For those of you who had not been born or may have forgotten, there was an amnesty program in the 80's for Illegal Aliens. The American people were assured at that time that if the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 passed it would end the problem of people entering the country illegally, due to the enforcement that was included. That was the control part of the law. The law made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal aliens, just as we are being promised that the same provision will be in the new law. It has been proven over and over again that when there is no will, then there will be no action. So here we are again almost 25 years later with an illegal alien problem. We are hearing promises of new enforcement in the future to control illegal entry. Of course that is only after we reward all of those who broke our immigration laws and illegally enter our country with a "path to citizenship." Same old song, just new singers.
So we are now suppose to believe that "this time" the government will somehow gain the courage to actually stand up to the Illegal Alien population in this country. We can not coward away from these violent thugs that are marching in the streets demanding to get their way. The violence seen in Phoenix, after that state decided to stand up and protect their citizens, must be stopped now. We can not allow lawless mobs of rioters to govern the nation. We can not sit back and accept more lies from our leaders. We that know what happened in Arizona should be asking the media why they are ignoring the violence.
The current reform sounds good on paper, but we must remember the past. If they are unwilling to enforce the laws now: Then how can we believe that they will grow a spine and enforce them in the future. My level of trust is not that high. I hear nothing but lies. Don't be fooled again. If there was no will to enforce the law then; Why should be expect any now? Promises don't solve anything. Promises kept are the only thing that matters. I don't believe promises when past actions tell me otherwise.
Since the passage of the 1986 law, those who were given amnesty have become very vocal advocates for another amnesty program. They want to bring their friends and family into the country and yet others want to reclaim the Southwestern United States for Mexico. These are truly enemies of the state. Yet others just want to bring more illegals into the country to create an even larger advocacy group. I'm sure there are other reasons, but these reasons should be enough to make any loyal citizen stop in their tracks and demand that this action be stopped.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Doing the Wrong Thing For The Right Reason
Many people would say that if you do something for the right reason it is right. But doing something instead of nothing can be wrong, if what you do is the wrong thing. Throwing water on a grease fire in your kitchen is a great example. Doing the right thing at the right time is not always easy to do. It takes insight, wisdom, and trust to determine the correct action.
At a time when the nation is so divided it is hard for anyone to gain a consensus. That is why trust is so important. Our leadership has worked to divide us as a people, They've race baited a segment of the population. Beyond that they've ridiculed and worked to marginalize basic principals of our Constitution. Their constant attacks on groups of the people who they must govern must stop. We the people must continue to organize and support our basic rights or we will lose them. There are those who scoff at that idea, but they are the ones who must have their eyes opened to the end results of such tactics. The only way you can subdue a people is to marginalize and divide them.
With the continued legislative agenda that is currently being put forth, I find that some of the ideas may be good, but I don't trust those who are framing the bills. The financial regulations may be needed, but I feel sure that the major input is coming from people who are setting it up for themselves, not the good of the people. Congressmen who have been bought off are not going to be looking out for anyone except themselves. Why was Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae not included in the regulations when it is obvious that they were deeply involve if not culpable for must of the housing market meltdown. This while Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank defended them at every turn. Yet the same Congressmen are still in power and having major input into the regulatory process.
So no I don't trust this Congress or Administration to do the right thing. I only see people with an agenda and a total lack of respect for me and my fellow Americans. A house divided can not stand. We need new leadership or we shall all suffer for the lack of wisdom being shown. Join the fight. Don't be afraid. We must find a way to do the right things for the right reasons.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
At a time when the nation is so divided it is hard for anyone to gain a consensus. That is why trust is so important. Our leadership has worked to divide us as a people, They've race baited a segment of the population. Beyond that they've ridiculed and worked to marginalize basic principals of our Constitution. Their constant attacks on groups of the people who they must govern must stop. We the people must continue to organize and support our basic rights or we will lose them. There are those who scoff at that idea, but they are the ones who must have their eyes opened to the end results of such tactics. The only way you can subdue a people is to marginalize and divide them.
With the continued legislative agenda that is currently being put forth, I find that some of the ideas may be good, but I don't trust those who are framing the bills. The financial regulations may be needed, but I feel sure that the major input is coming from people who are setting it up for themselves, not the good of the people. Congressmen who have been bought off are not going to be looking out for anyone except themselves. Why was Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae not included in the regulations when it is obvious that they were deeply involve if not culpable for must of the housing market meltdown. This while Sen. Dodd and Rep. Frank defended them at every turn. Yet the same Congressmen are still in power and having major input into the regulatory process.
