Monday, April 5, 2010

The Death of the Republic

On March 21st, 2010 a death blow was landed on our republic. With much government fanfare and 22 strokes on March 23rd the death warrant was signed, sealed, and executed. Our republic is dead. It was built on the idea of a government built on laws not men. But with the defiant march of the Democrats around the capital grounds a message was sent. They showed their power to violate the Constitution and the will of the people. They showed that they know better then those they rule. This notion belongs in another country, but we saw not only defiance but a willingness to stage an incident to discredit any opposition to their will. Their hope was to deliver total victory over anyone who dared to challenge their dictatorial powers. They won the battle and took the day. But they did not totally discredit the opposition. But they and their allies may have convinced enough people that what they were doing was "for the good of everyone." Even if we didn't want it.

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The death of our republic did not start on that day. It has been building for years and started to grow even closer once our new ruler in the Oval office took power. He has spent most of his time dividing us. He started with the entire banking industry and then demonized the "fat cats" on Wall Street and how they were robbing us. His next target was the doctors which he spent time telling how doctors were willing to cut off legs just to make a little more money or other lies. When that did not get him what he wanted he then pick out the entire healthcare insurance industry for his next attack. It worked better and finally got him what he wanted. Many people don't or refuse to see what has happened. People think that because they were told that this law would make things better, that they will somehow have a better life. That is yet to be seen. If laws alone could solve all our problems: Then why are there still illegal drugs for sell on the streets. How long do you think it will be before our newly embolden leaders decide to act upon their new powers? Who will be the next enemy of the state chosen by our leader to be the victim of his next agenda item? How many more of our freedoms will be stolen in the middle of the night? You must remember that this is the administration that asked Americans to report other Americans for opposing "Healthcare Reform." That type of intimidation occurs in totalitarian states. So I guess we know where we are headed.

The thing that they don't see is how the division caused through the constant divisive talk has destroyed the trust in one another. Republics are built on trust. We must trust our leaders to follow the framework of the government. We must trust them to respect our views. We must trust that they will not abuse the citizens to obtain more power. Our government was designed around limited powers, but over the last fifty years the government has usurped power from the local governments. In doing so they have intruded into more and more of everyone lives. As the government grabs more power we all become nothing more then pawns in their grand design. As they move to destroy the private healthcare insurance industry they will then have the power of life and death over everyone. It is one thing to have the choice of buying healthcare insurance, but something completely different to have a government make all of your choices for you. Remember that to a bureaucrat you are only a number.

I've sat back and watched as our rulers have attacked our way of life. They've played to our deepest darkest emotions to expand the role of government. They freely admit their goals and attack anyone who dares to challenge their motives. Slowly but surely we are losing the remaining freedoms that our Constitution calls out so plainly. The truth only seems to matter as long as it agrees with their end goals. Lies work just fine if the truth does not fit their final objective. The end goal seems to be the destruction of our country. The republic is already gone. It died with the passage of ObamaCare. Our leaders do not deserve the trust of freedom loving Americans as long as they ignore not only the words but the spirit of the Constitution. The ideas of the ends justify the means is being demonstrated everyday: But will the ends be all that they hoped? Do they really think that they can build a utopia? Or is their final goal to end freedom and take total control so that they can build try once again to build a utopia on earth?

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So can we regain it? I fear not. The powers that be will do everything in their power to quiet those who disagree. It also requires that enough people are willing to realize what was lost and are willing to step up and be heard. But I fear that we will see more voter intimidation from the Progressives. We may also see more curtailing of free speech. A once unthinkable government crackdown may also be around the corner. Any party that would stage events and then lie to try and discredit American citizens exercising their First Amendment Right when their plan did not succeed can not be trusted. I can not speak for every American and many will not agree with me, but what I saw that day sickened me. It was a blatant show of force and arrogance that only demonstrated the total lack of integrity of our new totalitarian leadership and what we can expect from them in the future.

So we no longer live in a republic. We have taken the first steps into a much darker world. As we pass the 50% mark of people who only take from the government all of our freedoms will slip away. With our leaders total disregard for the founding principals and policies of wealth redistribution including the abuse of private property rights it is easy to imagine a time in the near future when we will finally slip into a totalitarian state. This can happen even more easily as more and more people become totally dependent on the government. We are not there but we are so much closer then we were before.

So our nation is divided. Our republic is dead. The rulers cheered as they signed away our liberties. We as a people must decide what is the next step. We must be willing to face the fact that we allowed this to happen. We must be willing to sacrifice for the future. We must show those that depend on the government that they can do better. We must try and stop the voter fraud that is bound to occur in the next election. WE must accept that any government that would grab power like has occurred will do anything to keep it. We must not be fooled by empty promises from slick politicians and government officials. We can only hope that there are enough of us that loved our old republic to bring it back to life.

My biggest fear is not so much the politicians but the real power behind the scenes. The unelected government who's livelihood depend on a powerful government. The same people who wrote the healthcare law and then exempted themselves from it are the same people who will fight the hardest from the inside to stop us. We must understand that the people who have permanent jobs are the real power and they could turn into the real tyrants that we fear. Their power is so great that they are the ones who could hold the final fate of our country. May they be willing to return the power to the people. But many have lost trust in the whole system. May we find leaders who will trust us so that we can trust them. May we learn to trust one another and not expect more than what we can obtain on our own. May we stop demanding that someone else decide for us and pay for our needs and wants. May we all be free again and our republic once again live. God bless the freedom loving Americans. May we once again become the United States of America.

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