I hate to even write about the Organize Wall Street crowd. I think they have been given too much attention. This disorganized band of Socialists, Communists, Progressives, and assorted uninformed “useful idiots” have not been able to communicate a message that appeals to the 99% they claim to represent. They have however shown that they do speak for many elected Democrats and the Left Stream Media. This display of lawlessness and open display of ignorance of economics is scary. Seeing a bunch of poor spoiled rich kids and 50 something hippies with their iPhones and iPads demonstrating with a bunch of undercover multi-millionaire celebrities is frightening to see. It would be hilarious if not for the underlying message that it sends out to those who understand the danger. Instead of protesting against the crony capitalism that has been set up by the government, they are attacking the basis of our prosperity.
This nation is the most prosperous nation in the history of the world. Our poor are the richest poor people not only in the world, but in history. The whole idea of that the disparity between the rich and the poor is growing means nothing, as long as the wealth of the rich was obtained honestly. (More on that later.) Looking at those that demand the end of, not crony capitalism, but capitalism, and demanding socialism means that they would condemn all but the ruling class to perpetual poverty. Wealth throughout history has been rare and only in the hands of a few. Well today the average person in this country lives in luxury that has never occurred. Sure there are a few select people who live much better than the rest, but that has always been the way things have been. Taking away the wealth from a few of the wealthy is not going to improve the lives of anyone. It will only serve to increase the poverty of us all. You can never raise the boats in harbor by lowering the water level.
While the TEA Party represents the idea that we must return to the Constitution and that the Federal Government has overstepped the power granted to them, the OWS represents tyranny and totalitarianism. Those who organized and funded these socialistic demonstrations have their roots in the administration, ACORN, SEIU, and the Progressives in government. This is why they are blaming Wall Street and ignoring the policies of the Federal Government that not only allowed the corruption but encouraged it. The Cronyism that made millions for those who supported the subversion of our legal system and the slow destruction of the rights of the American people is based in Washington, not on Wall Street.
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For years I’ve heard that Washington DC was the crime capital of the nation. Well is seems that the real crimes have not been reported. Compelling evidence has been presented by Peter Schweizer and backed up by an episode of CBS’s 60 Minutes that the corruption in the US Congress is much more serious then many of us want to believe. For years many people have wondered how politician go into Government with few assets and leave worth millions. It seems that Mr. Schweizer has solved this “mystery.”
Many of those who have sworn to protect the Constitution have been caught with their hand in the pockets of us all. They have not only exempted themselves from the law, but have placed themselves above the law. This proves proof that the nation is no longer governed by laws and equal justice, but is now a nation of individuals who are governed by their own rules of ethics and immorality.
It seems that members of Congress can use insider knowledge, that anyone else would be locked away for using, to manipulate the stock market, invest in land deals, and obtain political payoffs, via IPO stock options to enrich themselves and friends. Such use of insider information is illegal for everyone else, since it can cause major damage to the economy through the manipulation of stock prices. It also allows those in power to protect their investments, while destroying the value of those who are unaware of the privilege information.
This insider trading has been occurring for years. It has allowed many of those in power to preserve that power. It has also perpetuated the culture of cronyism and corruption that continues to rightly destroy the American people’s trust in our leadership in Washington. Looking back at Nancy Pelosi’s speech upon taking the leadership in the house when she said she was going to drain the swamp, I can only say that you can’t trust the alligators to do that job.
Watching the other hand - Fast and Furious:
While everyone was obsessing over the so-called debt ceiling crisis, few are really watching the real story of that week. The Democrats in Congress and the White House needed a crisis to cover the Fast and Furious hearings. It is interesting that this all came to a head the same week that the House started hears on the ATF. Just in case you haven't heard (which is not surprising to me) about F&F then hang on. Starting in 2009 the ATF started a "sting" called Fast and Furious. Under this program the ATF told gun dealers on the southern border state to sell weapons to suspected gunrunners. Thousands of guns were illegally set into the sovereign state of Mexico and into the hands of the drug cartels. The ATF has said that the purpose was to follow the guns and find out who was involved in the illegal operations. The truth seems to be something much more involved.
After all this time this story has not received the light of day that it deserves. While member of Congress and the Obama Administration were demanding stricter gun controls, it is discovered that the violence used to justify the proposed laws is not rooted in the law. The violence was part of an ATF plan to sell the weapons that caused the violence. There are those who say that there is no connection between the two. If you really believe that, then I can only believe you to be a fool.
Mission Accomplished:
Today it was announced that the “Super Committee” was unable to come to an agreement to cut the deficit. What else is there to say? Is anyone really surprised? How can you expect to put together the most entrenched and partisan members in Congress and expect anything other than disagreement? It can only be that the mission of this committee was to do nothing. There is no common ground between the two parties. The Democrats need issues to run on next year. The Republicans also must satisfy their base. But party is not as much a problem as ideology. The Progressive Socialists in both parties only want to increase their power at any cost. Their goal is to increase the power of Washington and destroy the freedoms that have made this country great. We must throw the Progressives in Congress and the White House out of power before they accomplish that final mission.
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