So no I don't trust this Congress or Administration to do the right thing. I only see people with an agenda and a total lack of respect for me and my fellow Americans. A house divided can not stand. We need new leadership or we shall all suffer for the lack of wisdom being shown. Join the fight. Don't be afraid. We must find a way to do the right things for the right reasons.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Is the American Two Party System Broken? Part 2
Do you know any "yellow dog" Democrats? These are people who were said that they would vote for a yellow dog, running as a Democrat, before they would vote for a Republican. For years people have treated their political affiliation as if it were pulling for a sports team. My parents were dedicated to the Democrat party, but could never explain their devotion. Far too many people treat politics as if it is a game. I've always considered myself to be an Independent. My political philosophy has always leaned somewhere between Libertarian and Republican.
I looked at the Democrat party when I was young and I was never attracted to their beliefs. My first impressions of the Democrats was the Southern Democratic party of the Dixiecrats, George Wallace, and later Jimmy Carter. The party that fought civil rights and demonized Martin Luther King, Jr. They were the party that involved the US in the Vietnam war. Don't get me wrong I also lived through the Presidency of Richard Nixon and Watergate. But I found much more to dislike about the goals of the Democrat party. I voted for Gerald Ford and later Ronald Reagan.
The one thing that I understood very early was the dominance of the two party system. Third party candidates don't have a chance due to the way that the Republicans and Democrats have set up the system. Between gerrymandered districts and carefully crafted election laws, plus the spectator type relationship the general populous, the two parties have in effect locked third parties out of the system. The only way to change the system is to change the parties from the inside. As I discussed in Part 1 the two parties seem to be occupied by a number of people with the same goals. This goals are exactly opposite from my ideas of what makes this country great. But I could be wrong in believing that many of these people would have the integrate to actually stand for anything. In general many people drawn to politics seem to be self-centered and only worry about the next election.
The most dangerous person on earth can be the zealot. The person who has a mission and the determination to pass their agenda, no matter what. When a President stands before the American people and tells them that there is a crisis that requires drastic action, but once it is passed says that it was a 100 year old goal, we see agenda being more important then the country as a whole.
To save our country we must get more people to understand that there is good in our system and to get them engaged. We must educate more people on the system and how some of the changes that are occurring are endangering us all. We must be willing to make the sacrifices needed to save our freedoms and liberties and those of our children, grandchildren, and the future generations. We need to fix the two party system or we could find ourselves with a one party dictatorship or foreign domination. Our enemies are large in number, but we must be strong enough to resist the temptation of Socialism. We must fix the system before it is too late.
Part 2 of a series. Part 1 is here.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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The one thing that I understood very early was the dominance of the two party system. Third party candidates don't have a chance due to the way that the Republicans and Democrats have set up the system. Between gerrymandered districts and carefully crafted election laws, plus the spectator type relationship the general populous, the two parties have in effect locked third parties out of the system. The only way to change the system is to change the parties from the inside. As I discussed in Part 1 the two parties seem to be occupied by a number of people with the same goals. This goals are exactly opposite from my ideas of what makes this country great. But I could be wrong in believing that many of these people would have the integrate to actually stand for anything. In general many people drawn to politics seem to be self-centered and only worry about the next election.
The most dangerous person on earth can be the zealot. The person who has a mission and the determination to pass their agenda, no matter what. When a President stands before the American people and tells them that there is a crisis that requires drastic action, but once it is passed says that it was a 100 year old goal, we see agenda being more important then the country as a whole.
To save our country we must get more people to understand that there is good in our system and to get them engaged. We must educate more people on the system and how some of the changes that are occurring are endangering us all. We must be willing to make the sacrifices needed to save our freedoms and liberties and those of our children, grandchildren, and the future generations. We need to fix the two party system or we could find ourselves with a one party dictatorship or foreign domination. Our enemies are large in number, but we must be strong enough to resist the temptation of Socialism. We must fix the system before it is too late.
Part 2 of a series. Part 1 is here.
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©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Friday, April 23, 2010
POWERFUL MESSAGE! Allen West speaks about Islam
Is this country committing national suicide? We must wake up and put leaders in place who are willing to defend our freedoms. Allen West presents a powerful message that should be heard by all Americans. Please spread the words of this great American. The truth will set you free.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner
Bertha Lewis presents some amazingly bizarre theories relating to the current political environment. The problem that I see with her ideas revolve around the current people who control the government. Even if the Republican party is able to gain a clear majority in the US House, there is no way that they can obtain a veto proof majority in the Senate. Add to that the fact that the Congress is not the law enforcement are of the government, then we have to assume that she expects her former ally to start rounding up people. The President is Commander and Chief of the Armed Forces. The Justice Department and the AG report directly to the President.
