Sunday, November 3, 2013

If You Like Your Nation…

Well we are now into 5 years of the fundamental transformation promised to you by President Obama. One of the first promises of the newly elected president was his promise to fundamentally transform the nation. This is unlike his other promises to the public don’t seem to be as much a priority in his mind. My overriding question at the moment would be: How’s that transformation going for you? As more and more Americans lose their preferred healthcare insurance and/or their doctors we’re seeing what that transformation will lead to in the future. The elites in Washington and the Progressive planners have shown that their vision of a country run for the elites and their cronies may not be the vision of many Americans. It is not what I was to believe was the American Dream. It is more of a nightmare than a dream.

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For years the Federal Government has meddled in the healthcare systems of the states. It started with the imposition of Medicare and then Medicaid payments based upon government formulas, not the reality of delivering necessary lifesaving medical procedures. Through the growth of medical knowledge things that only a few years ago that were thought to be impossible are now relatively common. The idea that just because something can be done makes it something that the masses of people need forgets a major factor. Although medical procedures are possible, it requires highly talented and knowledgeable PEOPLE to do these things. If there is a shortage of these types of people you can not just go out and create them out of whole cloth. It requires more that training, it requires a high intelligence and skills not possessed by everyone.

But the government thinks that they can go into the market place and require certain things and that by fiat their orders will be carried out. It is easy when you are detached from reality to think that laws that are passed with little or no debate will actually change human behavior. It is easy to mandate change, but much harder to actually have mandates that are impractical or impossible to be implemented. It is easy to spend other people’s money or to tell other people how to live if you are not under the same constraints. Why else would Congress exempt themselves and their staff from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or Obamacare? They are within the top wage earners in the nation, but they decided that they could not afford it. Sure they say that the poorest among us will get subsidies or will be put on Medicaid. The only problem with that plan is that they are still spending other people’s money with no thought as to how it will be paid for in the end.

It is very easy for a millionaire to sit in Washington and decide what you must, not can, afford for your healthcare premium. They have taken it upon themselves to determine you budget. They’ve decided what type of care or lack of care you deserve. They’ve ignored warnings about doctor shortages. They are willing to endanger the safety and wellbeing of the nation as a whole to push a 100 year old Progressive agenda. They have an agenda that says that they can build a perfect world by enslaving everyone to their demented ideas. They believe that although it may take time, that they can force everyone to comply and fall into step behind them and march into a bright future. This would be a grand idea to make a better world but in the past it has always ended it tragedy.

The forced sterilizations of the first half of the 20th century are now looked upon as a mistake, but have been replaced by other eugenic programs with similar goals. The mass abortion push that has occurred since the Roe v. Wade decision of the US Supreme Court has been sold throughout the nation as a woman’s right to choose. But it is still eugenics pushed by an organization known as Planned Parenthood and is a still, no matter how much it is denied, a major component of the misnamed Obamacare. The Progressives idea of building a perfect society can only be obtained through population control and genetics.

The so-called “war on women” used by the Democrats in 2012 was a war on our children. They have played upon the greed and envy of many Americans. Their overspending to buy votes through government programs and welfare are master strokes that play upon the selfishness of the average Democrat voter. They are spending the future of our children and condemning them to a life of debt to pay for our generation desire to live above our means. While the politicians make their political supporters rich.

They know that they can play upon the emotions of their base to tell them what they want to hear and give them whatever they want to get them to blindly follow. Their belief that the ends justify the means allows for corruption beyond anything seen before on a national level. This has not only changed the nature of the nation, it has redefined civility. Now a civil tone is when you are either lying about your opponent or making threats and attempting to intimidate anyone opposed to looting the treasury.

It is amazing how one party has embraced voter fraud to such an extent that they no longer fear not only being caught, but that there will ever be any backlash. As long as the corruption is so deep within a political party the dangers of uncontrolled corruption may have already grown too far to be turned back. With the wiling compliance of the media the possibility of true reform becomes remote. There are attempts to reinstate voter IDs in many states, even though the corruption is well within the Department of Justice and courts to the point that these actions may be declared illegal. If voter ID laws are overturned by the Democrat operatives within the government then there is no hope for the United States. Our republic dies once there is no longer even the resemblance of an opposition party. Don’t get me wrong, in many ways there is no longer an opposition party. The Republican leadership by far is more concerned with befriending and compromising with the Democrats, including supporting every Progressive policy put forth, than acting in opposition to this corruption of the system.

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I hope that all is not lost. The American people have begun to awaken to the threat from Washington. But I fear it maybe too little too late. There are so many who look to the government for too much. Too many have sold their souls to servitude to the state. It is hard to convince people that they should turn down “free” stuff when they no longer have the desire to make a change. The Progressives have had such a large head start and are so entrenched in the government that it is a huge task to dislodge them and shutdown so many leaches on our society. Too many people now believe that only the government can provide the solutions to our problems. That is where the rollout of the ACA could be a stepping stone to a real solution.

The failure of is a golden opportunity to point out the glaring incompetence of the Progressive system. With the overreach of the Democrats to try and take on such a massive task as the takeover of the healthcare system there is an opportunity to beat them at their own game. It is important that people understand that the root of the cause of the problem is the government. They are the ones who attack the free market to begin with and did not allow the normal ebb and flow of the market to correct and adjust. The government’s court system, the bar system, and lawyers allowed and sometimes encouraged lawsuits that crippled and corrupted the medical system. There has been for a long time too much interference in the practice of medicine where it should have not been. On the other side there has been little or no government oversight of the abortion industry which has been supported by the Progressives as if it had nothing to do with the practice of the medical arts. The change will have to come from within and without the government. It may not be too late, but time is running out at a fast pace.

So no Mr. Obama did say: If you like your nation, you can keep your nation. For that would have been as a big a lie as the one about keeping your current doctor and healthcare. He most definitely has no plans to allow you to keep your doctor, healthcare, or your nation. When he said that he was going to fundamentally transform the nation, he meant it. Healthcare was just the beginning. If he is allowed a third term or Hillary Clinton is elected in 2016 then by 2020 there will be no United States of America as we know it. There will be a one party dictatorship run by crony billionaires who will be so far above the law that the rest of us will no longer matter. Even if Obama or Clinton loses and a Progressive Republican is elected the process will only slow slightly. By 2020 or 2024 the ending will still be the same. But by 2016 we may already be too far gone to pull back any of the damage done by this current regime on both sides of the aisle.

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