Monday, April 26, 2010

Comprehensive Immigration Reform

For those of you who had not been born or may have forgotten, there was an amnesty program in the 80's for Illegal Aliens. The American people were assured at that time that if the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 passed it would end the problem of people entering the country illegally, due to the enforcement that was included. That was the control part of the law. The law made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal aliens, just as we are being promised that the same provision will be in the new law. It has been proven over and over again that when there is no will, then there will be no action. So here we are again almost 25 years later with an illegal alien problem. We are hearing promises of new enforcement in the future to control illegal entry. Of course that is only after we reward all of those who broke our immigration laws and illegally enter our country with a "path to citizenship." Same old song, just new singers.

So we are now suppose to believe that "this time" the government will somehow gain the courage to actually stand up to the Illegal Alien population in this country. We can not coward away from these violent thugs that are marching in the streets demanding to get their way. The violence seen in Phoenix, after that state decided to stand up and protect their citizens, must be stopped now. We can not allow lawless mobs of rioters to govern the nation. We can not sit back and accept more lies from our leaders. We that know what happened in Arizona should be asking the media why they are ignoring the violence.

The current reform sounds good on paper, but we must remember the past. If they are unwilling to enforce the laws now: Then how can we believe that they will grow a spine and enforce them in the future. My level of trust is not that high. I hear nothing but lies. Don't be fooled again. If there was no will to enforce the law then; Why should be expect any now? Promises don't solve anything. Promises kept are the only thing that matters. I don't believe promises when past actions tell me otherwise.

Since the passage of the 1986 law, those who were given amnesty have become very vocal advocates for another amnesty program. They want to bring their friends and family into the country and yet others want to reclaim the Southwestern United States for Mexico. These are truly enemies of the state. Yet others just want to bring more illegals into the country to create an even larger advocacy group. I'm sure there are other reasons, but these reasons should be enough to make any loyal citizen stop in their tracks and demand that this action be stopped.

There is nothing wrong with immigration. It is a legal process that allows people from other countries to come to our country, learn our ways, share their talents, and work for a better country and world. Those who have come here legally and wish to be apart of this country by adding their differences to ours is a great thing. I just fear those who invade our country with nothing but ill intentions and malicious intent. We must put an end to this invasion and secure our borders. We must be willing to find those who have come to this country to do harm and then punish and remove them for our own protection.

It is sad that there are those who have come to this country to escape repression and find a better life can be swept up in this fury, but they understand that they are not totally innocent. The system has failed us all and it must be changed. By allowing the status quo to continue is no longer acceptable. Phoenix AZ is the kidnapping capital of the world. This is no longer an exercise in government. It is now a serious problem that requires serious actions. The current policies as being stated by the President can not stand. He must take action to protect and defend us.

There is a major difference now. Now we have open acts of violence and rebellion on the part of those demanding passage of this so called "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" bill. Are we going to stand by as violent protester shape the future of our country? Can we trust that our leaders are going to look out for the our safety and dismiss this truly dangerous minority that threatens us all? Will our leaders treat us the same way they treated the peaceful TEA Party? I fear that this will be the final results. The cowards in Washington will coward in fear as they allow an unruly mob of foreigners to determine the laws.

With the Federal government unwilling and/or unable to defend the people of that state and this country they chose to make a stand. Now the rest of the nation should see the type of people who are demanding that they be allowed to stay here illegally. While the Democrats attack American citizen for peacefully demanding a redress of grievances, non-citizens and their supporters riot. Which is the greater danger to our country? Congress can claim no moral ground for their disregard of our safety and their oath of office:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

These are foreigners rioting in our streets. Their illegal act of entering our country is enough, but you add violence and they are proving themselves to be enemies of this country. I call upon Congress to faithfully discharge their duties to the people of this country and defend us from this foreign invasion. To do any less is a open sign that they align themselves with our enemies and are not qualified to serve this country.

The President is no different. Maybe he should check his oath as well:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

I believe that they both are in violation of, if not in actuality, the spirit of the oath. Unless utter failure is the best of his ability. The following videos are from Phoenix and show an aerial and ground view of a mob rioting over the passage of the Arizona's new immigration enforcement law.

This second video is also available here. It shows some of the violence by students and others. This type of violence is must be condemned and displayed. We can not allow such acts to be ignored by the national news media while continuing the narrative that the Tea Party members are one step away from violence. The proof of violent intent from those who don't respect the law is easy to see.

Let's celebrate the people of Arizona for having the courage to stand up to protect themselves against the violence that has been pouring across the southern border. If we can not trust the Federal government to protect us, then we must protect ourselves. Even the illegals that are here should understand that violence can not be tolerated and that there can be no true comprehensive immigration reform as long as there is no honesty, trust, and courage.

We must stand for what is right for the citizens of this country. We can no longer allow this country be one of men and not law. Those who are selling out this nation must pay a price. Their action verge on treason. We can not allow traitors to rule over us. They must prove to the citizens that they really do have the honor and dignity to lead. If they truly love this country, they must defend it. To do less is to deny their duty.

©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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