She says that the government will return the days of Jim Crow laws. Once again: Is she saying that the Current President of the United States is ready to throw this nation back to the days before the hard fought Civil Rights victory? The President is not even half way through his first term. There is a chance that he could be reelected to a second term. Does that mean that Ms. Lewis is saying that our President is ready to turn back the clock to the 50's? This is amazing. For any President to do this would require some advance planning and a huge power grab, far beyond the powers that have already been taken by the current government. She seems to be comparing Mr. Obama to, dare I say, Hitler or Stalin. But of course she could be talking about FDR. He did create the interment camps that she mentioned. Of course it must be FDR. But he justified those camps as an answer to the declaration of war. I didn't hear her say what excuse she thinks that would enable him to accomplish this draconian measure. It seems like she is peddling in FEAR. She should be ashamed.
Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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She says that the government will return the days of Jim Crow laws. Once again: Is she saying that the Current President of the United States is ready to throw this nation back to the days before the hard fought Civil Rights victory? The President is not even half way through his first term. There is a chance that he could be reelected to a second term. Does that mean that Ms. Lewis is saying that our President is ready to turn back the clock to the 50's? This is amazing. For any President to do this would require some advance planning and a huge power grab, far beyond the powers that have already been taken by the current government. She seems to be comparing Mr. Obama to, dare I say, Hitler or Stalin. But of course she could be talking about FDR. He did create the interment camps that she mentioned. Of course it must be FDR. But he justified those camps as an answer to the declaration of war. I didn't hear her say what excuse she thinks that would enable him to accomplish this draconian measure. It seems like she is peddling in FEAR. She should be ashamed.
Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" and claims "they're coming after you" | Washington Examiner
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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Racism in the 21st Century Part 2
Those who wish to lead must unite a people to succeed. Those who divide are doomed to failure. There will always be people that consider themselves to be superior to everyone. These people will denigrate and ridicule anyone who does not agree with their way of thinking. It is common to see the ill informed, arrogant, and elitist refer to others in generalized terms in an attempt to dehumanize a group or individual. This type of behavior is usually done to make the person doing it to feed their inflated egos and to attempt show others that are superior in some way. The problem lies in the underling reasoning. If you must denigrate another person to somehow feel superior then you are only demonstrating a lack of culture, intelligence, reasoning, and overall humanity. To continue such behavior begins to border on stupidity.
The human race consist of a rainbow of diverse ideas. No two people have the same exact thought process. We form groups for self protection or for common cause, but it is rare for any group to stay totally united unless there is respect within the group. Group think can lead to gang mentality, but generally only when spurred on by a agitating element. Such as external threats or shows of force. People will defend themselves when threatened. In the current environment I don't see acts of violence from the right, since many are now feeling empowered after many years of isolation. The Progressives are the group that seems to be more threatened and are currently committing acts that can inspire their own ranks to some sort of action. I see gang mentality in the egging of buses and the attacks on Tea Party members. When the attacks go from being made on the group to personal attacks and slurs the line has been crossed. Members of the Democrat party, SEIU, other Progressive hate groups, affiliated hate group have crossed the line several times.
Please Support us by visiting our sponsorsIndividuals that do wrong must be called out, but the intellectually lazy way that some people attack whole groups with unfounded slurs gains nothing for the whole and diminishes the person behind the attack. Such is the state of the current political debate. Instead of debating issues, the media and those that blindly follow are attacking all who disagree with their agenda. Rational thought and consideration have been reduced to name calling. If you only see the world in black and white then you need to take a long look at yourself.
The human race consist of a rainbow of diverse ideas. No two people have the same exact thought process. We form groups for self protection or for common cause, but it is rare for any group to stay totally united unless there is respect within the group. Group think can lead to gang mentality, but generally only when spurred on by a agitating element. Such as external threats or shows of force. People will defend themselves when threatened. In the current environment I don't see acts of violence from the right, since many are now feeling empowered after many years of isolation. The Progressives are the group that seems to be more threatened and are currently committing acts that can inspire their own ranks to some sort of action. I see gang mentality in the egging of buses and the attacks on Tea Party members. When the attacks go from being made on the group to personal attacks and slurs the line has been crossed. Members of the Democrat party, SEIU, other Progressive hate groups, affiliated hate group have crossed the line several times.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Racism in the 21st Century
A common statement from supporter of the current administration is: You only oppose the Presidents policies because he is black. But as I have asked those who direct that question at me: So is the only reason you support his policies is because he is black. I usually don't get a reply but one person did say that my statement was too ridiculous for him to respond. But I think both are equally ridiculous. If one is true for all then the other must equally be true. Facing your own prejudices can be difficult for us all and we all have prejudices. I generally like brussel sprouts but I've tried them at times and didn't like them. So I'm predisposed to think that they are good. This is not a bad thing. But prejudging people based only on their skin pigmentation is wrong.
I constantly hear reports on the news about the Black Caucus and the NAACP, but I always wonder how this small group of people can say that they represent the views of all persons of color. To assume that all people think the same due only to their lack or overabundance of melanin just seems to be racial profiling and intellectually dishonest. But we see people who are willing to cry racist at the drop of a hat, segregate themselves and demand certain treatment due to their skin color. I will not use the word that comes to mind. I will let you the reader to judge for yourself.
