Sunday, November 21, 2010

Restoring Civility

There is a threat to our society that is greater than any other. It surpasses the minor disagreements that most people focus on everyday. Over the last few months there have been three rallies in Washington, DC. The first was The Restoring Honor Rally sponsored by Glenn Beck. This called to the average American to come together and unite under a common banner of hope, honor, and charity. Anyone looking at this event should have seen a message that crossed political lines. Much of the critics showed a vial hatred that had nothing to do with the actual rally, but a lot to do with their own twisted view.


On October the second the Progressives lead by The President’s Organizing for America, The Socialist Party of the US, The US Communist Party, and various labor unions, held a disgraceful show of disrespect and hate at the Lincoln Memorial. The difference in the aftermath of these two rallies showed two very distinctive ideologies. The first group left an almost pristine environment, while the second left piles of litter. The first group showed love and respect, while the latter showed an entitlement attitude.

I consider both of these rallies to be successful. They demonstrated the differences between the people who love this country and those who hate. It is easy to see that those who live to take away from others should not be trusted. Comparing words to actions shows that what they say about the environment vs. how they treat it is far more telling. These are people who are willing to take from the producers because they refuse to do for themselves. These are the people who think that money is never ending and have no idea what hard work and pride is about. Many are just misled and one day may understand how important hope, honor, and charity are to their own happiness. But if they get what they want today, they will never have the chance to see the truth of what they are attempting to destroy.

The third rally was a staged event sponsored by Viacom with additional help from The Huffington Post called the Restoring Sanity. It was anything but sane. It provided a national stage to celebrate the insanity of his audience. This event had a large turn out, but most of those who attended readily admitted to their own ignorance. Their primary source of the “news,” as they freely seem proud to say was a comedy show that makes ups the stories. This group of “useful idiot” presented a sad example of the dangers that face our fight to save our freedoms. Their willingness to follow anyone who says what they want to hear, not what they need to hear does not speak well for our nation. Are these the Americans who the Progressive Bill Maher continues to call stupid? I have to assume that it is, since definition of ignorance is the absence of knowledge and stupidity is not knowing and not wanting to know,. These are the same type of people who follows him so I have to guess that he is talking about his audience. He always seems to get applause when he says it.

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The one thing that I at first though, when I saw the Jon Stewart interview with Rachel Maddow, was that he finally saw enough of his audience that he began to understand the damage he is doing to the nation. But I guess he is putting his career ahead of the country. He seemed much more subdued and even seemed to defend the Tea Party. But I’m not willing to say that he is willing to publicly admit that his antics have gone too far. He and Bill Maher are both clowns and too many people take them serious.

I believe we must restore honor and sanity in this country, but before this can occur there is something that much more important. We must restore civility. It is impossible to have civilization without a civil population. It is true that not everyone in any group is civil, but the only way to maintain order is for a majority to be civil. This has nothing to do the social order and everything to do with maintaining order. Without the ability to respect each other freedom is impossible.

Slowly our liberties slip away as more and more people in this nation have no respect for the feelings of others. The use of crude and vulgar language has become common and too many people accept it as normal. Hollywood has for too many years put their profits above everything else. They have abused their freedoms and created an atmosphere of disrespect and incivility. When anyone speaks against this abuse they claim that their rights are being violated. But this attack on the civil order will end the liberties that they claim they are protecting.
We must show and teach our children to respect others. We must once stop accepting the personal attacks. We must stop accepting the lies that are called spin. We must turn away from those who define people that tell the truth as liars when they present facts we don’t want to hear. We must return to a day when we respected those who sacrificed for the nation, not those who are attempting to tear it down. We must no longer think that we must tolerate the things that we know are wrong.

If we want to preserve and regain the freedoms once enjoyed in this nation, we must restore civility and save our civilization. Without it the nation will continue to decline and all of our freedoms will be gone, never to return.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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