At a time when the nation is so divided it is hard for anyone to gain a consensus. That is why trust is so important. Our leadership has worked to divide us as a people, They've race baited a segment of the population. Beyond that they've ridiculed and worked to marginalize basic principals of our Constitution. Their constant attacks on groups of the people who they must govern must stop. We the people must continue to organize and support our basic rights or we will lose them. There are those who scoff at that idea, but they are the ones who must have their eyes opened to the end results of such tactics. The only way you can subdue a people is to marginalize and divide them.
With the continued legislative agenda that is currently being put forth, I find that some of the ideas may be good, but I don't trust those who are framing the bills. The financial regulations may be needed, but I feel sure that the major input is coming from people who are setting it up for themselves, not the good of the people. Congressmen who have been bought off are not going to be looking out for anyone except themselves. Why was Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae not included in the regulations when it is obvious that they were deeply involve if not culpable for must of the housing market meltdown. This while Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank defended them at every turn. Yet the same Congressmen are still in power and having major input into the regulatory process.
So no I don't trust this Congress or Administration to do the right thing. I only see people with an agenda and a total lack of respect for me and my fellow Americans. A house divided can not stand. We need new leadership or we shall all suffer for the lack of wisdom being shown. Join the fight. Don't be afraid. We must find a way to do the right things for the right reasons.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

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