The major news networks have worked overtime repeating the narrative that the TEA Party members are all racist and homophobic. But they seem to have come up short on proof. Without a single bit of proof they have created a drum beat that is resonating with many on the far left. Of course the lack of evidence has not stopped many of those who believe it from repeating it. It seems that proof is not important as long as it fits a certain political goal or their own narrow bigoted view on the world. It is truly bigotry to accept as the truth something that fits into your own prejudicial view of the world and believe it no matter what the facts. In an effort to create racial disharmony those in power were willing to stage events. The madness of this type of attack on the American people is shameful. But I don't see much shame on the Progressive side of our rulers. Racial discourse and distrust is something that you would think an intelligent leadership would wish to avoid not promote. But it appears that they are not as smart as they thought.
Along with the racist moniker and racial slurs being cast at those who are exercising their right to free speech and addressing the government for a redress of grievance, they are under a constant attack of being violent. But with no proof again or incident to point to to prove such a incendiary accusation there are those who still repeat the charge as if it is a absolute truth. When I've asked anyone repeating any of the claims made, I'm attacked personally. Which means to me that they are not concerned with the truth. They only wish to repeat the hate filled ridiculous claims. The idea that they would actually engage in a thoughtful conversation or listen to an opposing viewpoint seems to be alien to their beliefs.
Where did we go wrong? There was a time in this country when people were proud too say: "I may not believe in what you say, but I will fight to allow you to say it." But more and more people only want their points of view heard. They will do anything to silence any opposing views. Violence is not beyond the tactics that many of these people will use. The Left Stream Media is fast to accuse those in the TEA Party of being hate filled, gun toting racist, who will at any moment commit unspeakable acts of violence and ignore the violence that occurs every year at left wing protest.
Now it seems that we hear someone multiple times daily talk about the racist Tea Baggers. But have you noticed that it just doesn't affect people that same way. They pulled out their big gun. They thought that they could silence the American people with a racial slur and found that the weapon is not working like it once did. The more they throw around the term with no proof and as the TEA Party movement has grown larger, fewer people believe it or are affected by it. Now that the Democrats have lost their main weapon they are dumfounded. They thought that they were in total control and could silence anyone who dared to question their edicts. But they overused the racist term and it is becoming meaningless.
I feel that we should all be proud of our one race. The Human Race. It is the only one that really counts in the end. It is sad to say that I don't see the racial superiority of the Human Race, due to the bigotry of the Progressives and their hate mongering. Their hate for mankind and anyone who disagrees is a major setback for relations within this Human Race. Racism is not dead in the 21st Century, it only has a new face.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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The major news networks have worked overtime repeating the narrative that the TEA Party members are all racist and homophobic. But they seem to have come up short on proof. Without a single bit of proof they have created a drum beat that is resonating with many on the far left. Of course the lack of evidence has not stopped many of those who believe it from repeating it. It seems that proof is not important as long as it fits a certain political goal or their own narrow bigoted view on the world. It is truly bigotry to accept as the truth something that fits into your own prejudicial view of the world and believe it no matter what the facts. In an effort to create racial disharmony those in power were willing to stage events. The madness of this type of attack on the American people is shameful. But I don't see much shame on the Progressive side of our rulers. Racial discourse and distrust is something that you would think an intelligent leadership would wish to avoid not promote. But it appears that they are not as smart as they thought.
Along with the racist moniker and racial slurs being cast at those who are exercising their right to free speech and addressing the government for a redress of grievance, they are under a constant attack of being violent. But with no proof again or incident to point to to prove such a incendiary accusation there are those who still repeat the charge as if it is a absolute truth. When I've asked anyone repeating any of the claims made, I'm attacked personally. Which means to me that they are not concerned with the truth. They only wish to repeat the hate filled ridiculous claims. The idea that they would actually engage in a thoughtful conversation or listen to an opposing viewpoint seems to be alien to their beliefs.
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Now it seems that we hear someone multiple times daily talk about the racist Tea Baggers. But have you noticed that it just doesn't affect people that same way. They pulled out their big gun. They thought that they could silence the American people with a racial slur and found that the weapon is not working like it once did. The more they throw around the term with no proof and as the TEA Party movement has grown larger, fewer people believe it or are affected by it. Now that the Democrats have lost their main weapon they are dumfounded. They thought that they were in total control and could silence anyone who dared to question their edicts. But they overused the racist term and it is becoming meaningless.
I feel that we should all be proud of our one race. The Human Race. It is the only one that really counts in the end. It is sad to say that I don't see the racial superiority of the Human Race, due to the bigotry of the Progressives and their hate mongering. Their hate for mankind and anyone who disagrees is a major setback for relations within this Human Race. Racism is not dead in the 21st Century, it only has a new face.
