Friday, November 12, 2010

Power and Privilege


Lisa Murkowski

A now disgraced former Presidential candidate based his failed election campaign on the idea of two Americas. Well I’ve believed that he was partially correct for awhile. I just don’t agree with his definition. Yes there are two Americas, the one for Americans and the other is the self proclaimed American Elite. To be more precise; us and the ruling class. In the case of Joe Miller and Markowski: I wonder how the votes would be counted if the tables were turned? If the challenger to the party elites was last name was Murcowski would they not be demanding that the letter of the law be followed. But with it the other way around the law doesn’t seem to be that important. According to the law, spelling counts, but when you are fighting the Markcowski dynasty it seems that power and privilege count more then the law.

Are we not still a nation of laws not men? Now I know that Merkawsky is a woman, but the point remains. What is more important, the law or the long term power structure of the elitist? Do we no longer respect the law in this country? If so how do we maintain a society that put privileges of personal power above the protection of the whole? Why is equal justice no longer considered to be fair? When as a society we no longer respect equal justice we have justice based upon status, not reality. If we no longer strive to protect all citizens equally, then the idea of freedom is lost. Social Justice is not Equal Justice. It sets up a system of judgment based upon power, not equality.

Now don’t get me wrong. I really believe that there should not be a literacy test to vote. I really believe that no legal voter should be discriminated against and all valid votes must be counted. The people of Alaska have the right to decide who represents them in Congress and that process should not be interfered with by outsiders. But if a state has been corrupted, then it is the responsibility of the other citizens of the nation to assist them. The Federal government’s primary job is to protect its citizen. There is a fine line between interfering and protecting. But it is interesting to see how a law’s meaning is ignored or interpreted to meet the goals of the ruling elite. The idea that the law means one thing for the ruling class and something different for the rest of the nation flies in the face of justice.

But for year the ruling elite has set itself above those who they think that they were born to rule. We see that attitude in Alaska. Look how Sarah Palin was attacked. She became Governor of Alaska with a mission to clean up the state's politics. She gained national recognition and the ruling elite has worked since that day to destroy her. It is not enough to just discredit a person, they feel that they must destroy them. Her decision to step down from office was for the good of the state. She decided that it was better for the state to walk away and allow the state to be governed. If she would've stayed in office the rest of her term would've been spent fighting off the unfounded attacks of both political parties. Like a scene from Star Wars, it appears that by striking her down they made her more powerful then they could've ever imaged. Her enemies gave her the time and the podium to become a real national political force.

With the birth of the New American Awakening (Tea Party) in which more and more Americans are becoming involved in politics these "ruling elites" should be very concerned about their power base. As we become aware of the generational theft, unconstitutional grasp of power, and unchecked arrogance it is time to reel in the out of control government. It is time for sanity to return to Washington and to prove to those who think that they are entitled to power and privilege that their ideas have failed and are not what this nation needs for the future. In the end can we really trust those who will do anything to preserve their power and privilege. Will they do the right thing when it comes down to the freedoms and safety of those who have given them that trust?

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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