven to be false. Even the feeble call of the President for a civil tone has been ignored by many who have built their careers on not just winning but destroying anyone who holds a different view. The libelous and slanderous attacks only serve to encourage more anger and possible violence from the Socialist and Progressives.

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Every time I see Matthews, Schlitz, or OlberFührer I see a 12 year old girl running away and screaming I hate you, I hate you, I hate you. These are hate filled merchants of death who are losing the debate and are willing to say or do anything in an attempt to silence it. The same can be said for the members of Congress who are calling for gun control laws and restrictions on free speech. They are mistaking truth for hate. They are afraid not so much of violence but that they could lose their jobs. After seeing the election results from last year and realizing that the only way in which they can continue their power grab is to attack those who wish to return to a lawful government.

Are we heading further down the road to tyranny? What we’ve seen is nothing more than an attempt to derail any opposition by grabbing power. They have attempted to impose a super strict version of Political Correctness. Political Correctness is nothing more the attempt to silence all conversations about controversial subjects and restrict speech. As PC spreads the door to tyranny opens wider. The attacks from the Progressive Socialist have gone too far. Their attempts at overturning the election results can not stand. We must ignore their hateful discourse as they try to use our own sensibilities against us. We must stand up to this foolishness from the left. These polls that they keep citing and their attempt to redefine what the American people really want is their way of trying to sit down and shut up. We are winning and their lies can not stand. We know why we voted the Democrats out of office and we understand what is wrong with our government. They can not be allowed to win this fight. We must win and silence these anti-American Progressives. We can not be defeated by these tyrants.

©2011 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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