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©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
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Posted by
Pedro Sykes
9:34 PM
LeftStream Media,
President Obama,
TEA Party

Monday, April 19, 2010
The Ball and Chain
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A valuable lesson that I learned as I've grown older was that you don't own your possessions, they own you. Everything that you own is one more thing that ties you down. To some this would appear to be a negative statement, but to me it is both. There are things that I own that improve my life, there are things that I enjoy, and there are things that I possess but never really use. Today most people wait to be entertained. They have many possessions that are dedicated to that purpose alone. Those possessions own them. Our children spend hour upon hour watching television, playing video games, or interacting with devices. Those possessions own them and a weight around their necks. This things are like a ball and chain around the necks of everyone who falls in to the materialism that our society has embraced. Take a look at your life and decide if you wish to live as a slave to your property or can you free yourself from the chains of life.
©2010 Some Rights Reserved - Pedro Sykes

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Scientific Research vs. Lies Part III
Part 3 of the series. Follow links to part 1and part 2.
Now the debate on Cap and Trade begins again. After months of efforts to rehabilitate the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) the media and politicians are determined to revitalize this now discredited religion of man made global climate change. Let's face it, that horse has left the gate and too many people now view this not as science, but as a hoax. The cause of alternate fuels has also been damaged. This is the greatest sin of the whole affair. Although there are those who still hang on to the idea that man is totally responsible for the climate, we must realize that many of the major sponsors of this movement seem to have ulterior motives. Those motives were profit.
How would the cap and trade system as proposed by people like the President and Al Gore put more money into the hands of those who can produce alternate energy sources? The idea of trading carbon credits will mainly pump money into the hands of energy traders without encouraging research or development of real solutions. Making Al Gore a Billionaire and giving more power to Washington is not the answer to the nation's or, for that matter, the world's long term energy issues. Blaming human carbon emissions for all of the ills of the world is not producing positive results. Blaming all energy producers for the sins of a few, does not help the situation. It only sets back the cause for all of us.
Please Support us by visiting our sponsorsBlind trust in people who have shown no fear of lying is a dangerous way to live. If you think that you can trust those that get their way by lying is good; then how can you tell where the lies end and the truth begins? As far as I'm concerned the idea that anything can come from the reports released by the CRU and IPCC is usable or trustworthy is in great question. With the tactics used and the sloppy work that has been shown it is easy to not only disregard the results, but to disbelieve anything that comes from anyone who claims that carbon released by mankind has anything to do with the climate. The natural system is too complex and the lies have been shown to be just that, lies.
We must separate the lies from the speculation and true scientific analysis. We must look for answers, not place blame. It is time to listen and not try to talk down to anyone who disagrees with your beliefs. Arrogance only breeds distrust. For too long there are those who point fingers and tilt at windmills, but have no real answers. If you want support, then you can not just make charges that can be easily disproved. No matter how hard a person works to hide facts, the facts will come to light.
But the biggest danger still lies in the damage done by this whole episode. How can we repair the damage done to the scientific community by a group of zealots? We must not deny that we have made progress to clean the environment. We can not allow those who want to only make short term profits and political gains control the process. We must find alternative energy sources for the future. We must find ways use to the sources we have today that is cleaner and more economical. For the sake of those who come after us, we must be willing to face cold hard facts and look for real solutions. The future begins now. How will we leave this Earth to our descendant?
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Now the debate on Cap and Trade begins again. After months of efforts to rehabilitate the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) the media and politicians are determined to revitalize this now discredited religion of man made global climate change. Let's face it, that horse has left the gate and too many people now view this not as science, but as a hoax. The cause of alternate fuels has also been damaged. This is the greatest sin of the whole affair. Although there are those who still hang on to the idea that man is totally responsible for the climate, we must realize that many of the major sponsors of this movement seem to have ulterior motives. Those motives were profit.
How would the cap and trade system as proposed by people like the President and Al Gore put more money into the hands of those who can produce alternate energy sources? The idea of trading carbon credits will mainly pump money into the hands of energy traders without encouraging research or development of real solutions. Making Al Gore a Billionaire and giving more power to Washington is not the answer to the nation's or, for that matter, the world's long term energy issues. Blaming human carbon emissions for all of the ills of the world is not producing positive results. Blaming all energy producers for the sins of a few, does not help the situation. It only sets back the cause for all of us.
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We must separate the lies from the speculation and true scientific analysis. We must look for answers, not place blame. It is time to listen and not try to talk down to anyone who disagrees with your beliefs. Arrogance only breeds distrust. For too long there are those who point fingers and tilt at windmills, but have no real answers. If you want support, then you can not just make charges that can be easily disproved. No matter how hard a person works to hide facts, the facts will come to light.
