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Now comes the time to see where the real majority is in this country. If the Progressives, Socialist, and Marxist outnumber us then we have no hope in regaining our republic. They will enslave us by taken our remaining freedoms. If we outnumber them then they will continue to know the same freedoms that we enjoy. That includes the freedom to succeed or fail. We only have to look at the actions of the CTTP individuals, to see the truth. The goals of the Conservative movement is not to steal but to preserve. We can not allow the left to continue to loot this country. We understand that we can not buy prosperity we must earn it. It is easy to spend other people's money, until they run out. Then everyone will suffer.
Someone at a site called is promising to crash the April 15th TEA Party Rally in Washington. They claim that they have infiltrated the movement and their desire is to sabotage it. Well if all it takes is some sour apples to discredit this movement, then it is not as strong as I believe. But I do believe in it and don't think that a couple of left-wing loons can do any real damage by simply putting up a bunch of misspelled signs and blaming the TEA Party. This is just another sign of desperation on the left. They are afraid of the ire of the American Middle Class. But is there fear justified? I hope so. But the TEA Party movement must prove that it has the will to overcome the lies and hate from the Progressives.
We must understand that the individuals that make up the CTTP are simply trying to gain attention. This effort to discredit an entire group through sabotage is as old as all politics. If the group is made up of a few hard core Progressive fascists then they can be identified and discredited. (It only takes one person to create a web page.) They are people who will do anything to get their way. They can not win with the truth or they would using it, instead of trying to silence anyone who opposes their view. We are dealing with child like people who can not be happy in the victory they just gained. This is an admission that they can not win with the truth. They understand that they stand on a very weak position. They are willing to use fear and distrust to try and silence those who oppose tyranny. These cowards think that they can discredit an entire movement through subterfuge; The simple fact that they claim to be so large means that they are trying to make us think that they are some huge organization. But if they were such a large and powerful force: Then why do they hide behind a fake name? But this is something that you will not see on the Left Stream Media. They will only use any disruption to the TEA Parties to try and discredit the American people and kill freedom of speech.
We must continue to pull together or we shall be pulled apart. Make sure you understand who you are following. Demanding that our leaders follow the law, their oath, and the Constitution is not a radical view. Those who hate the country and wish to see it destroyed will do anything to stop opposition. These are the people trying to insight violence through lies and deceit. We must make sure we follow up and communicate the true violent opposition to American freedoms. Don't fall for fake threats and attempts to breed distrust in the TEA Party ranks.
Free speech is the greatest danger to tyranny. This feeble attempt to attack a growing movement looks to be the Progressive's goal and desire to control all Americans. Our free speech is their greatest enemy. The best thing to do is to also infiltrate their movement so their radical anti-American style tactics can be exposed. They have more to fear then the TEA Party. We kn ow their tactics and we are not afraid of such childish behavior. Their tactics are being exposed and we must continue to see these types of people for what they believe. All people are welcome to the TEA Party and free speech should always be allowed. The harder they work to discredit the concerns of Americans the more they discredit themselves.
The marketplace of ideas with the free examination of all views is what makes this country strong. Any group that wishes to silence another and succeeds makes us weaker. If their ideas are better than let them use the free and open market to explain them. This system is in danger as long as we hear nothing but false claims, lies, and distortion from the left and their willing allies in the Left Stream Media.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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