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Many Red State Democrat Senators are in a panic for a very good reason. They are looking for ways to salvage what remains of their political careers. Senators Landau and Hagan were totally on board with the, if there was ever one this is it, Oxymoron law known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind, that looks at what has been presented, that this law doesn't protect anyone and is not affordable by any measure. The dangers of Identity Theft are so great that anyone who signs up under the law should lay awake at night wondering when they will be cleaned out by some crooked Obamacare Navigator. With the now shrinking insurance pool the idea that anyone’s premiums are going down is a pipe dream. These Senators now want to deny that, not only did they vote for the ACA, but also voted against the bill that would have protected people’s current health insurance in 2010. They knew at that time that Obamacare is dependent upon moving everyone into the exchanges. Anything else will cause it to collapse due to an imbalance in the insurance pool.
The root of the problems lies in the Progressive assumption that bigger is better and that Technocrats can run something better than an industry with centuries of experience. They looked at numbers and thought that they were the smartest people in the world and could do better. It’s not the first time that this has happened but this is the largest failure of its type. Arrogance and stupidity are a very dangerous mixture. The whole idea seems plausible as long as you don’t get too deep into the details. I honestly believe that the technocrats in Washington really believed that they could take over the healthcare system and make it better for everyone. They should have realized from the beginning that it would fail when so many exemptions were required to get it passed. But they were so determined to succeed in a goal that had alluded Progressives for over 100 years, they were not going to accept defeat until they experimented on the entire country at once.
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When they had to start hiding the true prices at the eleventh hour it caused major technical problems for those building They also put their faith into crony capitalism to select the company to build their web portal. This provided the first signs of what problems were to come. Then when the expected cancelation notices started hitting people’s mailboxes and there were not any cheaper alternatives. (The rules set forth for the policies are so broad that it is impossible to guarantee cheaper rates plus the promised web site is broken.) This has caused enough doubt that it has taken away the goodwill that many would have given the president. Even with his obvious lies. Their plan required everything to work out as planned, but never had any hope of working. The perfection that the Progressives seek does not allow for the human factor. The desire and overriding expectations of perfection of the architects all but guaranteed failure for the whole enterprise from its inception. Everything had to work on time without failure to keep the illusion alive in the eyes of the American people and to hide the underlying betrayal of trust that the system was built upon.
But after the great Obama lie, which caused most Americans to not question the law, the implementation didn't go as planned. The Obamacare's handlers were presented some cold hard facts. Many of their assumptions were proven wrong. Instead of listening to any criticism, they decided that they had all the answers. Now looking back, most of the predictions by the critics from 3 to 5 years ago have become facts. So this totally partisan law, being implemented in a totally partisan manner is taking a heavy toll on the partisans who passed it. It is also showing many Americans how corrupt both parties have become, by shining a lot of sun light on Washington politics.
Their assumption was that they could actually grow the failed and bloated single payer system (Medicare and Medicaid) to replace the current system by creating a controlled crash. They wanted this plan to fail, but they wanted the blame to go toward the industry, not the government. The overriding thought seemed to be that through force of will, people would overlook the flawed new system mainly because of their love for the president. That seems to be the turning point in this whole tragedy. The president told his lies. People believed him and went back to their daily lives of trying to survive. The law was pushed through with many of his true supporters not even knowing what it meant to them. Now suddenly they find that the promise was a lie. Too many have started to look at all the other things that have happened and were overlooked. They have to be wondering about other promises.
The president’s cornerstone accomplishment was sold with lies and deception. This laser like focus on Obamacare could be the death nail for his presidency. Already Congressmen are now looking at moving forward with impeachment of Eric Holder. Could they next be looking at overturning his executive orders? For a president who once seemed to have no boundaries or limits on the amount of power he could grab, things have changed quickly. His seemingly iron grip on power doesn't seem so secure. His rush to transform the nation may have caused him to overplay his hand. Likeability and charm only go so far. His constant campaigning may have kept his face in the minds of his truly loyal believers. His leadership skills have never been as good as his ability to transfix crowds at campaign rallies. Sooner or later he had to show something for all the promises. What he showed was that he was no different than any other politician. But he was much better when it came to telling lies to those who trusted him the most to protect them.
This is becoming a crisis of confidence in Mr. Obama. He has gone to the well too many times. It is one thing to promise something that is impossible, when most people realize it and give you credit for trying, it is another when your broken promise directly damages a large segment of the population. As I said before; we are a generous people and we want to help those who cannot help themselves, but most Americans are going only so far down that road. When government policies start to affect our mortality and long term health we awaken. One of the major goals of the Tea Party was to oppose the government takeover of our healthcare system. Many Americans didn't want Obamacare to fail; they knew that it would fail. The math and reality don’t match up. They chose to not just ignore, but attack and attempt to discredit anyone who disagreed with their plan. They truly believe that the ends justify the means. In this case we see that the ends are not matching up to what was promised or expected.
The idea that millions of Americans could and will be hurt by this plan is not something that I desire. But there have been too many lies told about the goals of it to believe anything good would ever come from its implementation. The denial of “Death Panel” that now is commonly known to exist under this law, which will select what treatments will be allowed and will all but condemning people to death through neglect, calls into question the true goals of anyone involve. It is time for a public apology to Sarah Palin for all the lies told about her as she pointed out the flaws is long overdue.
We find ourselves betrayed by too many people in our government. This was a total betrayal that cannot be easily forgiven. They put policy goals and politics ahead of caring for those they serve. Their goals took away one of the basic freedoms that most people see as sacred. They took away people’s right to decide their own fate. A free person has the right to decide how we live, what chances we take, and who decides our basic life and death decisions. Life is dangerous. We make life altering choices every day. I don’t think a cold and uncaring government, who will tell me any lie to get its way, is going to make the right choices for me. It is my life and there are too many things I can’t control, but I want to have some say in the decisions of how I spend my money and what chances I’m willing to take. It is not the job of Obama or the Progressives in Congress to decide for me.
They have overstepped their authority and endangered people’s lives to implement a half-baked plan created by amateurs who thought they could take a complex system and improve it by making it more complex and designed by people who didn't understand how the system worked before they tore it down. They thought they could save a system from going bankrupt by bankrupting the entire healthcare system. They underestimate the American people and how we would react to a betrayal that goes to the heart of what it means to be alive. This betrayal is one that I hope will at last wake up enough Americans to what we have lost and who is stealing it from us. The ultimate betrayal is that those who are sent to serve us in Washington have taken it upon themselves to decide that they can run our lives by lying to us.
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