But the biggest danger still lies in the damage done by this whole episode. How can we repair the damage done to the scientific community by a group of zealots? We must not deny that we have made progress to clean the environment. We can not allow those who want to only make short term profits and political gains control the process. We must find alternative energy sources for the future. We must find ways use to the sources we have today that is cleaner and more economical. For the sake of those who come after us, we must be willing to face cold hard facts and look for real solutions. The future begins now. How will we leave this Earth to our descendant?
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Posted by
Pedro Sykes
11:37 AM
Cap and Trade,
Climate Gate,
President Obama

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Are You a Left Wing Radical?
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As I sit and think about national tax day and the current political situation a thought hit me. I'm a left wing radical. Now let me say that I still consider myself to be a Reagan Conservative. I'm still Pro-Life. I still believe in the Bill of Rights. I believe in federalism and the founding documents. I also believe in responsible tax rates. So you may ask: Why do you say that you are a left-wing radical?
Well first you must understand the difference between the idealogical spectrum and the political spectrum. The ideas of the left and right wing political spectrum comes from France. When the opposition to the revolution or the loyalist to the state sat on the right side of the Assembly. Those who opposed the government sat on the left. A person on entering the Assembly could judge the support that the government (the King) by looking at what side of the room had a majority. So this is a constantly moving concept.
On the idealogical spectrum you must look at either end as running from the far right (Anarchist or no government) concept to the the left (total government) belief. Either extreme is not healthy for the populous as a whole and individual freedom. Under total government no one in the general population has any rights. Under Anarchy there is no law. So in one you live in total fear of the rulers and the other you are afraid of everyone.
So now I find myself in opposition to the massive power grab of the current government and ask, no demand the restoration of the US Constitution. I believe in personal responsibility, freedom, and liberty. I oppose the government takeover of the Healthcare System. So yes. Politically I am a Left Wing Radical on the political spectrum. Have you joined me? If not then will you?
On a day of national protest against the government, it would appear that there are a lot of people who oppose government policies. But these people are demanding a return to the ideas of the founding fathers. This movement has grown over the last year and doesn't seem to be losing any steam. It is being attacked at every turn by the ruling party. They are showing that they have a voice and are not afraid to speak out against government polices. They are called names that are unfounded, but one name that I want then to take with pride: Left Wing Radicals.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
My View: The TEA Party
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With the continuing efforts from the Left Stream Media, the Socialist, Anarchist, and many of our "leader" working hard to ignore and/or discredit the TEA Party movement, I thought it was time to directly address my thoughts.
As a freedom loving American I try to avoid following any one person. I like many are unsure and can be distrustful of movements. But I see something different in this loosely aligned group that is very compelling. Unlike the smears spread by those who fear this group the most, I see a strong grassroots effort to return the government to its foundation.
The opposition is made up of various groups. The far right wing Anarchist believes we would all be better off with no government and they are willing to bring down the current government by any means. Another foe is the far left liberals who want total government. Other foes are those who are uninformed and distrustful, they are happy with the status quo. Others are those who disbelieve that there is a problem and distrust any group that protest.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Crash The Tea Party - Part 1
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Now comes the time to see where the real majority is in this country. If the Progressives, Socialist, and Marxist outnumber us then we have no hope in regaining our republic. They will enslave us by taken our remaining freedoms. If we outnumber them then they will continue to know the same freedoms that we enjoy. That includes the freedom to succeed or fail. We only have to look at the actions of the CTTP individuals, to see the truth. The goals of the Conservative movement is not to steal but to preserve. We can not allow the left to continue to loot this country. We understand that we can not buy prosperity we must earn it. It is easy to spend other people's money, until they run out. Then everyone will suffer.
Someone at a site called is promising to crash the April 15th TEA Party Rally in Washington. They claim that they have infiltrated the movement and their desire is to sabotage it. Well if all it takes is some sour apples to discredit this movement, then it is not as strong as I believe. But I do believe in it and don't think that a couple of left-wing loons can do any real damage by simply putting up a bunch of misspelled signs and blaming the TEA Party. This is just another sign of desperation on the left. They are afraid of the ire of the American Middle Class. But is there fear justified? I hope so. But the TEA Party movement must prove that it has the will to overcome the lies and hate from the Progressives.
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Death of the Republic
On March 21st, 2010 a death blow was landed on our republic. With much government fanfare and 22 strokes on March 23rd the death warrant was signed, sealed, and executed. Our republic is dead. It was built on the idea of a government built on laws not men. But with the defiant march of the Democrats around the capital grounds a message was sent. They showed their power to violate the Constitution and the will of the people. They showed that they know better then those they rule. This notion belongs in another country, but we saw not only defiance but a willingness to stage an incident to discredit any opposition to their will. Their hope was to deliver total victory over anyone who dared to challenge their dictatorial powers. They won the battle and took the day. But they did not totally discredit the opposition. But they and their allies may have convinced enough people that what they were doing was "for the good of everyone." Even if we didn't want it.
The death of our republic did not start on that day. It has been building for years and started to grow even closer once our new ruler in the Oval office took power. He has spent most of his time dividing us. He started with the entire banking industry and then demonized the "fat cats" on Wall Street and how they were robbing us. His next target was the doctors which he spent time telling how doctors were willing to cut off legs just to make a little more money or other lies. When that did not get him what he wanted he then pick out the entire healthcare insurance industry for his next attack. It worked better and finally got him what he wanted. Many people don't or refuse to see what has happened. People think that because they were told that this law would make things better, that they will somehow have a better life. That is yet to be seen. If laws alone could solve all our problems: Then why are there still illegal drugs for sell on the streets. How long do you think it will be before our newly embolden leaders decide to act upon their new powers? Who will be the next enemy of the state chosen by our leader to be the victim of his next agenda item? How many more of our freedoms will be stolen in the middle of the night? You must remember that this is the administration that asked Americans to report other Americans for opposing "Healthcare Reform." That type of intimidation occurs in totalitarian states. So I guess we know where we are headed.
The thing that they don't see is how the division caused through the constant divisive talk has destroyed the trust in one another. Republics are built on trust. We must trust our leaders to follow the framework of the government. We must trust them to respect our views. We must trust that they will not abuse the citizens to obtain more power. Our government was designed around limited powers, but over the last fifty years the government has usurped power from the local governments. In doing so they have intruded into more and more of everyone lives. As the government grabs more power we all become nothing more then pawns in their grand design. As they move to destroy the private healthcare insurance industry they will then have the power of life and death over everyone. It is one thing to have the choice of buying healthcare insurance, but something completely different to have a government make all of your choices for you. Remember that to a bureaucrat you are only a number.
I've sat back and watched as our rulers have attacked our way of life. They've played to our deepest darkest emotions to expand the role of government. They freely admit their goals and attack anyone who dares to challenge their motives. Slowly but surely we are losing the remaining freedoms that our Constitution calls out so plainly. The truth only seems to matter as long as it agrees with their end goals. Lies work just fine if the truth does not fit their final objective. The end goal seems to be the destruction of our country. The republic is already gone. It died with the passage of ObamaCare. Our leaders do not deserve the trust of freedom loving Americans as long as they ignore not only the words but the spirit of the Constitution. The ideas of the ends justify the means is being demonstrated everyday: But will the ends be all that they hoped? Do they really think that they can build a utopia? Or is their final goal to end freedom and take total control so that they can build try once again to build a utopia on earth?
So can we regain it? I fear not. The powers that be will do everything in their power to quiet those who disagree. It also requires that enough people are willing to realize what was lost and are willing to step up and be heard. But I fear that we will see more voter intimidation from the Progressives. We may also see more curtailing of free speech. A once unthinkable government crackdown may also be around the corner. Any party that would stage events and then lie to try and discredit American citizens exercising their First Amendment Right when their plan did not succeed can not be trusted. I can not speak for every American and many will not agree with me, but what I saw that day sickened me. It was a blatant show of force and arrogance that only demonstrated the total lack of integrity of our new totalitarian leadership and what we can expect from them in the future.
So we no longer live in a republic. We have taken the first steps into a much darker world. As we pass the 50% mark of people who only take from the government all of our freedoms will slip away. With our leaders total disregard for the founding principals and policies of wealth redistribution including the abuse of private property rights it is easy to imagine a time in the near future when we will finally slip into a totalitarian state. This can happen even more easily as more and more people become totally dependent on the government. We are not there but we are so much closer then we were before.
So our nation is divided. Our republic is dead. The rulers cheered as they signed away our liberties. We as a people must decide what is the next step. We must be willing to face the fact that we allowed this to happen. We must be willing to sacrifice for the future. We must show those that depend on the government that they can do better. We must try and stop the voter fraud that is bound to occur in the next election. WE must accept that any government that would grab power like has occurred will do anything to keep it. We must not be fooled by empty promises from slick politicians and government officials. We can only hope that there are enough of us that loved our old republic to bring it back to life.
My biggest fear is not so much the politicians but the real power behind the scenes. The unelected government who's livelihood depend on a powerful government. The same people who wrote the healthcare law and then exempted themselves from it are the same people who will fight the hardest from the inside to stop us. We must understand that the people who have permanent jobs are the real power and they could turn into the real tyrants that we fear. Their power is so great that they are the ones who could hold the final fate of our country. May they be willing to return the power to the people. But many have lost trust in the whole system. May we find leaders who will trust us so that we can trust them. May we learn to trust one another and not expect more than what we can obtain on our own. May we stop demanding that someone else decide for us and pay for our needs and wants. May we all be free again and our republic once again live. God bless the freedom loving Americans. May we once again become the United States of America.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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The thing that they don't see is how the division caused through the constant divisive talk has destroyed the trust in one another. Republics are built on trust. We must trust our leaders to follow the framework of the government. We must trust them to respect our views. We must trust that they will not abuse the citizens to obtain more power. Our government was designed around limited powers, but over the last fifty years the government has usurped power from the local governments. In doing so they have intruded into more and more of everyone lives. As the government grabs more power we all become nothing more then pawns in their grand design. As they move to destroy the private healthcare insurance industry they will then have the power of life and death over everyone. It is one thing to have the choice of buying healthcare insurance, but something completely different to have a government make all of your choices for you. Remember that to a bureaucrat you are only a number.
I've sat back and watched as our rulers have attacked our way of life. They've played to our deepest darkest emotions to expand the role of government. They freely admit their goals and attack anyone who dares to challenge their motives. Slowly but surely we are losing the remaining freedoms that our Constitution calls out so plainly. The truth only seems to matter as long as it agrees with their end goals. Lies work just fine if the truth does not fit their final objective. The end goal seems to be the destruction of our country. The republic is already gone. It died with the passage of ObamaCare. Our leaders do not deserve the trust of freedom loving Americans as long as they ignore not only the words but the spirit of the Constitution. The ideas of the ends justify the means is being demonstrated everyday: But will the ends be all that they hoped? Do they really think that they can build a utopia? Or is their final goal to end freedom and take total control so that they can build try once again to build a utopia on earth?
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So we no longer live in a republic. We have taken the first steps into a much darker world. As we pass the 50% mark of people who only take from the government all of our freedoms will slip away. With our leaders total disregard for the founding principals and policies of wealth redistribution including the abuse of private property rights it is easy to imagine a time in the near future when we will finally slip into a totalitarian state. This can happen even more easily as more and more people become totally dependent on the government. We are not there but we are so much closer then we were before.
So our nation is divided. Our republic is dead. The rulers cheered as they signed away our liberties. We as a people must decide what is the next step. We must be willing to face the fact that we allowed this to happen. We must be willing to sacrifice for the future. We must show those that depend on the government that they can do better. We must try and stop the voter fraud that is bound to occur in the next election. WE must accept that any government that would grab power like has occurred will do anything to keep it. We must not be fooled by empty promises from slick politicians and government officials. We can only hope that there are enough of us that loved our old republic to bring it back to life.
My biggest fear is not so much the politicians but the real power behind the scenes. The unelected government who's livelihood depend on a powerful government. The same people who wrote the healthcare law and then exempted themselves from it are the same people who will fight the hardest from the inside to stop us. We must understand that the people who have permanent jobs are the real power and they could turn into the real tyrants that we fear. Their power is so great that they are the ones who could hold the final fate of our country. May they be willing to return the power to the people. But many have lost trust in the whole system. May we find leaders who will trust us so that we can trust them. May we learn to trust one another and not expect more than what we can obtain on our own. May we stop demanding that someone else decide for us and pay for our needs and wants. May we all be free again and our republic once again live. God bless the freedom loving Americans. May we once again become the United States of America.
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©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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Sunday, April 4, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
MUST READ: Overlooked Healthcare Provision!
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Within last week's 2700 page Healthcare Reform law were some overlooked and little understood provisions. With the media focusing on health care and deadline for the Census few have looked into the expanded role that it will take in this year's political season. With the report today that less than 50% of Americans have returned the Census forms more people should be aware of the changes just signed into law. Starting next week an army of government Census takers will be hitting the streets. Much fuss was raised when people learned that many of them were members of ACORN, but this new law makes that even more disturbing.
Starting next week armed Census takers will start gathering up and arresting anyone who willfully failed to complete the Census and mail it before tonights (4/1/10) deadline. It is uncertain who or how many in each home will be arrested and fined for failure to follow Federal law. When asked about the provision in the Healthcare Reform Law, Speaker Pelosi said: "That it is only fair." There has been some talk of anyone who will sign a loyalty oath to the President and the Democrat party will be released without charges, but those reports could not be verified.
Sen. Graham of SC has released a statement asking when and where he can take the loyalty oath. Sen. McCain could not be reached for comment.
©2010 Pedro Sykes - Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed
under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License
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- Comprehensive Immigration Reform
- Doing the Wrong Thing For The Right Reason
- Is the American Two Party System Broken? Part 2
- POWERFUL MESSAGE! Allen West speaks about Islam
- Fmr ACORN head calls Tea Parties "bowel movement" ...
- Racism in the 21st Century Part 2
- Racism in the 21st Century
- The Ball and Chain
- Scientific Research vs. Lies Part III
- Are You a Left Wing Radical?
- My View: The TEA Party
- Crash The Tea Party - Part 1
- The Death of the Republic
- From the Darkness into the Right: Are We Ready for...
- MUST READ: Overlooked Healthcare Provision!